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Dear Dari,

Many thanks for sharing these precious video clips….The pups look wonderful! I’ve watched all of the clips numerous times, great moving pups and very uniform litters, congratulations! I look forward to seeing more youtube video’s in the future as these pups begin their working dog careers.

My travel has been over the top leaving me with little time to train with R***r. That being said, he is doing well and is truly an amazing dog! When I have some time I’ll take some pictures and shoot them to you, he is a handsome boy!

All the best,



Hello Dari,

What do you charge for pups? I will be looking for a female to compete in Schutzhund with potential to be bred. I will not be ready for the pup until probably this fall. Several people I train with have dogs bred out of your dogs and I love their drives and balance. Thank you for your time,



Dari & John

I had such a wonder weekend with Varen. He is such a strong Tough dog. Everyone just loves him. I wanted to share it with you. Can't ever thank you enough for him.

Please just rest and take care if your self. Varen also sends love.



Hi Dari,

We have named him "Falco".
Yes I am really enjoying him. he is awesome. Fearless, really nice ball and toy drive already. natural retriever and loves to be around people.




I would just like to thank you guys again for the awesome dogs. I hand thee strange children here today and the dogs spent all day playing hide and go seek with them So well balanced just wanted to share. bonnie


Hi Dari,

It is such an incredible opportunity to reserve from this upcoming litter. I have to say, when researching for the best kennels around, you probably have the very best dogs I have seen!!
I am interested, and will e-mail you later. Just on my vacation days and going kayaking and hiking!

Thanks, Julie



I absolutely LOVE this little rascal (but you already knew that). :-)




We haven't been apart since she got here. lol.
She is fun, happy and healthy.
She has a beautiful coat, intelligent eyes and loving temperament.
She is a quick study and willing worker (especially for food).
She is special. We couldn't be happier!



Dearest Dari:

Thank you so very much calling; just talking with you lifted a my spirit. You are truly a gift from God.

Please know that you and yours are always in my prayers. I am so sorry for your recent loss: words cannot express my sorrow.

Last night Michael and I watched all of your videos — WOW!! I am so excited about the October whelping I can hardly stand it!

God Bless and keep you always,



Dear Dari,
I just wanted to share this picture with you. I have renamed Bella to Zala. This is a picture of her riding the mower with me this morning. She was chasing me around the yard so I decided to let her ride she laid between my feet and when my buddy came over this is what she did when she saw him. She became alert until I told her it was okay and she laid back down at my feet. She is doing wonderful and has bonded with me extremely well!!! I am very well pleased with her.


Dear Dari, I forgot to mention to you that the last photo's you attempted to send me came up blank. I hope that there is nothing wrong on my end. I am 48 years of age and all of this new technology can be difficult to absorb and digest at times. When I was young none of this technology existed. Anyway, I look forward to saving Bruisers litter mate photos in my scrap book.

I know that you must be exhausted, God bless you, taking care of all of those puppies must be a monumental task. Also, dealing with many clients and trying to remember everything must be a lot to handle. I tip my hat to you. Lastly, you have your family and your dogs to tend to. Bruiser is doing very well. He is amazing. He already knows how to heel, sit, down, sit stay, and down stay. He also plays fetch and he will bring back the object to me and let it go to me. He will come to me when I call him and he sits automatically.He is easy to train, he wants to please me so much. He is so confident. When the big dogs bark he does not flinch and he is not phased by it. He is wonderful.

Truly Yours, Anthony



Nikita is such a fun dog justice is such a good well behaved boy Nikita rules! bonnie


Hi Dari,

I hope all is well with you and your family. Have you settled into your new home yet? I'm sure it has been quite a challenge not only moving your family but also your dogs. I hope you're doing good. I've thought about you many times in the past few months.

Rainbows doing very good and is one happy little girl. We've had a lot of snow here for Missouri and all of the dogs love it. She is turning into a beautiful young pup. She has her "big girl" coat and it's come in very dark and soft. I'm very pleased with her big b***d frame. Her hind quarters are so nice and wide, along with her front end. She has a frame on her like a male dog. I couldn't be happier. Everyone here absolutely loves her. She's also super smart, and so eager to please. All my other girls have taken her in under their wing so to speak. I will try to get you some pictures so you and your family can see how well she's doing. Tell your children that we love her very much and that we are taking good care of her. My boys (20 years old boys) had her out in the snow tonight playing with her. She will play fetch as long as someone will throw the ball.

