Just because rodeo bulls aren’t broke like a saddle horse 🐴 doesn’t mean we can’t still do a lameness exam and give them good care. 🏥 Even the big boys deserve pampering. 🐂 #schaefervetservice #rodeobulls #bulls #cattlelamenessexam #cattlevet
They’re excited to be helping today. I think the novelty will wear off by August. 🤣 #schaefervetservice #veterinarianinthemaking #veterinarianintraining #summerhelp #workingwithkids
He’s getting pretty good at his job. 🤣 #schaefervetservice #workingwithkids #veterinarianinthemaking #veterinarianintraining
He’s getting the hang of collecting bulls. 🤣#schaefervetservice #workingwithkids #veterinarianinthemaking #veterinarianintraining
It’s the gag at the end that really makes the video. 🤣🤣#schaefervetservice #cattleabscess #cowvet #weakstomach
We sped up a gastroscopy from today on a horse. This guy is an amazing patient, so didn’t take much time at all. 🕰️ Real time from the scope going down to coming out was about 8 minutes. When fasted for the appropriate time with a cooperative patient, it’s a fairly quick procedure. We were able to get pictures of a glandular and non-glandular portions of the stomach as well as the pylorus. Mission accomplished. ✅ Also, I need to work on my facial expressions.🤣🤣 #schaefervetservice #equinegastroscopy #equinevet #equineinternalmed #equinegastriculcers
Family fun night. Yes, I make them listen to all the good 90’s hits like Savage Garden. 🤣 #schaefervetservice #FamilyFunNight
Hematomas and abscess. You either love them or you hate them. I’m in the love category. 🤣🤣
Typically, hematomas are caused when horses receive a hard impact to a part of their body. Most commonly, it’s from playing or sorting out their pecking order in the herd.
#schaefervetservice #equinehematoma #equinevet #satisfying
Did you know goat shop roping is a thing? I didn’t. I also learned goat shop tackling is a thing. 🤣🐐 #schaefervetservice #goatroping #goats #normalworkdays
Everyone enjoyed the nice April, I mean November, weather this past weekend. 🤣 #schaefervetservice #cattle #cattlevet #workingwithkids #cowsandmud #cattlepregnancytesting
It’s important to keep your animals up to date on their care, especially new additions.
✅ Vaccines 💉
✅ Dewormer 🪱
Next up, pedicure appointment.
I think Jordyn has been promoted to supervisor, and we’ve found a new assistant. #schaefervetservice #veterinarianinthemaking #veterinarianintraining #donkeys #donkeysofinstagram #equinehealth
Just a nice, heart healthy snack for your farm cat. 🤢 My stomach can handle a lot, but a cat drinking pus is a bit much. #schaefervetservice #cattle #workingwithkids #veterinarianinthemaking #veterinarianintraining #farmcats #cattleabscess
Just when we start getting them trained in, they leave us for school. 🤣 #schaefervetservice #veterinarianinthemaking #veterinarianintraining #workingwithkids #cattlevet #cattlepregnancytesting #veterinarianassistantlife
Pay for a Johnes disease sample collection assistant: one Fruit by the Foot per hour.
Once he learns how to label them, we’re really going to have it made. 🤣
#schaefervetservice #veterinarianinthemaking #veterinarianintraining #cattlepregnancytesting
Sometimes we recruit random donkey ropers off the street. By that I mean, if we meet you on the road, call you and tell you we’re doing something slightly outside the norm, maybe you should say you’re busy. 🤣#schaefervetservice #donkeys #donkeyroping #donkeyfarrierday
The things we find during breeding soundness exams… #schaefervetservice #bullbreedingsoundnessexam #cattlevet #cattleabscess #bulls
Boys will be boys. 🤣
If you ever question the power of a bull, pay attention. This hematoma/seroma was the result of yearling bulls just playing around. One bull likely ran into this bull causing the injury.
Remember, petting a bull is like trying to take a picture with a Bison in Yellowstone. It will be a memorable experience one way or another. 🤣
#schaefervetservice #bulls #cattlevet #cattle
What a long waiting game. This horse had a puncture wound we found at his annual vaccine appointment. We treated with pain medication and antibiotics. We also took radiographs to check for fractures due to location and swelling.
And then we waited. And it swelled. And we re-examined. The infection would not localize. So we waited some more. FINALLY, we did an ultrasound and found an abscess approximately 8 inches X 4 inches that was 2 inches deep in the area of the stifle.
The horse was sedated, given pain medication, a local anesthetic and the abscess drained. This abscess had multiple pockets inside. I’ve never found anything that works better for breaking up the fibrin inside other than my finger. 🤷♀️
He’s now on the med with continued antibiotics and flushing of the area.
#schaefervetservice #equineabscess #abscess