Operation Cold Noses is back in effect for 2021! Thank you to all who have donated so far and to all who plan to help contribute over the next few weeks!
I know all of us locals just went through our first "cold front" and maybe are not feeling all that chilly just yet, but the season is right around the corner. is back for the 4th year running!
In the years when we first started, we started accepting donations the 1st of December. Last year, we opened that up and started collecting a bit earlier. This year, we have been collecting year round, but now is THE LAST PUSH FOR DONATIONS to wrap it all up before the year's end.
Many of our local shelters and the fur balls of cuteness they are housing are in need more than ever. When, we first launched , it was for blankets and or towels, to help keep those kissable noses warm during our colder months. However, due to the AMAZING GROWTH and the MANY KIND HEARTS who have and continue to contribute, we will continue to accept ALL DONATIONS (non monetary).
So, to sum it all up....donations are now being accepted for any and all items you can spare! Blankets, towels, food, toys, crates, cleaning supplies, etc....we are accepting it all and DIVIDINIG IT EVENLY BETWEEN ALL OF OUR LOCAL NO KILL SHELTERS.
Private message for drop off locations, or I can always come to you!