I just told Zane that I was sending you an email and asked him if there was anything he wanted to add about Rainbow. His answer was to tell you that she's the best dog ever! And that she's very robust. He likes to use that word to discribe her. I have to watch C**t as he has tried to put her in his truck to take her to his house.

I haven't received the registration papers on her yet. I've been so busy and I know you have too, that I just thought of it a few days ago. When I did think of it I could only picture them in a box somewhere yet to be unpacked. There's no hurry on them, just when you get a chance.

I'll be looking for another fantastic female sometime in the fall. You will be the first one I contact when I'm ready for her. I'll want one just like her!

Thank you,



Dari, I'm blown away!!!!!!!

He is now sitting and chopping his teeth at the same time..I am so happy with him money well spent,,,,, bob

Sent from Bob

Dari and John,We're all totally smitten!JeffDear Dari,I'm glad you have enjoyed the recent photos. Blitz has grown a ful...

Dari and John,

We're all totally smitten!


Dear Dari,

I'm glad you have enjoyed the recent photos. Blitz has grown a full 2 weeks since these photos were taken. Blitz is turning out to be the best dog, exceeding all expectations. In addition to her striking looks, Blitz is totally devoted, very loving and affectionate but at the same time intelligent, strong, with excellent prey, food and toy drives. She gets along very well with "Mo", the Boston terrier - in fact, she socializes extremely well with all dogs and people, including small children. I truly couldn't ask for a better dog and I sincerely mean that.

I also see that Blitz is very happy in her farm environment. She is excited to run around the property and join me when I feed the horses, the donkey and, "Abby" the barn cat, not to mention other chores that she is interested in. Blitz is getting good exercise and enjoys many new, fun experiences that she thrives on.

As planned, we sent Blitz to Talerie for the past two weeks, just getting her back on Friday. Talerie is a preferred dog trainer who Mike Diehl gives all his puppies to for their early training. She uses only motivational training techniques, keeps Blitz right by her bedroom, complies with natural, raw diet and is accomplished in both Schutzhund and personal protection. The two seem to really click. Aside from her excellent training skills, the best part is Talerie is only 40 minutes away and does this for the love of the breed.

Dari, thank you again for making a perfect selection in Blitz. I want to give her every opportunity to develop to her full potential. Rest assured, Blitz is happy, healthy, has a growing fan base and greets every day with enthusiasm, curiosity, a willingness to please and high energy!

I look forward to providing you ongoing updates and photos in the coming months ahead.

Blessings and prayers always for you, John and your precious family,



Archon V. VanDenHeuvel

I just wanted you to know that Archon is doing great. What a wonderful personality he has. I will tell you that I had very high expectations for him and I am amazed that he had exceeded those expectations. He is fitting in great with our family and or day to day life. He is so intelligent, very loving, playful, fearless, and proud. He is eager to please, shows great discipline, learns quickly, and remembers what he learns. He is also very energetic, and extremely athletic. He will turn out to be a fine German Shepherd Dog, and an even better friend.

Thank you for breeding such incredible dogs and getting Archon to us.


Absolutely Dari!! She is an awesome example Of what your program produces and we would be honored to have any letters an...

Absolutely Dari!!

She is an awesome example Of what your program produces and we would be honored to have any letters and/or photos of our girl on your site. Feel free to use anything you want.

Ill probably thank you in every email I ever send to you so...thank you again for Maggie!! We adore her!

Take care

Hi Dari

Just thought I would share two pics of our girl Maggie Van Den Heuvel (bubblegum :)) on our hike this past weekend. She is doing wonderful and LOVES our hikes in the woods exploring, diving in the creek, chasing my son around!! She is just shy of 15 weeks in these pics. A work of art if you ask me. Thanks again for bringing our girl to us. She was an immediate member to our family right from the start, but now it feels like we've had her for years because she is so in tune to our family dynamic. We can't say enough good things about her....she is a dream.

