Hi! Idk who told you dogs = wolves, but its not true 😩
Theyve been domesticated for thousands of years now. The environmental pressures and specialized breeding have taken them even further from wolves.
A common theme youll see (and not just with crates) is:
Correlation = Causation
Which btw, this takes research sometimes in order to know these things.
If youve always been told an animal with stripes is a horse - yes of course youll believe this until you research and find out its a zebra.
Am i saying you shouldnt crate train your dog because of this?
No. I specifically did not say that. Literally not once. Why would you think just because im saying its a false justification mean im saying dont crate train?????
Make sure when you hear certain “appeals to nature” that apply to dogs that have anything to do with wolves that you research it a bit more!
#dogs #wolves #den #dogtraining #crate #cratetraining #logicalfallacies #correlationdoesnotequalcausation
Beginner first steps towards resolving dog problem behaviors like: jumping, counter surfing, trash diving, digging, chewing, barking and more.
People often overlook management as the first step and setting up the dogs environment to succeed.
Many trainers often jump to punishment first.
And while yes it will work (because thats the definition of punishment) youre going to leave behind a void.
The dog was doing that behavior because they didnt know what to do instead.
Can simply doing nothing and gaining neither reinforcment or punishment be the answer?
Yeah for sure. Id reccomend fixing the dogs arousal level thats leading to these behaviors as well as providing enrichment as many dogs do these behaviors due to their “seeking” system trying to gain stimulation from their environment.
But thats a video for another time.
For now, do the first step. And you can take it further by rewarding the dog when they choose behaviors like laying down and relaxing.
You want more of that? Then notice it and respond!
If you got an A+ in a class, your parents probably praised you or rewarded you so you would do that more often.
Do the same for your dog!
#dogtraining #beginnerdogtraining #dogbehavior #dogtips #dogtipsandtricks #dogjumping #dogbarking #dogtrainer
This is always SO awkward when this happens🫣
Ok many dog trainers won’t say this part out loud but sometimes the dogs behaviors would be fixed easily if the relationship dynamics in the household were different.
The default parent and secondary parent being on not only different pages but almost different books entirely is not helpful.
Sometimes that comes out during sessions and dog owners will air out their relationship issues right then and there and it ends up being you and the clients dog just staring at each other like: 🫥 👀😅
If I ever create a resume for a corporate job I almost feel entitled to put “part time relationship therapist” on it 🤣
❓❓ what about you?! Have you been in a situation where you and your partner didn’t agree on the dog training?
#dogtrainer #doghumor #funny #dogtraining
The silly thing about dog training is that so many people think about it in such mutually exclusive ways.
For example that muzzle training means that the dog isnt getting trained.
A large part of many behavioral modification cases is muzzle training for safety and welfare.
There are many dogs that need muzzles because they suffer from things like Pica (eating random objects - often in excess)
#muzzletraining #behavior #dogbehavior #behaviormod #behaviormodification #muzzle #dogmuzzle #dogmuzzletraining #dogtrainer
“It’s ok! Dogs love me!” - the words of someone who doesn’t actually care about the dog and only themselves.
If someone truly cared and loved dogs, they would know that many dogs do not care to be touched by strangers.
They don’t want your face in their face trying to “kiss” them or for your to squeeze their body in a “hug”
A dog out on a walk, at a dog friendly restaurant, tasking for their handler at a store or anywhere else you might see them - doesn’t make them public property.
Just like if you’re out in public, it doesn’t make you public property, where people can grope you and handle you however they want to.
This holiday season give your dog the gift of standing up for them and clearly stating “Please don’t touch my dog. My dog does not like to be touched by strangers. We pet with our eyes only, thank you”
Remember (especially for my ladies): assertive doesn’t mean you’re a b*tch.
“ASSERTIVE is disposed to or characterized by bold or confident statements and behavior.”
Just because we’ve been told that confidence means you’re cocky or boldness means you’re rude doesn’t actually make it true.
Be assertive in advocating for your dog this holiday season.
Obedience wont fix your dogs reactivity….or…
Heres an alternative take:
No, maybe it wont “fix” it.
❓But does it give the dog an opportunity to choose a different behavior instead?
❓Will that allow for non participation of an often self reinforcing behavior no longer getting reinforced?
❓Does obedience allow windows of opportunity to build cooperation between handler and dog?
❓Could obedience increase the dogs welfare because now they are more manageable and can be walked?
❓Will obedience help relieve stress and reduce the body going into fight/flight?
Good questions to ask yourself!
#reactivity #reactivedog #behaviormodification #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogreactivity #heel #leashwalking
What your DMs and comments will look like as a dog trainer 🫠😂
Honestly, any coach or teacher online will most likely have this issue.
Also, for those of you who totally miss the point of the first “character”. It’s not that dog trainers are unwilling to help someone who doesn’t like the methods or tools that we use to train a dog - it’s the PRINCIPLE of the backhanded insults and disregard for respect while simultaneously standing there with their hand outstretched demanding you for your time and expertise.
