We as a family find great joy in helping make memories for you as a dog lover. As we are family, our dogs are family. We are devoted to our puppies and socialize with them daily. We ensure each puppy enjoys their newly found life by playing and running in the vast open land surrounding our home. We also daily reward our puppies with treats for their good behavior!
Here at Golden Family Pup
pies, most puppies are raised at our family home with the help of our immediate family. We do have a few families in our local area that help to raise some of our breeds as well. We do this to make sure and give the parents and puppies the love and family environment they deserve. When you visit our home and walk up to meet all of the puppies, you will see how friendly and playful all of them are for that very reason. We Are Family
We are blessed to call our dogs family. Everyone in our home pitches in to give love and care to our pets. It truly is a family affair with our children coming along and contributing as well. Visits Welcome
Visits WelcomeTrust is a major factor when choosing a breeder. That is why we invite you to our home and welcome any questions you may have before or after your purchase. Travel Experience
As much as we love meeting our puppy's new family we are happy to say we have had much success with our puppies traveling to their new home via air and ground pet nanny transport
Health & Nutrition
Diet and exercise are as important to pets as they are to their owners. We take great pride in the temperament and health of our dogs and puppies. Personal Touch
We can't wait to hear from you! Communication & Relationship building is of the utmost importance to us even after your new puppy arrives home. Ensuring your puppy arrives home safely
We will provide transportation for your puppy if needed and have had great success with our puppies traveling all over the USA. Travel Informatio
We offer a professional training service for all our puppies. They will learn everything from potty training to long-distance commands and obedience.