Oxford Feline Friends, Inc.

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Oxford Feline Friends, Inc. Oxford Feline Friends, Inc. However, we can't do that without your help. We operate solely on donations, so monetary or other donations are always welcome.

(OFF) is a 501(c)(3) Non Profit Corporation formed to provide resources to individuals and groups that are working to humanely manage community cat populations namely through Trap, Neuter, and Return (TNR) programs. Whether we are trapping community cats to spay/neuter and vaccinate, providing cat food or vet supplies to caretakers, helping out hoarding situations, providing medical care to sick

or injured stray cats, rehoming/relocating cats, OFF never wants to turn down a cat in need. All help and administrative costs are volunteered, so 100% of your donation goes to helping cats. PayPal donation link: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/oxfordfelinefriends and we now accept Facebook donations. Just find a post with a donate button.

People are awful.   Blow darts poor kitty.   This post is from the Phillipsburg and Plainville vet. if you have farm cat...

People are awful. Blow darts poor kitty.

This post is from the Phillipsburg and Plainville vet. if you have farm cats that need fixed their farm cat frenzy is an affordable way to do it. They do it one day, twice a year, you must call to register. Please use this opportunity.

Did you know that you can now sell items on Ebay and donate part or all of your proceeds to Oxford Feline Friends.  The ...

Did you know that you can now sell items on Ebay and donate part or all of your proceeds to Oxford Feline Friends. The proceeds go directly to us, and the fees to list are greatly reduced. Check out the items currently listed that will benefit us! And if you see Marlene Launchbach give her a Thank you for helping us. She does a great job selling some items for us.

Through eBay for Charity you can support the causes that matter most - to you - by buying and selling on eBay. We help nonprofits like Oxford Feline Friends, Inc. connect to over 145 million eBay community members to raise money.

Is this a known scam?  The link goes outside of Meta.  However I keep seeing copyright infringement notices to no longer...

Is this a known scam? The link goes outside of Meta. However I keep seeing copyright infringement notices to no longer use Brand names in posts. So difficult to know what is real and isn’t anymore.

We have mentioned this before but it is just something we need to be aware of. Bird flu is very deadly to cats. If they ...

We have mentioned this before but it is just something we need to be aware of. Bird flu is very deadly to cats. If they contract it it is deadly in roughly 2/3 of cats. Often in 24 hours of showing sickness. While it is most prevalent in migratory birds, I assume most birds can get it as other animals such as cattle, wildlife like raccoons and who knows what else are getting it. Can’t do much about the feral cats that have to be outside but it might be wise to keep indoor/outdoor cats inside if we start having outbreaks in the immediate area. Now is not the time to be buying the expensive raw meat catfood either. That said have a Happy New Year and give your cats a hug!

Bird flu has been spreading for years in wild birds, chickens, turkeys and many other animals but the death of an Oregon house cat is raising questions about the ongoing outbreak and how people can protect their pets.

It’s National Feral Cat Day!  See my feral cat story in comments.

It’s National Feral Cat Day! See my feral cat story in comments.

Update: This lucky Kitty found an inside forever home yesterday!  It’s days of looking inside of homes wanting in is ove...

Update: This lucky Kitty found an inside forever home yesterday! It’s days of looking inside of homes wanting in is over! Great timing it’s cold and chilly out there. Hope its new home works out well for both.

This tabby is looking for a forever home. It is believed its owners moved and left the cat. We think he was an indoor cat at the beginning. But now he is now living the life of a stray cat. As you can see, he is just begging for a home. Oxford Feline Friends had him neutered, vaccinated, and treated with parasite medicine two weeks ago. This neighborhood has already taken some cats in and can't handle another one. As you can tell he really wants inside and to have a home. He is estimated to be just over one year old. He is a sweet boy that likes attention. He is located in Oxford, but we can arrange transportation to other towns. Send us a message if interested, let's get him into a home before it gets too cold. He will come with a month or two flea/worm topical treatments

Update on the pellet injured cat.  It did get picked up from the vet and is at fosters to recover.  The pellet fragmente...

Update on the pellet injured cat. It did get picked up from the vet and is at fosters to recover. The pellet fragmented when it hit the skull, a fragment traveled through the sinus', palette, tongue and into the bottom jaw. It probably has a traumatic brain injury and is very disoriented but can walk. It is just dazed and just lies in a corner, not showing any interest in anything but hiding. The other part of the pellet traveled along the skull and was removed near the center of the eyes.

Below is the Xray of the pellet fragments. The line is where the fragments traveled. As you can imagine there is lots of damage. Blood is still draining out of the cats' eyes and nose. There is some worry about hematomas developing that need treatment and it will go back to the vet for x-rays as it heals or don't heal.

