Wag Ur Tail Dog Training Winchester/Front Royal VA

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Wag Ur Tail Dog Training Winchester/Front Royal VA Offering positive reinforcement dog training in Fredericksburg, and Virginia Beach. Whether you nee

Wag Ur Tail Dog Training offers positive training in Wi******er and Front Royal area of Virginia. Whether you need park lessons, in home lessons, or a more extensive board and train, Mike and his team will work for you.

House train your dog the right way - Part 7:If your dog has an accident in your home and you don't get all of the odor o...

House train your dog the right way - Part 7:

If your dog has an accident in your home and you don't get all of the odor out, they'll likely keep viewing it as a bathroom spot.

Dogs can smell where they've marked up to 2 weeks after they've pottied in that spot. Using an enzyme-based cleaner can help rid stains AND odors.

If you've adopted an adult dog that's not yet house-trained, good news. The process is often much easier because older dogs can "hold it" longer.

But, the exception would be if your rescue dog came from a difficult or abusive situation, you'll need to show more patience.

If you live with dogs you already know that each one is an individual with it's own endearing and frustrating quirks. So...

If you live with dogs you already know that each one is an individual with it's own endearing and frustrating quirks.

Some are sociable and friendly; they love meeting new people and other dogs; for these dogs you should work to provide more of these kinds of experiences.

Other dogs are timid and would hate being forced to meet other people and dogs every day. The important thing is to recognize the needs of the dog we live with.

Take the case of Spirit and Boogie, graduates of our Ultimate Puppy Package.

Around people, Spirit was calm, sometimes a little aloof with anyone not his owner. Boogie was desperate to be everyone's friend. Once he learned he had to sit before he would receive any petting, he would wait for just the right moment to leap up and lick your unsuspecting face.

With other dogs Spirit was happy to meet them and Boogie was more choosy about who he allowed into his space. We had to treat them differently to bring them into balance.

There are 2 keys to understanding your dogs needs.

#1 - Minimizing anything that creates a negative experience for your pup. You can help your shy pup by avoiding the situation, teaching them whatever it is, it's not going to harm them or as a last resort exploring medication options - only under the advice of your Vet

#2 - Know what each dog enjoys most. Playing fetch or swimming?
Structured agility training or unstructured trail running?

If you want to be sure you have a happy dog in your home, learn what brings them happiness and seek out opportunities for them to experience it.

Meet Mike - Founder of Wag Ur Tail Dog TrainingMike Morrison is a United States Army Veteran who served in Iraq and came...

Meet Mike - Founder of Wag Ur Tail Dog Training

Mike Morrison is a United States Army Veteran who served in Iraq and came home with PTSD. During his treatment, Mike noticed fellow veterans improving as they worked with a service dog. He was curious to see if a service dog would be helpful to him.

Mike grew up with dogs and enjoyed working with them so he was thrilled to find a program that allowed veterans to train their own service animals.

The next step was for Mike to find a dog to train, and when he and his black Lab, Jud, met for the first time, Mike knew he had found his match!

Their teamwork and perseverance allowed them to graduate from the training program in about half the normal time. Mike knew his calling was to use what he had learned to help others.

In his service to Mike, Jud visited our nation's capital to meet with our nation’s leaders and has joined him on the pitcher's mound to throw the first ball at baseball games.

Although Jud isn't involved with any of our training jobs, he does assist Mike whenever dogs attend our Board and Train program. Mike credits Jud both for helping him to realize his dream of training dogs and for helping Mike to live medication-free from PTSD!

Although we don't train service dogs (that's a highly specialized training) we can help improve the life of you and your pet. Visit our website and fill out the Contact Us form to schedule your complimentary consultation with Mike.

House train your dog the right way - Part 6:As with all training at   you should never EVER verbally or physically scold...

House train your dog the right way - Part 6:

As with all training at you should never EVER verbally or physically scold your pup if they have an accident or go in the wrong area. This kind of discipline only makes your dog fearful of you, causing other unwanted behaviors.

When we get a dog, we imagine a long, beautiful friendship, kind of like a canine equivalent of walking off into the sun...

When we get a dog, we imagine a long, beautiful friendship, kind of like a canine equivalent of walking off into the sunset to live happily ever after. But although we think of dogs as our best friends, the relationship can break down.

The ASPCA knows that 670,000 shelter dogs are euthanized every year in US shelters because they do not have a home.