We hope you and family (and the new boys!) are doing wonderful. Thank you and God Bless!!



Dear Dari,

Nessa continues to shine. With any luck today I will be filming her doing the focused heeling
Portion of the BH. She completed it this morning with me like a champ. It was so pretty and flashy I almost cried. You should see her prance!

We've had to eliminate her favorite activity...the flirt pole. She has become to focused on it. We're replacing it with a puppy bite pillow and hope to continue building her drive that way. I've been very fortunate to add anew trainer (additional) to Nessa's support staff. We now get input from Dave who is, in my opinion, one of the top three trainer/handlers in the country. Both my normal trainer and I are going to see Dave twice a month.

Our affiliation trial is Saturday. I am relieved. Ice been serving as the chairman for the event and have up quite about of time and effort Into its success. We have 17 dogs entered. Should be an awesome day for the Club.

So.,.how about a mommy report? How are you doing and how can I pray for you?

God bless,


Hi Dari it's Bob just wanted to say hi and once again say thank you I am so lucky I have the right puppy thank you for taking great care of me I hope you're doing well

Sent from Bob


Okay awesome Dari! This is going to be a great litter with Congo and they will go quick!! He produces great stuff Krista


Hi Dari,
I hope you and your family and all the puppies are doing well. We have had a cold snap here with temperatures dipping into the low 20's--not used to that! I had five layers on this morning just in order to go out to feed my horse and clean her paddock. Rudy doesn't mind the cold at fact, it gives him even more energy. Hard to believe:-)

I have been thinking about what our plans would be for our next puppy. And as you requested, I will tell you our needs and desires, as well as give you more of an idea of our life style. Given where we live out in the country and Dan's frequent absence, I would like a protection dog. (I reconsidered the idea of S&R and have decided against it.) We will, of course, search for a good trainer and would welcome any suggestions you might have in that regard. Bo was superior in her protection, and managed to be endearing at the same time (she would always circle me, establish and declare her space with the stranger, then sit on my feet guarding the boundary while watching out for me. RegL, beautiful,protective Bo-- indeed, a tough act to follow). I am pretty sure you understand, though, after our various conversations, that while we want a dog to make me feel safe, I need a good balance of the intelligent, loving, versatile companion with good strong nerves, not too hard, and protection instincts.We want a dog that will socialize well, ease into home living with us, be able to accompany me on hikes in public areas as well as in remote areas. When we go out on errands or to restaurants, the new puppy and Rudy will go with us. In short, the dogs will go everywhere with us and join us in all our athletic activities. Rudy is very good with the toy and release, and we play a lot of these games with him. We also take him swimming often. Of course, ideally, Rudy and the new puppy will do this together.
I truly hope that Rudy will adapt to the new puppy. I think he is getting much better around other dogs, as long as they are leashed.

You already know our living situation. We have about two fenced acres so the dogs are able to roam the property. We are with all our animals full time and on the rare occasion that we leave without them, we arrange for a sitter at the house. I never kennel them. We travel occasionally, primarily outdoor adventure trips, and always take our animals with us so adaptability to the car and new environments is essential.

I hope this helps a little. Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you.
Warmest regards,



Was speaking with a experienced guy named Cliff Anderson. He said he got the best female he's ever had from you, a Hagi daughter. Said you picked just what he wanted. A great endorsement.
Thanks take care


Dear Dari,
What a super letter from Mike! That must make you feel very proud!

I absolutely agree with what he said about your breeding is second to none! I will never get another shepherd from anyone else! And you are a perfect example of the type of breeder I want to be!

My girls are both wonderful and it seems what he said fits mine also which is quite interesting :)

I still cannot believe I own my very own Congo puppy! Everyday is a blessing with her!