Myself and my other dog trainer colleagues help people all the time that perhaps do not want to use the tools we use.
But that doesn’t mean we have to spend time, effort and our expertise on someone who will not respect us or value us.
A dog trainer is someone who will know intimate details of your life and a modicum of trust and love needs to be able to flow both ways.
When I work with my clients, in order for true work to happen (at least for me) a small part of me loves them.
There’s varying types of love. This is love of wanting to see you succeed. Love that comes with empathy. Compassion.
You might use different language but at its core it is the same.
So yeah, enjoy the satire of the life of a dog trainer!
#dogtrainer #businessowner #smallbiz #dogtraining #doghumor
Many dog owners are harsh in how they speak to themselves calling themselves lazy or other things when sometimes…
Its just that you dont know where to take action next.
So you end up scrolling on your phone, or putting off training your dog more and more.
If someone tasked you with going and flying a helicopter - but you didnt know how to do that, you probably wouldnt just go and get the task done immediately.
Get a gameplan and if you know what steps and action to take - physically write it out. Visual cues increase action!
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #motivation #inspiration #dogbehavior #dogowner #dogownerproblems
Dogs are rehomed after holidays and occasions more than any other time of the year. Why?
- the dog jumped up and hurt grandma or grandpa
- the dog hurt kids that came over
- the dog ate the holiday food on the table or counters
In the video I explain what you should not do and what you should do instead.
#dogbite #dogbites #dogbehavior #thanksgiving #christmas #holiday #dogtraining #dogjumping #dogproblems
Enrichment ideas for every breed of dog!
In general, enrichment of any kind will be beneficial for any breed of dog.
But! Each breed has certain traits of behaviors that they were bred for that you can add into your dog’s life to enrich their experiences!
The ideas cycle through the 5 categories for a well rounded enrichment experience ✨🤩
Ps: there is an entire section I did not include in this video that is apart of enrichment that is an assessment, customization depending on age, sociability and other factors, etc.
So - is what I showed going to automatically and magically work for your dog right here right now? Probs not 🙂
#dogenrichment #enrichment #biologicalfulfillment #dogbehavior #enrichmentideas #enrichmentfordogs
Ok ok ok, here’s the thing if this is ACTUALLY a concern for you 👇🏽
If your understanding of dog training is that training requires:
- Hours of your time every day
- Intense physical activity daily
- Expensive equipment/dog gear
That’s not what the majority of good dog trainers are talking about.
Your dog shouldn’t have to rely on hours of intense physical activity to feel fulfilled.
You’re just developing an athlete.
It should ALSO be offset with the ability and capacity to chill and relax.
When good dog trainers talk about training your dog every day, we’re talking about:
✅ some obedience training while you microwave your lunch for a few minutes
✅ place training while you watch a movie or cook
✅ 80/20 structured walk for a half-mile to a mile, so you can get potty time, sniffing time, actual distance to your walk AND mental concentration all in one
Toss in some structured play time a few times per week along with a couple of sessions of more intensive exercise and some enrichment sessions.
We’re not asking you to spend hours upon hours doing nothing else but train your dog to the point where your dog has no idea how to operate on their own.
Pet dogs should be able to have a good balance of relax and chill plus do heart rate increasing activities or deep mental concentration.
But not every day, heck even you and your more highly developed prefrontal cortex would be EXHAUSTED if every single day with no rest both body and mind needed to go until you were exhausted.
Long term stuff like that leads to fatigue and can accumulate into chronic stress
What about you? How do you structure your dog training but also rest and relaxation time?
The Social Spectrum Explained🧠💥
Just like humans, dogs possess varying levels of social interaction preferences.
Imagine placing them on a bell curve:
🧬Dog Social: They actively seek play and thrive in social settings.
🧬Dog Tolerant: These dogs are generally friendly but don’t actively pursue interaction. They’re polite and indifferent to the presence of other dogs.
🧬Dog Selective: Often misinterpreted as aggressive, these dogs have selective social preferences.
🧬Dog Aggressive: These dogs avoid social interaction altogether and may exhibit clear signs of wanting to be left alone. Or they truly love fighting and aggression and want to F up other dogs genuinely for fun.
Interestingly, both extreme ends of the social and aggressive spectrum represent a small percentage of the dog population, indicating most dogs are somewhere in between.
Factors Influencing Dog Sociability
Dogs, much like humans, exhibit different social behaviors as they age. Puppies are generally more sociable, similar to how children are naturally more open to new friendships.
Certain breeds are predisposed to varying levels of sociability.
A dog’s environment and past experiences can significantly impact their behavior. Factors like incorrect socialization, bad experiences, accidentally taught reactivity/aggression, etc.
🍼Critical Development Period
The early weeks of a dog’s life are crucial. Adequate exposure (not direct interaction) to diverse and positive experiences can set the foundation for a dog’s sociability.
🚀🚀👀What about you?! Comment below what part of the spectrum your dog is on!