Clearly for many people who start out with high hopes for their relationship with their dog, things can and do go wrong.

A big reason for this is lack of preparation. Did you know that 18-34% of dog owners do no research at all before bringing their new family member home?

We're committed to creating happy endings for our all clients with two feet or four. So, as you prepare for your new dog, seriously consider including professional training as part of your "new dog tool kit."

Want to know more? Visit our site, fill out our form and we'll contact you for a complimentary consultation.

Wag Ur Tail Dog Training is overflowing with families that need our help and we are looking to grow our team! Experience...

Wag Ur Tail Dog Training is overflowing with families that need our help and we are looking to grow our team!

Experience preferred, but willing to train the right person. Please send your resume & cover letter to Mike at [email protected].

How to house-train your dog the right way - Part 5:Whenever you go outside for bathroom breaks, bring your dog on a leas...

How to house-train your dog the right way - Part 5:

Whenever you go outside for bathroom breaks, bring your dog on a leash to a spot where you 'd like them to go.

Once your dog eliminates in the right spot, give them a treat as a reward. If you do this consistently, your pup will form a habit of relieving themselves there because when they do they are rewarded.

The late neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp - best  known for his research on how rats respond to being tickled (🤔WUT!?) - ide...

The late neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp - best known for his research on how rats respond to being tickled (🤔WUT!?) - identified seven primary emotional systems in the brains of animals (and people).

SEEKING (expressed curiosity, anticipation and enthusiasm)
CARE (expressed as caring for their young)
RAGE (expressed as anger)
FEAR & PANIC (expressed as loneliness or sadness)

We call attention to these specific emotional systems of the brain with capital letters to differentiate between these structures and an every day sense of those words.

Panksepp's research shows that we have to take the idea of animal consciousness and emotional well being, seriously. Meeting the emotional and physical needs of your dog is an important part of our dog training programs.

You’ve got a new puppy that won’t stop crying! This is nothing like you thought it would be when you adopted her sweet f...

You’ve got a new puppy that won’t stop crying! This is nothing like you thought it would be when you adopted her sweet face. You imagined endless hours of love, cuddling, playing and a certain amount of peace and quiet while you sleep.

The reality has been the exact opposite, and you don’t know what to do. It’s getting close to the point where you are considering puppy obedience training because nothing you have done to remedy the situation has worked.

Let’s take a look at several reasons why your new puppy can’t (or won’t) stop their constant crying. Then let’s find the solution.

Do you have a puppy won't stop crying but sometimes whimpers are just a way for them to communicate with you.

How to house-train your dog the right way - Part 4:Watch for signs your dog "needs to go."As you continue house-training...

How to house-train your dog the right way - Part 4:

Watch for signs your dog "needs to go."

As you continue house-training and get to know your new dog, you'll notice behaviors that signal they need to go potty.

These cues can look like:
🐾 pacing
🐾 circling
🐾 whining
🐾 sniffing purposefully

Take your puppy out as soon as you notice these behaviors and you'll be well on your way to successful potty training.

Wag Ur Tail Dog Training is overflowing with families that need our help and we are looking to grow our team! Experience...

Wag Ur Tail Dog Training is overflowing with families that need our help and we are looking to grow our team!

Experience preferred, but willing to train the right person. Please send your resume & cover letter to Mike at [email protected].

Signs your dog may be unhappy:🥺Recognizing fear in dogs is hard and is something people with professional experience are...

Signs your dog may be unhappy:🥺

Recognizing fear in dogs is hard and is something people with professional experience are better at than regular dog owners.

Even in situation where people might expect their dog to be afraid, (at the vet, fireworks, thunderstorms, etc.) it's still easy to miss or misinterpret the signs.

How dogs display fear, anxiety and stress:
🐾 Tucking the tail
🐾 Holding the ears back
🐾 Licking their lips or nose
🐾 Eyes are wide with the whites showing
🐾 Looking away from the source of fear
🐾 Lifting a paw
🐾 Trembling or shaking
🐾 Low body posture - going flat on the floor
🐾 Yawning, panting, sniffing and grooming
🐾 Seeking out other people (wanting comfort from owner)
🐾 Hiding
🐾 Being still, stiff or having a frozen posture (often mistaken for calm)
🐾 Urinating or defecating
🐾 Short, rapid, high tail wagging (actually a threat signal)

However, the way some dogs are bred and altered to meet breed standards, with corkscrew or stubby tails, docked ears, can interfere with our ability (and other dogs) to decipher their body language.

