No Place Like Home Pet Care

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No Place Like Home Pet Care I come to your home and take care of your furbabies needs up to 4 times a day!


Well Hunter I heard you talk about hearing downtown sounds up on Verde..... well I didn't hear it on El Rancho, but I am out doing my dog stops and I heard it on 22nd Maple and on Manor!! Great job!!

📢🐾 ANNOUNCMENT - INTRODUCTIONS 📢🐾Well as this summer is coming to an end, I am accepting the fact that I need to bring o...


Well as this summer is coming to an end, I am accepting the fact that I need to bring on another "backup"..... I don't really like that word, how about "team member"!! 🤪

I am in shock, some call me crazy, some call me an animal whisperer; 🤷‍♀️ I love animals, so this is a win win for the last 3 years I have met with and cared for over 100 fur babies, or lets say just short of 100 Furbaby families! 💜🐾

I have a hard time asking for help or relying on someone else. So this was very hard for me, but to my surprise I believe I have found the perfect fit for all of us! With that being said I don't think I have ever officially done introductions here.

Most of you know me by now! My name is Bonnie Sheets Leal I started pet sitting a few years ago just to help a couple people out. The word quickly spread and I soon realized there was actually a pretty big need for this service in our community! I have been married to my best friend Ron Leal for 17 years and we have 3 grown children! And we now have a 2 year old granddaughter that we are so excited to spoil and watch grow! We are both very busy running in different directions most of the time! But usually at least one of my routes during the weekend he will drive me around and we get to catch up, he really is my rock and is what keeps me going! And he won't always admit it but he is a softy and a big animal lover as well!

A lot of you have met my first team member and other best friend 😉 Alaina Gutierrez ! Alaina and her family have watched my fur babies in the rare occasion everyone in my house leaves town together 😆. Alaina is a stay at home mom has a six pack of babies🥰, and married to her sweetheart Chris! She is also an animal lover and started up her own business a couple years ago making homemade dog treats Munchies!! Check her page out, I promise your pups will thank you! 🐾

New to the team is Potter and sometimes Potter along side him handing out the treats 😀. The Potters moved to town about 3 years ago and were one of my first 5 customers! You may have seen them at vendor shows/craft fairs with their Scentsy and Pebbles. The last couple times we have traveled to see our granddaughter Alaina and my schedules have clashed and the Potters have watched my crew who are scaredy cats and they were so patient and awesome with them! When Brad messaged me after my last post and said he would be interested in helping me, I knew right away he would be perfect for my team!

As always I will do my best to try to let you know if I will not be the one taking care of your babies.

I will understand if you are not comfortable with someone else, but at the same time I would hope that if you trust me you would know I always want the best care for your babies and mine! ❤️🐾

And I always brag about how flexible we are, you can always count on us even if it's last minute, but if you are not ok with someone else I may have to decline sometimes as lately my schedule has filled up so fast and I still have to work my full time job!

Again I want to thank you all for making this dream a reality for me and I love your babies as if they were my own!


I am throwing around the idea of adding another backup person to my team! Currently Alaina helps me and she has been a life saver!

I have a grand daughter now and so I take a little more time off then usual!!! And business has really picked up this year!!!

Not a for sure decision as I will be very picky and probably struggle finding the right person. The person has to be very reliable, flexible, trustworthy and crazy about animals!! Have reliable transportation and know this is just a side gig no guaranteed jobs.

"I can't make this stuff up"  #4 It's always a good time when I get to a hangout with these guys. The mini ponies are Be...

"I can't make this stuff up" #4

It's always a good time when I get to a hangout with these guys. The mini ponies are Beauty and Buddy, and they are the sweetest and they're just my size.

And then there are the donkeys. I can't remember their names. They're just so Dang cute, though. I could sit out there all day and hang out with these guys.

Well, last week in the afternoon, I went out to take care of them and Buddy and Beauty come around the corner, like where's my food, like they are starving and haven't eaten all day. And as always, I'm talking to them and I get up in the shed and start getting their hay tore apart and I hear this clonk clonk behind me, kind of startled me. (I always wanted to be a farm girl, but never had the full experience, until this job 🤣) And there they are up in the shed, pretty big step, I thought horses didn't like going up into things 🤔. I guess I wasn't going fast enough.

So I grab a pretty big section of hay and go to put it in their feeder and it's not even empty yet. They're in the shed with me like they're starving eating right out of the bale. Silly little guys gave them a little treat and give them some scratches, but really they are just interested in food. Now we're ready to get out and close up the shed, Beauty hops out right away, she is shy and sweet. But as you can see in the video in the comments Buddy wasn't having it. He's like you are not the boss and I want to eat this hay, it's much better 🤦‍♀️

Well, of course, I won because they're
just my size, but I don't think Buddy was happy about it. No worries though, rest assured he has forgotten by the next time I arrive and give him treats!

