TNR (trap neuter release) is most effective when it is targeted at specific colonies, rather than neutering any random cat. Choose a colony or two to focus on. The goal of TNR is to stop the existing cats from reproducing. Over time, the colony then dies out. Many TNR programs such as Critters Without Litters, also administer vaccines and parasite treatments, to help control spread of diseases and parasites in the colony, many of which can transmit to other animals or to humans. Colony managent is beneficial to property management as the number of cats does not grow out of control, plus, having a few around keeps rodent populations controlled, as well as they keep away other cats from moving in. Damage to property is therefore managed.
It is important to understand that strays and ferals trapped for TNR, CANNOT by law be relocated upon release. They MUST be released back to their original colony where they were trapped. Releasing them elsewhere is deadly both to that cat and to the other cats that already live in the new area, as they now must fight and compete for food and shelter, and the new cat is displaced and disoriented and vulnerable to predators.
If you have a neighbor qho feeds cats but is not having them neutered, ask them why. They are typically lonely people who feel sorry for the cats. Many have a mobile disability or transportation issue, or other reason why they can't take cats in for neutering. Offer to help. Fed cats are healthy cats, and healthy cats reproduce, and a few cats can make a vary large and out of control colony in only a few months. If one feeds them, one needs to also neuter them.
Rescuers cannot help the animals on our own. We are overwhelmed and overbooked and overbudget. We need every individual in the community to help us help the animals. Not everyone can take one in, but everyone can do something, even if that something is to at least not hurt an animal and leave it alone.
I have started a page on Facebook called Operation Fuzzy Mice which provides care and information about cats and kittens. When finances allow I also provide supplies to people who find orphans. Funding is tight at the moment because I fund it myself and I had to move instead recently. Anyone who would like to donate to the cause, may do so by sending items from my Amazon wishlist.