How to house-train your dog the right way - Part 3:Try to give your dog's day some structure. Feeding your dog at the sa...

How to house-train your dog the right way - Part 3:

Try to give your dog's day some structure. Feeding your dog at the same time will help you predict when they need to go potty.

Plan to take your pup outside, first thing in the AM, right before bed, after every meal and at regular intervals the rest of the day.

One equation you can use is how ever many months old your dog is, that's about as long as you can reasonably expect your pup to control their bladder - up to about 6 months.

For example, if your new dog is 3 months old, take them outside every 3 hours to ensure they have an opportunity to relieve themselves. That includes during the overnight.

Housetraining a puppy is a lot like having a new baby. Plan on losing some sleep those first few months to be sure you set both of you up for a happy future together.


August 1 is known as "Dogust 1st: Universal Birthday for Shelter Dogs."

Thousands of sweet dogs are living at animal shelters until they can find their forever homes.

Back in 2008, the world’s largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization, North Shore Animal League America chose August 1 (or “DOGust 1st) as the universal birthday for all shelter dogs, or as it refers to them, “mutt-i-grees.”

This date inspires all of us to consider their plight. Join us this summer by sharing your love for your adopted dog. If you want to show off your good boy or girl, post a picture of your personal boop-able nose in the comments.

This article on how to recognize dominant behavior in dogs is the most requested article from our training library. We s...

This article on how to recognize dominant behavior in dogs is the most requested article from our training library.

We share what the signs are, bust some myths about which dogs are more prone to show dominant behavior and offer insight on the best way you can help your pet get back in balance because dominant behavior is NOT a normal personality trait in any breed of dog.

Have a dog with an aggresive behavior? We can help you curb aggresive behavior! Call us at 540-834-8353 to schedule dog training classes.

How to Build a LIfe Full of Happy Dogs - Dog 101Content canines have the freedom to live as animals and participate in t...

How to Build a LIfe Full of Happy Dogs - Dog 101

Content canines have the freedom to live as animals and participate in the activities they love most.

Your lab loves the snow. Your corgi loves to play fetch. But, happiness isn't just about these moments of delight; it's also about everyday contentment.

These are the key ingredients to making a happy dog:
🐾 A suitable diet
🐾 An appropriate living environment
🐾 A good relationship with their owner
🐾 An owner in tune with their dog's body language and needs

It's easy to spot a happy dog. The eyes are relaxed and the mouth is open in a comfortable way. Some of the teeth and tongue are visible but the lips are not pulled back to show off all the teeth in a snarl.

Maybe the tail is wagging in a lovely, loose wag that makes the whole body wiggle. Their posture is normal, not lowered in fear and the ears are relaxed.

Which kinds of dogs need sunscreen and which kinds of sunscreen are safe for dogs? We've got the list in our July blog. ...

Which kinds of dogs need sunscreen and which kinds of sunscreen are safe for dogs? We've got the list in our July blog.

Warm weather fun and the risk of sunburn go together for humans. But, do dogs need sunscreen, and if yes, what kind is safe for them?

How to house-train your dog the right way - Part 2:Pick a safe, uncarpeted room of the house for your puppy to live in w...

How to house-train your dog the right way - Part 2:

Pick a safe, uncarpeted room of the house for your puppy to live in when you first bring them home. It could be a gated portion of your kitchen or family room.

As they begin to get the hang of potty training you can gradually give your new dog access to more of the house.

House Train Your Dog the Right Way 🐾💩Bringing home any new pet involves a lot of adjustment and learning for both the fa...

House Train Your Dog the Right Way 🐾💩

Bringing home any new pet involves a lot of adjustment and learning for both the family and the pet. But, adopting a puppy comes with a unique challenge: house training.

It can take anywhere from a few months to a year to completely potty train a dog. The time frame can vary based on the puppy's age, breed, temperament and living situation before they became a member of your family.

As with most training, patience and consistent reinforcement of the habits you want to build are the most important factors in your success (or failure).

Potty training is crucial for a clean and happy home. Over the next few weeks we'll share expert tips on how to successfully house-train your new dog. Follow our page to make sure you see every episode in the series. Your carpets will thank you.

Wag Ur Tail Dog Training is looking to grow our team! Experience preferred, but willing to train the right person. Pleas...

