Essex Veterinary Services

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Essex Veterinary Services Large animal mobile practice serving Siskiyou County and Southern Oregon! Monday - Thursday. Emergency calls available for established clients only.

Just up the road…. Some of the very best!

Just up the road…. Some of the very best!


Due to unforeseen circumstances with our contractor, we will be closed the month of Sept and probably October depending on our project. Sorry for the inconvenience this puts on you and your animals.

Thank you to the people who stepped up and became a monthly supporter of the ESSEX GIVENS FUND! It’s always amazing to s...

Thank you to the people who stepped up and became a monthly supporter of the ESSEX GIVENS FUND! It’s always amazing to see the work done by others, we appreciate you!!

The ESSEX GIVENS FUND has become a major part of our veterinary lives, having this non-profit has helped a lot of animal...

The ESSEX GIVENS FUND has become a major part of our veterinary lives, having this non-profit has helped a lot of animals and a lot of people in just a short time. We are happy to have had people nudge us to start it. However, what we must bring to your attention is that this little entity can not keep up with the number of referrals and requests we are getting. Social media is a great resource when it comes to finding help for a solution and many of you tag us immediately, which is great, but understand we only receive $450 a month in support. This is support that monthly donors have committed to donating so we know we cand depend on it. We do receive other monies for certain cases or random donations which help tremendously, but the referrals do not match the donations. It is very easy to refer cases to us, but it is not easy for us to try to devise a treatment solution when we know the account only has $249 in it at the time. We like doing the work and helping the animals, but we do not like to solicit for donations. Please be selective of this when tagging us and know other doctors in the area can also provide treatment.


This is how people of Siskiyou County Grapevine can help decrease cat populations without having to be involved with the physical activity of trapping.

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I don’t know where to begin, this time of year, all cat organizations are worn out and tired and we feel the same. Yeste...

I don’t know where to begin, this time of year, all cat organizations are worn out and tired and we feel the same. Yesterday, we received a number of calls that expressed you are also overwhelmed from your increasing cat populations. In total, 71 cats needing spade or neutered are what added up from just yesterday’s phone conversations. The hard part is, most people live in the county limits and there is no help for them on the horizon. In the meantime, the cat populations continue to grow. One family went from 2 cats to 17 over night explaining it to us like it was something new, it isn’t. It’s cat math and cats always win. Siskiyou County animal control does not have any monies budgeted for cats or controlling cat populations. We agree, things need to change as do some of our county animal policies. However, we are only part of your solution. We can not stress enough that we need you to attend the city council meetings or the county board of supervisor meetings and ask for that change you are so desperately wanting. Express your concerns there. Start being the positive noise maker and work at being heard so that we can help more animals. We openly speak with groups and organizations and will come behind you, but we cannot do the advocating portion on top of the work we are already doing. The only ways to make change is to educate people on why this is important and be active, think outside the box. This year we have spayed 330 females, neutered 290 males, and diverted 405 fetus. It is a small fraction of what is left in our county still unaltered. If you have not donated your time to helping, we welcome any of you to start. Lighten the load for the local rescues and shelters…. VOLUNTEER TODAY.

SNIP of Siskiyou County has graciously donated the feline and canine annual vaccines for the happy camp clinic. If your ...

SNIP of Siskiyou County has graciously donated the feline and canine annual vaccines for the happy camp clinic. If your pet is already spay/neutered we commend you and welcome you to still come down to the clinic to get the free booster vaccine and visit with the SNIP staff. They are passionate about what they do and would love to know about your pet brag stories!

Rabies vaccine will be offered at the clinic discounted rate of $15 cash per vaccine.

This gracious offer is “while supplies last” as we do not know, how much to have on hand for an event such as this.

Donations will be welcomed at this event. Three non profits will be collaborating to make this happen.

We are all looking forward to a successful event!

Update: As of 8:15 pm, three potential mares have been identified. The power and blessings of social media. Within 35 mi...

Update: As of 8:15 pm, three potential mares have been identified. The power and blessings of social media. Within 35 mins of our post, the phone rang and connections were being made. Special thanks to our clients Whipple and Brie, you gals are awesome. The ag community and those that support it truly amaze us. Thank you.

Clients in need of a nurse mare. Unfortunately, mare pr*****ed her intestine and had to be put down. If you know of anyone who has a wet mare willing to help. Please reach out to Lupe Camacho Valdez directly or us! 541-892-8905

Today was the day, little Lucky had his front leg amputated and is currently in recovery on my lap. This procedure will ...

