Triplet doelings for Bonfire today 🩷 the first kids of 2025 are here
I'm officially on baby watch.... and what a surprise, there's always that one goat that needs her own space 😬
I've just recently started letting them hang out together until it looks like their labor day...keeps them more content with leaving the herd for a week
It's not often I get any photos or video of Liberty 🩷 ( she's the white deer here)
if you're wondering why she holds her ear funny it's because when the DNR were here one time she got scared into the fence and she permanently damaged it somehow
I heard somewhere that if you know you're crazy, you're probably not crazy 😀 this is true, right??
I saw some very significant pouch wiggles today and I'm SO EXCITED to see Sadie's baby around early April ( I feel a little crazy being this excited about our 27th Joey) 😀😀
Video of Olivia and Charlotte for fun 🩷🩷
Came in from chores to find the baby just chillin' ☺️
and pretty calm about it for such a tiny baby
A VERY quick peek at Eloise's Joey today 🩷💙 gender reveal in a couple weeks
Early morning hugs between Olivia and Charlotte 🩷🩷
the babies got to try out the bigger of the small pens today.. made me a little nervous but they needed more space🙂
they handled it pretty well and their neighbors did too ❤️
the triplets 🩷💙💙
These babies still seem SO little to me, but they're only about 6 weeks old. They do use their heated house on nights like last night ( only 32 overnight) and they are eating great🙂
I've been struggling with their names but decided to name them by their personalities so their current names are
Valentine, ( this was already set in stone🙂) Einstein, (he's always been the smartest) and Fin ( The Finisher.... he drinks/ finishes everyone's bottles if you let him)
(I originally tried Boone and Crocket for the boys but I hate the name Crocket so i just couldn't😀)