The other night I was in the porch with her cause it was such a beautiful night, and from the corner, behind some hedges my Dad came walking by in dark clothes and a big an instant Carma was at the end of my porch roaring at my Dad!!! She went from lazily lying beside me to full defence mode!!! I was so proud! She is only 3 months old for goodness sakes! My Dad just smiled at me and said "we'll I guess I don't need to worry about you and Caleb in your own house anymore do I?" I just smiled back :)

Also the other morning Skaya was sleeping with me and we had already gone out early to feed the horses and were back cuddling in bed. I had left the sliding glass door a bit open and unbeknown to me my parents Caucasian named Orra came strolling in, well Skaya went flying out from my bed (that is her favorite place to sleep haha) barking like crazy, I bolted up right in bed and saw Orra walking into our house and up the hallway...Skaya absolutely was on point and gave me the heads up that someone or something was coming into the house. I was also so proud of her!

What fabulous dogs I have!!!

~ Rachel



I am going to send you tonight or tomorrow my write up on my Congo puppy :)

I am thankful to the Lord everyday because I truly feel so blessed. Especially my Congo puppy...she is my soul dog. I have never had a connection to a dog like I do with her. And I feel she has that same connection to me. It is magical in a sense.

Talk soon! I hope you are your family are doing well :)

~ Rachel


Dear Dari and John; I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for the 2 fabulous pups you selected for me. They are very different from each other, but both are exactly what I was looking for. The Kery pup is very mature for her age and really acts more like a little dog than a pup. She is an excellent athlete and is already following a track. It appears that she also has very good prey drive for her age.
The CONGO VIKAR clone is exactly that! I have never seen that kind of massive bone structure on a female pup. She would absolutely be the cornerstone of anyone’s breeding program. There is nothing that bothers her and I can already see that she will be a real handful when she grows up. Under the circumstances, I am amazed that you would let this pup out of your possession.
I have dealt with other breeders over the years, but I have not seen the level of integrity and effort that you both put forward on my behalf to really evaluate each and every pup in question so that you could satisfy the very strict specifications that I placed on the two pups that I wanted. Your excellent reputation has been well earned, and that doesn’t happen by accident. It comes from meticulous attention to your customers’ requests.
Thank you again for the two great pups, and as I told you on the phone, we will definitely be doing some more dog business next year.



Hi Dari,
We love our puppy! He is such a joy. We named him Sebastian and we call him Sabbie.
When I get a chance I will take some pictures and send them. He is growing very quickly.

Thank you,


Good morning Dari,

I took Zevah to her second puppy class last night. The trainer, Ada Lana-Simms had tunnels, stuffed animals, boogie boards set up to see how the puppies reacted. Well of course Zevah acted like she had seen all of those things a million times before. She ran through the tunnels back and forth with the other puppies following her. She ran up to the large stuffed dog and pounced on it and walked back and forth across the boogie board. She has so much courage and a very happy girl.

She sits wonderful. They had the puppies down and heel last night and she picked those up immediately.

Hope things are proceeding well with the property. Have a wonderful day. God Bless. Mary Lou

Hi Dari! Annie is growing fast and turning out to be a great friend! We all love her like crazy. Thanks! J.R.

Hi Dari! Annie is growing fast and turning out to be a great friend! We all love her like crazy. Thanks! J.R.


Hi Dari,
I check your website every once in a while and was so happy to see the video of “Krueger”. What an amazing dog!
We have been so happy with our Kaiser. The contrast between him and our American GSD is simply night and day! His temperament and obedience, just the calm intelligence of him is so impressive. We wanted a family / home protection dog, we took the ‘protection’ aspect for sure with his blood line, but he has been a ‘lover’ too since the first day. Perfect pick for our family. Thank you so much!

P.S. I am sorry you moved so far away or I probably would have driven over and picked up another dog by now! :o)


Vendetta is doing great. She is teething pretty bad right now with
canines and molars coming in, but her grips are always full and calm.
I had a video taken a week ago for her third protection round so far.
She is good puppy :) She likes to keep her eyes on John when he is near, and her tail is always
curled over her back with puppitude. The file is too big to send even
when I put it in flash which makes the file much smaller. She is also a little tracking machine. I love my puppy!



