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Ruckle Dog Walking ​Our furry friends deserve we adventure in a whole new business. Now Ruckle Cleaning walks dogs too.


Diet transitioning can be tough, especially when you're switching your dog from a kibble diet to a more species-appropriate, raw diet. Most dogs will have no problem with the transition, but if you find your dog isn't taking to their new food right away, don't freak out. It's actually quite normal f...


Dr. Steven J. Lawson shared a post on Instagram. Follow their account to see 2436 posts.

Feel like you can’t go to the bathroom without company? Always feeling like your dog is directly where you want to step ...

Feel like you can’t go to the bathroom without company? Always feeling like your dog is directly where you want to step next? While it can seem annoying (especially the bathroom one), it’s your dog’s way of saying they feel safe and comfortable with you, so they’d rather be with you than anywhere else.

article by pupford

Woods , beach , rail trail . They depend os us to experience life outside .

Woods , beach , rail trail . They depend os us to experience life outside .


It’s National Walk Your Dog Week! Take this opportunity to enjoy your dog and keep him or her healthy for a happy year of walks together. National walk your dog week aims to raise awareness about the importance of your dog's overall health and wellbeing. 💚

A dog’s tail is a key piece of reading your dog’s body language, as they really communicate a lot through their tail pos...

A dog’s tail is a key piece of reading your dog’s body language, as they really communicate a lot through their tail position and movement. A rule of thumb is that if your dog’s tail is loose, they’re relaxed and happy. So if you see your dog wagging their tail in a way that means their whole hind end is wagging along with it – they’re showing you how excited they are to see you.

Here’s how to interpret your dog’s tail wag:

The speed of the wag. A long, slower, back and forth wag indicates excitement, while a faster twitch-like wag can indicate that your dog is on alert.
The direction of the wag. According to a research study, dogs' tails tend to wag to the right when for positive reasons and left for negative ones.
The position of the tail. The higher the tail, the more assertive or aggressive the dog is feeling. A low tail that hangs between the legs can signal fear. Neutral tail position is a sign of a relaxed, happy dog. Neutral may look different on different breeds, so be sure to take note of your dog’s tail position when you know they are relaxed.

“Just walked this sweet lady. She is adorable “ - David

“Just walked this sweet lady. She is adorable “ - David

Home Care for Your Dog’s Upset StomachIf you’ve been to the veterinarian to rule out underlying health conditions and yo...

Home Care for Your Dog’s Upset Stomach

If you’ve been to the veterinarian to rule out underlying health conditions and your dog’s been given a clean bill of health, it’s time to try some at-home remedies to ease the stomach upset and make your pup more comfortable. Resting the GI tract is important if vomiting or diarrhea occur, as it gives the body time to heal.

You can offer bone broth during this time for hydration while giving your dog’s GI tract a chance to recover. For diarrhea, activated charcoal can be used; it works by binding aggravating substances in the GI tract so they can be excreted in the f***s. The recommended dose is 1mg/kg twice daily of coconut charcoal for intermittent episodes of diarrhea. Do not use activated charcoal if your dog is constipated or consumed caustic materials.

Next, when the vomiting and diarrhea have subsided, offer a bland diet of canned or steamed pumpkin (or sweet potato) and 99% lean cooked turkey. Adding slippery elm ("nature’s Pepto-Bismol") helps soothe irritated bowels and can be easily mixed into a bland diet, using 1/2 teaspoon for every 10 pounds of body weight.

Slippery elm is safe for puppies, adults, and geriatric dogs and is completely safe when blended with other medications. I recommend always having some on hand so when you need it, it’s right there. There are several herbs that are very useful for upset stomach in dogs, including:


Not long ago, citizen science researchers in France decided to measure the pulse rates of 61 dogs on short walks, both o...

Not long ago, citizen science researchers in France decided to measure the pulse rates of 61 dogs on short walks, both on leash and off
* The researchers discovered that the act of sniffing lowered the dogs’ pulse rates, especially when they were on a long (vs. short) leash and off leash
* Another instinctive activity that lowered the dogs’ pulse rates was the full body shake (aka “shaking it off”) while walking and sniffing
* These study results provide further evidence of the importance of providing our dogs the time and space needed to sniff the world around them
* It’s important to your dog’s physical and mental well-being that you give her daily opportunities to sniff to her heart’s content on walks with you.

Article by Dr Karen Becker

Remember … too busy for quality walks with Fido? Call Dave! He’s the snifffari expert!

Dogs are happiest when they get to walk and exercise ! Just like us!

Dogs are happiest when they get to walk and exercise ! Just like us!