Fireworks start today. Please have a plan and prepare your pets for the next week and a half.

Fireworks start today. Please have a plan and prepare your pets for the next week and a half.


FYI - No Place Like Home Pet Care will not be available July 2-8


Here are the totals!!!

266 miles - Michelle Adams closet guess of 256 miles wins $10 credit.

21 pets - Becky Thomas closet guess of 28 pets wins $10 credit

8 homes - Becky Thomas & Anne Larson tied with the closest guess of 18 homes.

So I have a tie breaker how many total stops did I do for this time frame?


🅶💜🅼🅴!! And give some credits out!!!

No Place Like Home Pet Care has a pretty busy 2 weeks in front of us!!!

I reset my mileage last night before starting my supper stops!
●How many miles will I drive from Friday 24th @ 4:30pm - Monday 27th @ 8:30pm?

🐾 The closest guess will get a $10 credit!!

●How many houses will I visit during the above time frame?

🐾The closest guess wins $10 credit!!

●How many animals will I visit during the above time frame?

🐾The closest guess wins $10 credit!!

Happy guessing!!!! 🐾💜💵 $30 credit up for grabs!!

"I can't make this stuff up"  #3This week I met a new client, Sadie! Mom said sometimes she likes to hide under things b...

"I can't make this stuff up" #3

This week I met a new client, Sadie! Mom said sometimes she likes to hide under things but does enjoy loves and attention! During our initial meet and greet she was very loving and I even got her to purr 🥰

So let me explain a little about Sadie's home. She has been lucky enough to be able to live at the lake for quite some time; imagine laying around getting some sun and watching the birds while your owners slave away to give you this life 😜

So anyway Sadie's owners were doing a lot of driving during the week so they decided to get a place local! They are currently waiting on they have some living room furniture that goes all the way to the floor, a desk, and an air mattress. So not really anything a cat could hide under, perfect she will be easy to locate through our getting to know each other process!

So, last night was my first visit! I check on her food it was empty, check that's good means she ate today! So I start calling for her while walking around shutting windows and checking the litter box. She hasn't appeared yet so I continue searching through the rooms that are pretty much empty, closet doors are all shut, checked around washer/dryer, check bathtub, up and down the stairs a few times....., checked cat house and behind only chair in living room 🤷‍♀️ nothing.....

Well I will just fill everything up again and hope she comes out to eat. Grabbed my keys and glasses and turn to leave and something caught my eye.....spotted her 🤦‍♀️

She was dusting the top of the cupboards for her mom, how thoughtful she is 🤣🐾💜

And not to worry she was back to her loving self this morning 🥰


☎️ Officially booking through the end of the year!!
🐾 It's true we are almost always available at a minute's notice! 🐾 I don't believe we have ever turned anyone down!!!
🐾💜 But there were a few times last year that we were spread pretty thin!
💜🤷‍♀️ There is no fee to reserve or cancel so if you know ahead of time, why not get it on my calendar!!


REMINDER-Want to make sure no one is surprised!


"I can't make this stuff up" #2

It's been uneventful lately....✊️ (me knocking on wood) lol So here is an oldie but too good not ro share!

I get the opportunity to visit little miss Tori almost everyday, sometimes twice a day. Tori's dad is all about technology.....and we'll I am just learning lol

So Tori needed a visit after dark, nothing out of the norm, right?!? So I get in the house, it's pitch dark, light in the laundry room is not working....

I manage to get over the child gate in the dark without killing myself, next light switch is not working pull out my phone and use the flashlight to proceed letting Tori out, probably looking like a creeper from the outside. We made it through the visit I am sure she is thinking I am crazy, but I got her a treat and she didn't complain.

Get back to my car, and I message Tor'si dad and tell him his lights are not working. He laughs and said, oh they are all connected to alexia, you have to tell her to turn the house on.....great, got it 👍

So next stop after dark, low and behold, I told alexa to turn the house on and everything starts coming on! Well that was easy!!

Fast forward a couple months, another after dark stop, I walk in the house and tell Alexa to turn the house on.... nothing, go to next room, yell at Alexa again....nothing.

I message Tori dad once again and tell him that Alexa won't turn on the lights.....again laughing he says oh ya sorry forgot to tell you...I changed her name to Ziggy. Of course.....who knew alexia could change her name!! 🤣

Guys I think he just likes screwing with me so he could laugh at me on the cameras.....

Hope you get a good laugh, I laugh every time I tell this one!

Not a good start to my day.....

Not a good start to my day.....