Today was the day, little Lucky had his front leg amputated and is currently in recovery on my lap. This procedure will enhance this little dogs life by 💯 percent! Dr Essex had not performed this procedure prior so his time has been spent studying, speaking with colleagues, and instructing Leslie Blankenship and I on how he wanted things done. It was a lengthy procedure where the entire scapula (shoulder blade) had to be removed with the limb. Little dogs do well with this procedure and tend to be quick on their feet. Heavier dogs tend to have a harder time trying to balance until they learn. It will be interesting to see how Lucky does. This procedure did infact include a NEUTER!!! Recovery may be a touch rough so I plan on an “all nighter.” We really enjoy surgeries like these because we enjoy working as a team and Leslie is such great help that things just flow once we get started.

The sweet family of this dog, does not only have this surgery, but also more neuters and a spay that need to happen. They can not afford to do it all which is why it is still not done. They have saved a small portion to apply to this bill. SNIP of Siskiyou County donated $100 each to spay/neuter surgery. Many of our followers want case updates and want to know when they can help, here is a worthy case 🙂 Dr Essex’s aunt graciously donated when we texted her and we are always so excited when family chooses us as “their” nonprofit of choice!

We absolutely love our job and cases like this make it all worth it! Many of you write such encouragements and we are so thankful that you enjoy this crazy life adventure with us.

If this is something you want to support please use the link below or mail a check to Essex Givens Fund, 16038 Ager Beswick Rd., Montague, CA 96064.

Tesha (yes, I heard Dr Essex wrong in my first post, it was supposed to be Tesha not Teska) my mistake. The good thing i...

Tesha (yes, I heard Dr Essex wrong in my first post, it was supposed to be Tesha not Teska) my mistake. The good thing is, she comes to her new name even if I mess up and call her Teska. This dog is incredibly smart and is good with other animals.

Today, was another day of progress. Tesha was brought out to meet each client that came to the ranch for vet med treatments. She greated each stranger with a wagging of the tail and a polite disposition. This was HUGE. She has been so sick that nothing has really mattered to her. She even considered chasing the cat today. Mind you, it would have been a mistake because we do not have the nicest cats, but none the less, we were pleased to do some training. At least the motivation was there.

PTSD episodes still creep up and seem to be hard for her. Yesterday, I had unloaded her from the truck into a wooded area of pine and juniperr trees. Not thinking anything about that becoming a trigger, I stepped back into the front seat of my truck to grab something. Tesha immediately and frantically jumped back into the truck shaking and tryied to hide under the brake pad. Thankfully, I was able to get her to stop whining and get her back to a normal breathing pattern. So many triggers, each day it is something new.

She is still sluffing part of her mouth and cartilage. The damage was so extensive that this was expected, but it is never fun nor easy. The smell is the worst. Dr Essex has great friends and they welcomed her for a visit with open arms despite her condition. Thank you again Buck and Nancy.

If you want to know more medically about Tesha please reach out. As for the case, we will not hear anything about it until they are done with the investigation.

Thank you again for the continued support and your concern for Tesha.

Thank you SNIP of Siskiyou County, you bring up a good point.

Thank you SNIP of Siskiyou County, you bring up a good point.

We wanted to take a minute to thank each member of the community that stepped up to help with the dog that Dr Essex is caring for. It definitely brings to light issues within our county that need to change. Many times cases have been brought before our DA and it is at that point, no further action is taken. We encourage you to help us change what is happening in our community by contacting the DA and encouraging them to prosecute the animal abuse cases happening within our county. This is just one drastic example of what happens here in Siskiyou County. For the sake of all the rescue organizations serving this beautiful county and the animals that reside in it, we would appreciate your attention to this matter.

Also, a huge thank you to Siskiyou County Animal Control for your investigation efforts.

Teska’s story has come full circle, sad chain of events that lead to this unfortunate event. The story is not impressive...

Teska’s story has come full circle, sad chain of events that lead to this unfortunate event. The story is not impressive, but that will be for Siskiyou Animal Control to decipher. As for us, we are happy to know some of her history. She has progressed even more today. She ate wet food on her own and has been able to keep her pain medication and antibiotics down. She is wagging her tail and greeting everyone each time we enter the room. She has made great strides. The one set back thus far was an actual PTSD episode that took place yesterday. It was a sound that mimicked a gun shot and the subconscious reaction the followed made our heart hurt for her. We are hopeful we can psychologically get her to overcome this event in time. At this time, she will continue to be under our medical care for the next three to four weeks. She is willing to please and is such a sweet dog. Thank you to everyone who donated to her care. Our goal has been met at this point unless the surgery does not heal and Dr Essex has to do more reconstruction. Time will tell. Thank you for all the calls we received yesterday, numerous people, it was impressive how our clients worked together to piece this story together. We are confident Siskiyou AC will uphold the law to the best of their ability. Please enjoy the pics below from her puppy years!