David Ruckle!! The best companion you doggy can have while you are on vacation! Memorial Day is next week, still time to...

David Ruckle!! The best companion you doggy can have while you are on vacation! Memorial Day is next week, still time to fly somewhere without feeling guilty that Fido stayed behind in a boarding thing, but stayed home nice and happy with his buddy Dave!

This is Ernie! Our newest friend! Fluffy cool and such a good boy!

This is Ernie! Our newest friend! Fluffy cool and such a good boy!

*  The majority of dog owners — nearly 4 in 5 — say they've witnessed their dog acting jealous*  Examples of jealous beh...

* The majority of dog owners — nearly 4 in 5 — say they've witnessed their dog acting jealous
* Examples of jealous behavior in dogs include whining if you're giving attention to another pet, bumping against your leg or otherwise attempting to be close to you, growling if you show affection to someone else, engaging in attention-seeking behaviors like barking or doing tricks, and even going to the bathroom indoors
* Research suggests that jealous behavior emerges in dogs and is functionally similar to that in children observed in similar situations
* Jealousy's primal function is likely to help protect social relationships that are threatened by a rival
* Jealousy may be primordial or could be the result of dogs' domestication and close ties with humans, which may have created their capacity to be jealous

What Makes Dogs Jealous?
There is no one-size-fits all model to explain when and why a dog may become jealous, but there are some situations that are likely to trigger jealousy, assuming your dog is the "jealous type":9
* Bringing a new pet into the home
* Adding another human member to your family
* Moving to a new home, which may remove your focus from your pet for a time
* Being the new dog in a home
* Witnessing you interacting with another pet

By Dr Karen Becker

While as humans we are completely repulsed by this choice of cuisine, we have to remember that canines have evolved as s...

While as humans we are completely repulsed by this choice of cuisine, we have to remember that canines have evolved as scavengers and it’s in their nature to eat whatever they find on the ground or in the trash can.

This behavior is quite normal for dogs, especially puppies.

When a dog is just a puppy, their moms will actually train them to lick themselves clean and clean off their bodies of f***s.

When they get a little older, puppies become naturally curious about the world and their surroundings, and sometimes eating their p**p or anything else that’s on the ground nearby is part of that exploration.

While eating their own p**p is harmless, eating other dogs or other animal f***s can be an issue.

Animal f***s may contain parasites, toxins, and viruses. Typically the p**p eating behavior of puppies will fade out around 9 months old but as they age and grow, the p**p eating may continue as a process of exploration.

You should definitely try your absolute best to prevent your dog from eating p**p, especially other animals and other dog’s p**p. If they continue to dine on f***s, you may want to consult your vet to rule out certain health problems.

Sometimes when dogs eat p**p they may have issues with:

Lack of nutrients or enzymes in their diet
Lack of calories in their diet
Intestinal, brain or liver issues
Stress and/or Anxiety
If you are noticing that your dog is eating more p**p (or attempting to) than usual or has started recently, keep an eye out for other symptoms such as lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea and behavioral changes.

This could be part of a bigger health issue and you should see a vet immediately!

How To Stop Your Dog From Eating P**p

Simple! clean up the p**p!
exercise your dog (hire us 😬)

The moral of the story is - don’t be grossed out by your furry best friend because he considers f***s a main course.

Since dogs are animals, they definitely have habits that we as humans don’t understand and we don’t always know how to prevent.

With some training and by taking action to be cleaner and keep your dog healthy, you can prevent them from eating p**p!

Happy National Pet day !

Happy National Pet day !

Spring has arrived across the U.S., bringing the warm weather allergies so many of us, and our pets, deal with each year...

Spring has arrived across the U.S., bringing the warm weather allergies so many of us, and our pets, deal with each year. Estimates are that approximately 10% of dogs and cats have some type of allergy, and allergic dermatitis (irritation or inflammation of the skin) tops the list of common health problems in dogs.