Wag Ur Tail Dog Training is looking to grow our team! Experience preferred, but willing to train the right person. Please send your resume & cover letter to Mike at [email protected].


What is the IDEAL FAMILY for a herding dog?Herding dogs are most comfortable in large homes with big yards. If that's no...

What is the IDEAL FAMILY for a herding dog?

Herding dogs are most comfortable in large homes with big yards. If that's not your situation and you're serious about this breed, plan to have plenty of parks and open spaces nearby.

These dogs need tons of exercise and love to explore nature - a perfect partnership for If you love outdoor fitness.

These are busy dogs so if your family is more sedentary or doesn't have a lot of free time to spend with your dog, steer clear of herding breeds.

Herding dogs are terrific with kids, other dogs and cats if they receive training and socialization early. Their nature sometimes means they become particularly attached to one family member over the others. To keep this from being a problem be sure that everyone is a part of your herding dogs feeding, training, play and exercise routines.

Owners also need to accept the fact that these dogs play hard - neat freaks need not apply. Muddy paw prints and randomly sticks will be a part of your house but the unconditional love you get back will be more than worth it.

When it's time to TRAIN your Herding Dog: When it comes to training, herding dogs are always at the top of their class. ...

When it's time to TRAIN your Herding Dog:

When it comes to training, herding dogs are always at the top of their class.

They're extremely intelligent, responsive and eager to learn and please.

Because herding dogs can grow really attached to their humans, their training should include learning to be on their own for short periods of time to prevent separation anxiety from becoming a problem.

Training should include socialization with new people and animals as well as learning to come when you call and quite down on request.


Have you ever wondered what hiring a professional trainer would be like? Here's a peek behind-the-scenes of our latest success story. Meet Max!

As we celebrate our country's independence, we also honor those who serve to preserve our freedoms. Happy 4th of July. W...

As we celebrate our country's independence, we also honor those who serve to preserve our freedoms. Happy 4th of July. We honor you and thank you for contributing to our continued independence and freedom.

When it's time to FEED your Herding Dog...Appeal to your herding dog's natural foraging instincts by varying how you pre...

When it's time to FEED your Herding Dog...

Appeal to your herding dog's natural foraging instincts by varying how you present their food.

💡= Scatter 1/3 of the dry food for that meal in the yard or throughout your home and let your pup sniff out his dinner.

💡= Put another 1/3 into an empty cereal box or one of those slow eating toys to engage your dogs natural foraging instincts.

💡= Finally, split the remaining 1/3 into AM/PM meals.

Because herding breeds are so athletic and high-energy, it's important to make sure they're getting good nutrition to meet their needs. Chat with your vet to get a recommendation for meal time.

Ready to head into the great outdoors this summer? Read these 5 essential tips to keep you and Fido safe on the trails t...

Ready to head into the great outdoors this summer? Read these 5 essential tips to keep you and Fido safe on the trails this summer.

Hiking with your dog can be good for both of you. Be familiar with these 5 simple safety tips before you head. They'll keep you both safe.

Herding Dogs Need Exercise.All dogs need exercise to be happy and healthy. Their natural instinct is to walk for miles, ...

Herding Dogs Need Exercise.

All dogs need exercise to be happy and healthy. Their natural instinct is to walk for miles, following the leader to find and hunt for food. These long walks fulfill their physical and mental needs.

This is very different than the mental stimulation that comes from play or the enjoyment of a fenced yard.

With their boundless energy, herding dogs need a lot of exercise. Plan for up to two hours a day, no matter the weather. These dogs need a safe, open place to to run free like beaches, dog parks, wooded trails, open fields, etc.

Make sure you vary your daily exercise routine so it stays effective and reduces boredom and the bad habits that come with it.

Play with your herding dog. Herding dogs love to play interactive games that engaged their intellectual/logical side. Th...

Play with your herding dog.

Herding dogs love to play interactive games that engaged their intellectual/logical side. They love a rousing game of fetch or hide-and-go-seek.

They also require their owners to set reasonable limits.

The genetics in the herding dog bloodline means they will want to keep playing well past the point they are tiring out. It's up to you to know your dog's limits (which change with age and outdoor conditions) and be the one to say "when."


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00


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Our Story

With our dog training classes Wag Ur Tail offers you and your pet personalized, one-on-one instruction and evaluation. Call Mike at (540) 324-3518 to begin a training plan today, either privately or in your own home.