Update: Healing is progressing well. In 24 hours she has made some major strides. She really wants to live, has the most...

Update: Healing is progressing well. In 24 hours she has made some major strides. She really wants to live, has the most kind eye, and try’s her best to drink on her own. Though she has regained some use of her tongue, drinking is still difficult given the trauma she endured. One large blood clot still sits beneath her tounge. The head heels fast so Dr Essex is excited to see her progress.

So many people have asked why we just didn’t put her down. It definitely was an option, but Dr Essex became a veterinarian to save and heal. It feels good to work hard on a difficult case and provide an animal with a new chance at life. If there is a chance within reason, he will always choose to let the body heal. And heal it does. The body is humbling especially with the will to survive.

Andy, the guy that saved her, wanted to name her Zoe, but our kids already have a Zoe and our interns name is Zoe. That name just wouldn’t work to well and since she will be with us for a couple of weeks, Dr Essex tried to think of a mame with a meaning like Andy did. He came up with TESKA, which means survivor and a lively individual. Seems to be rather fitting.

TESKA is being assisted with her fluid intake. She was able to eat 1/2 cup of boiled chicken. This was huge progress in 24 hours. Of course her pain levels and antibiotics are being monitored closely. So far all is going in the right direction.

$350 was donated to help with her care. This doesn’t cover her initial surgery so please share with your family and friends and ask them to support the Essex Givens Fund to make cases like TESKA possible for us to treat.


Rabies clinic in MONTAGUE…
Happening now!

The people we meet along this path are truly God given and some of the finest humans. As you all know, this gentleman pi...

The people we meet along this path are truly God given and some of the finest humans. As you all know, this gentleman picked up the dog many believed had been hit on top of Forrest mountain. After tonight’s exam and surgery, we know she had been shot. The bullet entered through the nose and exited through the top of her mouth, removing all of her teeth on the upper side. The damage is extensive, but does not warrant euthanasia. Dr Essex, myself, and the gentleman named Andy whom saved her, worked on her for almost two hours. After we were done and she came out of recovery, she walked over to Andy and put her head in his lap. It was as if she were showing him gratitude just before I snapped this picture. Recovery will not be easy for her and even though she is hurt, she pleasingly wags her tail. Her personality…. precious.

Circumstances regarding her recovery care are still being decided. Dr Essex wants to see how she does within the first 24 hours so she got to sleep with our daughter for comfort and monitoring.

Andy was definitely the angel for this pup and went above and beyond to get her to safety and medical care. If you know him, please pass along your gratitude. Also, Rescue Ranch initially helped us coordinate to get her help so thank you you to Rick and his staff as well.

We will post an update as we go. Donations to the Essex Givens Fund can be made to pay for her initial surgery costs and continued care.


Can we get to rattlesnake creek tomorrow?


We have three locker BEEF ready to go to the butcher. Grass raised and grain finished. Buyer pays beef price plus their own cut and wrap. Let us know if you are interested.


We were made aware that if the Bogus fire picks up again that Pacific Power will be shutting off the power transformer meaning we will loose power. If this happens, please know you will not be able to reach us and that you will need to utilize the other veterinarians in your time of need.


Thank you for everyone fighting the Bogus fire. A huge thank you to the Walker, Foster, and Beck ranches for supplying their irrigation water. Thank you to all our clients, friends and family that reached out to check on us. We so appreciate you all.

Happy Camp…. Dr Essex has agreed to do regular small animal appointments on Monday 8/19, feline surgeries 8/20 & 8/21, a...

Happy Camp…. Dr Essex has agreed to do regular small animal appointments on Monday 8/19, feline surgeries 8/20 & 8/21, and the have Thursday 8/22 as more feline surgeries if needed or another small animal clinic day. That being said, I need to know what is needed for the small animal appointments so that we come prepared medically. Can you please let me know you needs? Post in the comments below or text my cell 530-598-8322.

He is very excited about helping your community with the 2nd Karuk feline spay/neuter, but he is also looking forward to helping the small animals of your town and neighboring community.




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