My recommendation, once warm weather arrives, is to rinse your pet regularly and do daily foot soaks and eye rinses. Since dogs and cats who are outside a lot collect millions of allergens, it's just common sense to rinse them off, which can provide immediate relief for irritated, inflamed skin.
When it's time to actually bathe pets (when they're stinky, dirty or have a skin infection), I recommend using only grain-free and pH balanced shampoos. Because oatmeal is a carbohydrate and carbs can feed yeast, I don't recommend oatmeal shampoos for ye**ty pets.
Follow up with a lemon juice or vinegar rinse to help manage yeast infections. Just add one cup of vinegar or one cup of lemon juice — or 10 drops of peppermint oil with 10 drops of lavender oil — to a gallon of water. Since lemon juice can also lighten fur, I usually recommend vinegar or the essential oil mixes for dogs with dark coats. Using cooled green tea as a soothing rinse can also help with inflamed and irritated skin.
If your pet has been prescribed a medicated antibacterial shampoo, rebalancing the skin's microbiome is a wise idea: mix a teaspoon of probiotic powder in a quart of water and pour over your pet from the neck to the tail, rub in and towel dry.
Foot soaks are a great way to reduce the number of allergens your pet tracks into the house and deposits all over her indoor environment.
Daily eye rinses can also be very effective for pets who are pawing at their eyes. It's very important that you not use human medicated eye drops. Colloidal silver can be safely used to disinfect your pet's face and the delicate areas around the eyes.
Colloidal silver solution can also be used to swab out irritated ears, followed by a light dusting of French green clay, which absorbs moisture and helps prevent secondary ear infections.


Rainy Saturday ….

While vegetables should make up only a small percentage of your dog's nutritionally optimal, species-specific diet, make...

While vegetables should make up only a small percentage of your dog's nutritionally optimal, species-specific diet, make no mistake — they're very important to your pet's health!
Dogs need them for essential nutrients (such as powerful antioxidants) not provided by other foods like meat and bones. In the wild, wolves and coyotes consume grasses, berries, and wild fruits and vegetables as sources of these crucial nutrients. The goal is to provide a biologically appropriate amount of roughage, phytonutrients, and antioxidants.

Many pet parents give produce as treats for their pups. Some can have extra nutritional benefits:
* Apples are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, which keep a dog’s skin and coat healthy. Apples are also low in fat and are a good source of fiber. But remember not to feed them the core or the seeds.
* Carrots, peas, green beans, sweet potatoes, and bananas are packed with important vitamins, along with potassium, which is good for a dog’s muscles, nerves, and kidneys. Their fiber can also help dogs stay regular.
* Oranges are great source of vitamin C. Small dogs can have up to a third of a full-size orange, while a big pup can wolf down the whole thing.  Just be sure to peel it and remove the seeds.
While it’s fine to give your dog these healthy foods, watch how much you dole out. Treats should make up 10% or less of your dog’s calories for the day.

“The Lord is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afr...

“The Lord is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭27:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Rest in His Light.

1. Snuggle in bed — Wake up 5 or 10 minutes early each morning and cuddle or play with your pet before you get out of be...

1. Snuggle in bed — Wake up 5 or 10 minutes early each morning and cuddle or play with your pet before you get out of bed. Most dogs are ecstatically happy in the morning, so getting a few minutes of cuddle time with you will get their day off to a blissful start.
2. Snuggle in bed — Wake up 5 or 10 minutes early each morning and cuddle or play with your pet before you get out of bed. Most dogs are ecstatically happy in the morning, and many cats tend be more affectionate early in the day, so getting a few minutes of cuddle time with you will get their day off to a blissful start. This is also a great time for a gentle brushing.
3 Pal around together — No matter what you're doing around the house, try to make your pet a part of it. Talk to her in soothing tones as she follows you around. Invite her to sit on your lap or lie at your feet while you work or read or watch TV.
4 Play — Look for opportunities to play a quick game with your pet while you're doing chores or getting ready for work.
5 Give 30 second massages — Dogs don't really understand pats on the head or hugs. Instead, spend 30 to 60 seconds gently stroking and massaging alternating areas of your pet's body, avoiding the paws, tail, and backside. You'll know he's enjoying your loving touch when his body relaxes and his eyes close.
6 Do quick brush-outs — Many dogs and even cats love a good brushing almost as much as a massage.
7 Take mini-walks — Dogs absolutely love walks, so even if you only have 5 or 10 minutes to spare, the more often you can take your dog out for a walk, the better. Of course, when you have more time, it's important to give him opportunities to sniff and explore on your walks.
8 Do 5-minute training sessions — This is a great way to reinforce or refresh your pet's obedience or trick training and provide her with mental stimulation as well. It's also an opportunity for you to give her praise, affection, and a few yummy treats
9 Tune in — This is really just about remaining aware of your furry friend's presence and observing his actions, behaviors 10 Hire Ruckle Dog Walking 😬

Did you know that dogs are some of the most loyal creatures on the planet? 🐶 🌎 

Our dogs can pick up on our moods and c...

Did you know that dogs are some of the most loyal creatures on the planet? 🐶 🌎 

Our dogs can pick up on our moods and can tell when we are sad, hurt, happy, angry, or scared. They can comfort us, cuddle us, make us laugh, and so much more.
But it’s also important to remember that not all dogs show love the same way (kind of like humans). I mean we have all heard about the five love languages, right?
Some dogs may like to snuggle more than others, some dogs may get more excited to see you than others, some are more vocal than others, some are more energetic, etc. You get it, they are all different and that is one of the reasons why we love them so much.