So it appears the gun was put against the cat's head. It is some sick individual that needs turned into the police. Today it is a cat, who knows what or who it will be next. Nearly all violent crime perpetrators have a history of animal cruelty. Not only was it very cruel, it's a warning sign.

This wasn't a cat that would cause trouble, very tame and friendly, neutered, and really didn't roam off the block where it lived and found food.

It is eating some but not enough so it will need very high calorie wet food. It is on antibiotics but no special meds at this time. Time will tell if it has permanent brain injury or not.

Donations are very welcome towards its vet care.


We have a report of a gray & white stray cat with 6 babies up by the old hospital. The babies didn't have eyes open yet. Update: I guess they are less than 1 week old.
We are trying to get cats out of the old nursing home and hospital area in preparation of it getting demolished. Asbestos removal is supposed to start very soon, perhaps as soon as Monday. If you see this cat and kittens, please don't disturb but let us know where she moved the babies. We would hate to have them caught in the demolition.

We have been made aware that our donate button maybe missing.  They also have taken away the ability to add a donate but...

We have been made aware that our donate button maybe missing. They also have taken away the ability to add a donate button on any post. It used to be simpler. Anyway there are many ways to donate: Click the button attached to this post and it goes through facebook but often takes 6 weeks to receive the money.

You can donate directly to our Paypal account which is quick and the money is available to transfer for free in a couple of days. You can use this link below. Other ways explained in the comment section.

Thanks, we can't do it without you.

Help support Oxford Feline Friends, Inc. by donating or sharing with your friends.


It's sad we even have to post this! We have a cat at the vet with a close-range pellet injury to the head, It has extensive injuries that required surgery, and it will have a long recovery and some eating issues as the pellet traveled into the palate area from the skull. This was south of downtown, and we assume the person or kid that did this lives in this area. The cat seldom if ever leaves the block. The vet bill will likely be in the $600-1,000 range. So, people please watch your kids, or your crazy neighbor that is shooting at cats. I would say this resulted in a serious injury and the cat would've died without surgery, so that is a felony. Do you get that? It's a felony and a large fine and can result in some substantial jail time. Spread this around and educate your kids and neighbors. We have had it with the animal cruelty that goes on in this town.

Also, this really is not even our cat, it belongs to neglectful owners who keep bringing cats into town, then turning them outside without regard to proper healthcare or care for that matter. This can also be viewed as animal neglect, we shouldn't be the one that had to get the cat to the vet in the first place. We also shouldn't be the one paying to fix your cats. The male cats they turn out go around and spray in the area. I would suggest that they stop bringing cats into town or face possible neglect charges. If you want to know who the neglectful owners are send us a message, I will tell you! Enough is enough. As for who the shooter is that's for the police to handle.

In Nebraska, abandonment or cruel neglect is a Class I Misdemeanor with a fine up to $1000 and/or imprisonment up to one year. If the abandonment or cruel neglect results in serious injury or death of the animal, it is a Class IV felony with a fine up to $10,000 and/or imprisonment up to five years. Cruelty to animals is a Class I Misdemeanor with a fine up to $1000 and/or imprisonment up to one year. A second or subsequent offense is a Class IV Felony. If the cruel mistreatment involves “the knowing and intentional torture, repeated beating, or mutilation of the animal” it is a Class IV Felony. Engagement in any capacity that supports or promotes animal fighting is a Class IV Felony.

Pursuant to R.R.S. Neb. § 28-1008:

Abandon means “to leave any animal in one’s care, whether as owner or custodian, for any length of time without making effective provision for its food, water, or other care as is reasonably necessary for the animal’s health”;

Cruelly mistreat means “knowingly and intentionally kill, maim, disfigure, torture, beat, mutilate, burn, scald, or otherwise inflict harm upon any animal”;

Cruelly neglect means “to fail to provide any animal in one’s care, whether as owner or custodian, with food, water, or other care as is reasonably necessary for the animal’s health”;

Torture means “intentionally subjecting an animal to extreme pain, suffering, or agony”.

I will add a picture of the cat when it gets out of the vets care.

This cat was nuetered and vaccinated today. We treated it with a topical flea and wormer this week.  It won’t make a goo...

This cat was nuetered and vaccinated today. We treated it with a topical flea and wormer this week. It won’t make a good outdoor cat for the winter. It is needing some TLC. Very tame and we assume it once had an indoor home. So it is looking for a forever home. Message us if interested.

It appears that this cat will not find an owner. It is believed that someone moved and abandoned it. So it is looking for a foster home while we get it neutered and vetted. Contact us if interested. Reportedly it is very friendly and rubs against your legs, people in the neighborhood have been feeding it for awhile now, it deserves a home.

Is anyone missing this cat, friendly and hanging out in East Oxford.