Some of the things I experience while visiting your babies are quite comical. I think most of us have cameras these days, and I am sure some of you have gotten a few laughs from my experiences! These stories are just to good not to share, I tell people "I can't make this stuff up", so I have decided to let you enjoy my experiences, your welcome 🤣

"I can't make this stuff up" #1

A couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to hang out with 3 sweet babies, this was their first time using my services, they all are rescues and take some convincing that you can be trusted and you are their friend! Treats and butt scratches usually help with that convincing! They are the sweetest girls and they just make my heart ache when I look into their eyes, if only the could tell me their stories. 💜🐾

So let's move onto day 3 of our relationship building, Ms Roxie and Ms Honey greet me at the door as always, but we are missing I call for Ms Ruby and nothing, keep in mind this is a 1 story 2 bedroom house and a not so little dog, maybe 75 #....

So as all the scenarios are going through my head as I get the 2 ladies that met me at the door outside.

Two of the worst things I fear and hope never happens on my watch - 1. A loved furbaby passes away 2. I loose a furbaby or they somehow escape.

Back inside now calling for Ruby, checking the dog beds, checking the human beds; at this point I can hear her whining. So I proceed looking under the bed, in the closet, in the bathroom, still nothing...... Can still hear her whining....honestly where can this large, chunky girl be hiding, what am I missing. Last door in the hall that's closed, opened the door, appears to be a guest bathroom, but no dog.

At this point I am thinking I have looked everywhere.....then the shower curtain moves 😅

Yep Ms Ruby got in the bathroom, shut the door, jumped in the bathtub and was stuck behind the shower curtain.

Follow No Place Like Home Pet Care for more laughs!

And get your crew on my schedule next time you have to be away, each experience and visit is customized to your babies! 🐾💜


📢My rates are a daily rate, we don't do half days.
📢The rates are per house/address NOT per animal
📢Rates for people outside of city limits are on a
Individual basis.

Hello all my Furbaby parents! 💜🐾

I want to start off by thanking you for giving me the opportunity to care for and love on all your babies! A little over 3 years ago when I started No Place Like Home, I never imagined it would take off the way it did, so thank you!

My mission has always been to provide compassionate, reliable, and affordable pet care for our community. I treat your babies as my own, I have a full-time person helping me, Alaina Gutierrez, so as most of you know we are almost always available at a minute's notice.

Unfortunately, the economy has not been kind to us, gas prices did not drop down as much as expected for the winter months, and I only foresee it getting worse. So, with that in mind I am unfortunately going to have to raise my rates.

Starting June 1st, 2024, my daily rate in city limits will go from $25 to $30.

Thank you for your support and understanding. 🐾💜

PS, I am still offering $10 credits for referrals and $5 credit if you leave a review on my page!

The weather is changing, school is almost out, and I am sure you are working on your travel plans 🏕. Reach out, let me h...

The weather is changing, school is almost out, and I am sure you are working on your travel plans 🏕. Reach out, let me help you with your furbabies 💜🐾

💲 I also give referral credits of $10 so tell your friends, family, and neighbors. And $5 if you leave a review on my page!

I have lots of references ✔️

🐾 Let me help you out with your travel plans 🐾 There is no reason for your pets to have to go through the anxiety and fe...

🐾 Let me help you out with your travel plans 🐾

There is no reason for your pets to have to go through the anxiety and fear of boarding. I will come into your home or their home 😜 and give them the care they need 💜🐾

☎️ Call me
📩 Text me
📧 Send me a message

Bonnie Sheets Leal 308-250-4024


Going bananas in the test kitchen! Say hello to our new treat aptly dubbed “For the love of Bananas”! We will be making this new treat and all your other favorites this week including the bacon bones! To order, send me a message!

It's been a crazy busy few months here with No Place Like Home Pet Care 🐾 💓 Let me know if I can help you get away witho...

It's been a crazy busy few months here with No Place Like Home Pet Care 🐾 💓

Let me know if I can help you get away without the stress of your fur babies 💜🐾


Valentine’s Day is coming up! Don’t forget to show your furry valentines love this year and place your order for our all new pup-cakes! We have two sizes, regular and mini! Regular pup-cakes are $3 or 4/$10 and the mini are $1 or 12/$10. Ask about our all new natural food coloring for style options! Let us help show your fur babies love this Valentine’s Day!

Your pups will ❤️ these

Your pups will ❤️ these

New treats and new recipe!
Very simple ingredients!
Peanut butter, bananas and oat flour

Your babies will love them 💕

Your babies will love them 💕

Our furbabies love to enjoy Thanksgiving feast, let's keep them safe though! 🐾💜

Our furbabies love to enjoy Thanksgiving feast, let's keep them safe though! 🐾💜




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