Imagine Xmas morning. You get a puppy! She's so cute. You take 100 pictures. Share all over Instagram and Facebook. You can't love this puppy enough. You take her everywhere. To the store, to friends houses. She rides shotgun anywhere you decide you're going. Everyone stops to pet her and cuddle. She is perfect in every way. Later on she starts to grow up. Still cute and starts to get an entity of her own. She has good days and bad days. You'll come home and she will have ripped up your favorite pillow or peed on your carpet....but she's till soooooo cute, it's just a mistake, she didn't mean to. You cuddle her and fall asleep just like you've done 100 times before. Then... she gets a little older. A little "less cute", she's trained now. More on auto pilot if anything else. When mistakes happen they are harder to oversee. I mean you're an adult now, there is no reason for this. You scold her and run out the door. Your friends and family are waiting, of course! After hours alone in the house you come back, she's peed on the floor. This time it isn't laughs and cuddles that follow. Its yelling and a smack on the butt, she's old enough after all. She knows better. Then its lights out and off to sleep. You have a busy day tomorrow and she's an afterthought.
8 years later now, she's grey in the face. She's an afterthought in your home. A piece of furniture. You knows she's there, as long as her food and water is full, you've done your job right?? Every few weeks the vet introduces another medication to her regimen. This is becoming a chore! More and more money is spent keeping her healthy. Yet every day she greets you with a wagging tail! Even when she's obviously tired and in pain, she's there. You brush her off, after 10 plus years the novelty had expired right?? At night she cuddles alone, wondering what she did wrong. She isn't the puppy with fuzzy fur anymore. She can't see as much as she used to, she has aches and pains. She's confused and feels alone now. She knows you're there but it isn't the same. Her love for YOU has never changed. In 10, 12, 15 years. It's always been the most love she has always had to give. The question is have we done the same? Have we given all of our heart to her? It's easy to get wrapped up in the day to day, to forget the small things that mean the most. The fact is, she's loves you from day 1. The same love will continue until her last breath. Please! Especially this holiday season. Let's not forget the ones who have been there. The ones who have seen us at our worst and continued to love us. Maybe their fur isn't as smooth. Maybe they aren't the pup we took home that night, but their heart has NEVER stopped loving us. Until they day they leave us they'll never stop loving you!!! Here is to all the ones who are overlooked. The ones that have become an accessory in their own home. You are loved and know that you have served a purpose. Sleep well old friends!!!! Please please share this post. I know so many of us understand! Share please!