You know your dog best, so trust your gut. Do you feel like your dog loves you.

(Article : )

The common dog face licking behavior has evolved from the wolf puppy behavior of licking the mouths of adult dogs to pro...

The common dog face licking behavior has evolved from the wolf puppy behavior of licking the mouths of adult dogs to prompt the regurgitation of partially digested food. This is how puppies transition from suckling their mother’s milk to eating partially digested food to more solid food.

Licking another dog’s face or a human’s face is a normal social behavior. Licking can be an appeasement gesture that signals a dog’s social deference. It can also be a signal to solicit food, more social information, a sign of affection or to solicit attention.

A dog licking faces or other body parts can also occur as part of grooming. Your dog may lick his canine housemate’s face and your face or other body parts. When your dog cannot reach your face, he may lick the closest body part, which may be your hand, arm or leg. In certain cases, the licking behavior can be interpreted as a sign of affection.

Some dogs may try to lick a complete stranger’s face. Why do they do that? It may be in an attempt to appease the stranger so that the stranger does do anything harmful or threatening to the dog. When dogs lick the face of children, it can be a sign of affection, appeasement or simply the act of cleaning food residue off their face.

Source: pedmd article

While perfect vision in humans is considered to be 20/20, a typical dog’s visual acuity is 20/75.Your dog’s vision is bl...

While perfect vision in humans is considered to be 20/20, a typical dog’s visual acuity is 20/75.

Your dog’s vision is blurry compared to what you see.

Dogs have a reflective layer behind the retina called the tapetum lucidum, which helps them see better at night.

Your dog’s vision developed to complement their nocturnal hunting habits and sense fast-moving prey; your dog’s vision has up to 20 times greater motion sensitivity than yours does.

While dogs can see colors, they see them differently than you do, unless you’re color blind. While most humans have three color receptors, or cones, in their eyes, dogs only have two.

These two color receptors perceive wavelengths of light that correspond to blue and yellow, which means dogs can see color in combinations of blue and yellow.

“So instead of bright red roses, dogs likely see yellowish brown petals, and lively green grass looks more dehydrated and dead,” according to encyclopedia Britannica.4 This means that choosing dog toys in colors your dog can see — namely blue or yellow — makes more sense than choosing toys that are red. Coren explained:

“The most popular colors for dog toys today are red or orange. However red and orange are difficult for dogs to see. That means that when your own pet version of Lassie runs right past the toy that you tossed, she may not be stubborn or stupid. It may be your fault for choosing a toy with a color that is hard to discriminate from the green grass of your lawn.”

While it may seem disappointing, or even sad, that your dog can’t see with the same clarity and color that you can, remember that your dog’s world is enriched in many ways that yours isn’t.

Dogs’ noses are able to detect scents with up to 100 million times greater sensitivity than humans and may even detect weak thermal radiation, such as body heat emanating from its would-be prey.9 One way to enrich your dog’s world, then, is to give her options to use her nose to its full potential.

This means giving your dog plenty of time to stop and smell the roses — literally — on your daily walks, which is part of how she “sees” the world.

1. They help us stay in the moment — Humans tend to spend a lot of time feeling regret for something in their past or fe...

1. They help us stay in the moment — Humans tend to spend a lot of time feeling regret for something in their past or feeling anxious about the future. It's not time well spent, but most of us are often inclined to live in the past or the future rather than the present.

2. They thrive in simplicity and consistency — Our furry family members are at their best when we provide them with consistency in the form of healthy nutrition, plenty of exercise, structure to their daily routine, and lots of love. These are the simple things in life that form the foundation for a balanced, less stressful, more joyful existence.
3. They never break the bond we share — Our animal companions stay connected to us no matter how bad we feel or behave. They're right beside us every step of the way, every minute of the day. During times when we feel ignored or disengaged from the world, our pets offer unconditional connectedness.
4. They constantly communicate with us — Close, connected relationships evolve from clear, consistent communication. When communication is untrustworthy or used in harmful ways, the relationship breaks down. Our pets speak to us constantly through their body language and behavior. It's our job to learn the language they speak, and to communicate clearly to them what we expect and appreciate about their behavior.
5. They offer forgiveness — Most of us can remember a time when we ignored our pet, or lost patience and spoke too sharply. We also remember that our loyal companion forgave us the very next second. Our animal friends don't hold grudges. They don't punish themselves or us by clinging to past insults. They offer instant forgiveness and an open heart.




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