What a precious 🫢💞 surprise! I couldn't be more thrilled. Gabby's super sweet with her baby and very protective but not at all aggressive. I haven't gotten a chance to pick it up and see whether I've got a buck or Doe so place your bets now lol.
What do you think it is?
Spent 4 days straight working on this over 70' long berry patch. Now I have to wait till payday lol to finish buying rock, edging boards and time to finish.
Some neighbors asked if I was worried passerbys would help themselves. I didn't think about it but, if they are kids I hope they do. If they are adults I'll catch them on my cameras and I'll send them a grocery invoice lol. ( Joking)
I don't believe people will and if they do, I hope it's just, you know, a handful /taste as they walk by. That thought doesn't bother me at all.
I think it would make me happy , make me smile.
Caught this bee building himself a pollen sweater😆
I love watching the bees in the yard.
If you drive by my house, it's not the typical manicured neighborhood lawn and I'm proud of that. This☝️ is why .
I still do not have the Bunny run complete. So this is how they get grass time and stretch their legs.
They are getting fluffy again so adorable.