This cat will be needing a home if not claimed! We will vet it.

I am currently fostering 3 kittens via Kearney Rescue  Cats.  1 has been spoken for… I’d like to share them below.  Adop...

I am currently fostering 3 kittens via Kearney Rescue Cats. 1 has been spoken for… I’d like to share them below. Adoption applications can be found on KRC’s site.

Finn- Orange- he is a sweet, active boy who loves to wrestle his sisters, play with my 3 small dogs and he really enjoys his naps to happen on my lap OR curled up with our dogs OR inside my puppy’s little kennel. He has a loud happy purr and likes to talk to you. For a long while he’d follow me around the house and “help” me load the dishwasher, curl my hair, make the bed and do laundry. Where I went… he wanted to be also. He enjoys toys, ponytail holders to carry around, and playing in the wet shower after a bath. He’s a hoot!! He literally is a sweet boy… and gorgeous. That beautiful red stripe of an orange cat!

Phyllis- Tiger with orange spot on forehead
oh my!!! She has the cutest orange “dot” on the top of her forehead!! She is very athletic!! She’s a leaper, sprinter, adventurer… she has no fear factor! She loves to sit in the windows and watch what goes on outside. She wrestles her siblings, loves to jump on them and she wrestles my 7lb 1yr old puppy. It’s so funny. The puppy is really good with her… Phyllis loves high places to just sit and observe-window sills, the back of the recliners, top of the cat tree and even the top shelf in our closet. She’s so animated!! But.. when she’s ready to nap… she too is either on my lap or curled up with her siblings and the dogs. It’s one big cuddle puddle!! She has a sweet purr and loves her face and ears rubbed! Before her day she LOVED long tummy strokes getting pet. I’d imagine once her incision fully heals she will enjoy them again! She’d stretch out long as she could to get tummy rubs.

Phoebe- black calico
she’s a beautiful unique black calico. She enjoys carrying things around the house. lol. The lid to the milk jug, a sock, and the small soft dog toys. It’s so funny. She takes them wherever and then plays with them… maybe so she can have the stuff to herself. Haa haa! She runs and wrestles too but is often NOT the instigator like the other 2 and the first to stop the wrestle fest! She loves to sleep in our puppy’s kennel as well. The puppy has one of those “pocket beds” and the kittens crawl inside the pocket to sleep. Phoebe loves to sit at my feet if I’m sitting down and then play with toys there.

All 3 LOVE their toy- long stick with a string hanging down with bright feathers on it, laser light and tennis balls I’ve rubbed a touch of cat nip

These 3 are raised with 3 smaller dogs and other cats.. both house cats and they’ve played and interacted with our spoiled farm cats. All 3 are respectful of the other cats when the adult cat corrects their behavior which is essential! They know to be submissive and then walk away… which will help in any transition to a new home with other animals!! I handle the kids everyday.. often not getting my tasks done because they are just so much fun!! Every evening as we watch tv I put a lap blanket on and wind up with 3 kittens and 3 dogs and maybe a house cat as well. I firmly believe they will be happy in any home. I would definitely say… Phyllis needs playmates… another cat or dog she can wrestle and play with as she has a lot of energy. Finn will do great with other animals.. he isn’t quite the firecracker Phyllis is and as long as his humans interact with him daily to play.. he’ll be great. Phoebe could do well as a single cat or with another playmate.

Thanks for sharing everyone.  The kitten went to a home today.   So glad when everything works out and people take care ...

Thanks for sharing everyone. The kitten went to a home today. So glad when everything works out and people take care of the cats in their own neighborhood.

There‘a obviously kittens out there, please reach out to us if you know where the momma to these kittens is! She needs spayed now and we will help!

This kitten needs a home asap. Found in the rain, and no owners have been found. Likely a street or feral offspring kitten. If you would like to foster or adopt it please contact us. We do not take intakes! The finder can’t take into their house due to allergies. Located in Oxford, NE

Has anyone seen this cat in Oxford. Has been missing 3 or 4 days and is greatly missed.  One of our TNR cats who found h...

Has anyone seen this cat in Oxford. Has been missing 3 or 4 days and is greatly missed. One of our TNR cats who found his own home by sitting in front of it for months. Has tipped ear. Let us know because we are sad too, not many find loving homes.


If you are trying to communicate with us through Facebook messenger you are going to have to use Facebook chat. I have no clue exactly what that means but I can’t see your messages. A notification come up and I can see the jest of the message but it brings me to a page that says I must use chat not messages. So anyway I’m not ignoring you, there are technically issues that I can’t cure right away. I’m assuming it could work on my desktop but Century Link internet is again out of service today. If anybody would like to explain this transition to chat please fill me in! They are always changing these non profit pages and evidently we get special confusing service. 😂



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