Hi Dari,

Just wanted to give you an update on the puppy. Her name is Mikka (as in Meeka). She is wonderful.. Absolutely so smart! She catches on very quickly! The kids love her. We are in puppy kindergarten and she's hilarious! She tackles all the goldendoodles and makes the owners mad :) I just laugh.. She's being a puppy. One lady complained to the trainer that Mikka was a bully... The trainer quickly corrected her and said, "no, Mikka is a puppy and is acting just how you want your puppy to act"! I chuckled.. Mikka is not scared and just wants to play! We go to the park and have her do the equipment.. I think she would love and be very good at agility. She is beautiful and growing nicely. I will try and send a photo of her. Thank you for our wonderful new addition. I hope you are well, I'm sure the babies are here now. Talk soon - Michelle

Dear Dari,and John, thank you so much for such an amazing Dog! Truly the smartest,most loyal dog ever!!! We have moved t...

Dear Dari,and John, thank you so much for such an amazing Dog! Truly the smartest,most loyal dog ever!!! We have moved to Hawaii,and sniper spends his day living Aloha! We have a big property and live 6 houses from the beach,and sniper lives every day to the fullest! He is truly the most healthy, energetic ,smartest dog ever,and he is mamas boy!!!! Much love ,and Aloha from Chuck,and Gina. Haleiwa Hawaii!!!!


Dear Dari
(Day Three)...I am amazed at how smart she is! Of course I never saw Chic or Eliska at this age,
but it is SO FUNNY to watch her sometimes and just "observe" the way she ticks. She (as you said) is very protective of her toys and if Chic has something she wants or thinks is hers she STRATEGICALLY PLANS how she is going to get it back and almost seems to "trick her"'s SO FUNNY to watch. I love how she plays ball WITH HERSELF and doesnt' demand you to play ball WITH HER she is quite capable of entertaining herself and drops it and even THROWS it out of her mouth to bounce and then go and bite in the air again! It's so cute! It's like some kids will entertain themselves for hours and some won/t (demand your attention). Today I just tried to make her share a toy with Chic since Chic had it first and is thinking she isn't so sure about this newcomer....At first she wasn't liking the idea but I insisted on letting Chic keep the toy and she eventually let her...but then minutes later she swooped down on it and got it back. It's like she needs to make it known all three toys are hers and even tries to pick atleast two up in her mouth at a time! (Frisbee upside down so the lip holds the ball!) Which I think is VERY SMART. I've never seen a dog be able to hold two toys in its mouth at a time (consistantly) not just once! It's hilarioius. I know that's part of her personality and it's funny and cute but wonder if it will cause a problem with the little ones or if they will just work it out?

She is everything you said she was (once again)...I agree in that she is going to make me an AWESOME dog long term.

Chic is a little sad that I am bonding with her and so I have to make sure I give her lots of love.
It does make me sad to see the contrast which shows me that Chic really is getting old. I didnt' even notice it because she's pretty fit in general but compared to Clary is really slowing down!
I think it is a good idea I bring new dogs into the picture in seeing this more clearly. I want to have atleast two shepherds forever and don't know what I'm going to do when you retire. It will be hard to trust anyone else you've been so perfect to buy from in every way! If there's anything I can do as in write a review on some website or blog please let me know! I will let you read it first. I really want to help promote the sales of the new offspring too. I know they're almost sold but for the future. I can't say enough about you and my pomeranian breeder Barbara. I feel so blessed to have found THE BEST in both categories.....I can thank John P for that. He googled and found you both!



Hello Dari and John wanted you to know every thing turn out great got the papers. Niketa is doing good hey I would like you to keep me posted I,m getting in to Schzthund going to two different clubs people all ways asking about my dogs . Hope all is well JIM.



Wanted to let you and John know my male sable that I purchased from you a few years back “Krueger” was recently featured in a special on “Better” a nationwide FOX show. The piece was on police dogs and aired a month ago. Thought you might enjoy seeing what a true dual purpose dog he became. I trained him myself for all applications and the other dog in the video is “Thor”. Thor is the puppy of Gita which was the first female pup I purchased from you . She was poisoned and killed in 2007. He was 4 weeks old at the time of her death. We bottle fed him and got him upto what you see him now. Beautiful dog, great tracker and awesome at Narcotics. Just like mom….
The video can be viewed at the vernonia police department website under police canine page. Just thought you would like to see one of your dogs in action. If you want the link for your website, I can have my Tech send it to you. Take

Capt. Michael




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