Black Beauty's Burrow

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Black Beauty's Burrow We are a farm based in Russellville, AR area. Our main focus is rabbits: Silvers & English Angoras. Our main duck breed is Muscovy.

We also found on goats: Nigerian Dwarf and a variety of other diary breeds. We have a variety of other species as well.

It's finally time for our first goat Breeding Announcement!!! We are officially 2 weeks out for our first known due date...

It's finally time for our first goat Breeding Announcement!!!
We are officially 2 weeks out for our first known due date of the season!!
Her due date is March 15th!
Leai (unregistered white Saanen) x Vance (Registered Nigerian Dwarf). So these will be F1 Mini Saanens.
This will be Leai's first freshening so no udder pictures (she still doesn't have an udder. We are crossing fingers!).
If her udder is high quality and meets our minimum, we are planning to keep at least one, maybe all, doelings born. We will not be keeping any bucklings.
I absolutely adore this goat. She is one of the sweetest in my herd and makes it hard to fill up mineral feeders. My only problem with her is she looks skinny even at perfect weight. But you never have to worm her either 🤷‍♀️.

Oh Cindy Lou, you poor lady. Ophelia -6 weeks old. She's been doing this for weeks. On Cindy and Savanah both. I sent Sa...

Oh Cindy Lou, you poor lady.
Ophelia -6 weeks old. She's been doing this for weeks. On Cindy and Savanah both.

I sent Savanah and her kids and my grandmother's doe and her kids back out to the main pasture but Cindy's kids are being kept up until my teat tape gets here and we can properly share 😅

Well, all the baby goats are getting big! Savanah with Cindy Lou's daughter Ophelia on top of her. We've started turning...

Well, all the baby goats are getting big!
Savanah with Cindy Lou's daughter Ophelia on top of her.
We've started turning the mothers(Cindy, Savanah, Regina) out to pasture during the day.
My grandmother had 2 little girls born 3 weeks ago out of Regina. But I'm bad about posting her goats 😅.
I've got another 2 of hers that are due anytime. A 1st freshener and a 2nd freshener.

Then here are Cindy Lou's girls. The black girl is BBB's Lilith. The chocolate and white girl is BBB's Ophelia. They are...

Then here are Cindy Lou's girls.
The black girl is BBB's Lilith. The chocolate and white girl is BBB's Ophelia.
They are such big girls already!
Cindy Lou x Content Valley's Vance.

This morning all the babies were out and about so we could grab photos of them. First up are Savanah's boys. One looks l...

This morning all the babies were out and about so we could grab photos of them.
First up are Savanah's boys.
One looks like their father. One is a chamoisee and white.
Then we have BBB's Starfish (far right on the first photo) and BBB's Tiny (2nd photo)
Tiny is such a personable goatling that he makes it very hard to get photos because he is always too close 🤣.

Savanah x Content Valley's Vance.

Cindy Lou is seriously producing me out of jars 🙈. I'm making myself sick drinking too much of her milk at a time (I'm l...

Cindy Lou is seriously producing me out of jars 🙈. I'm making myself sick drinking too much of her milk at a time (I'm lactose intolerant. Goat Milk is better but not perfect).
I went from not even milking her because she gave me 5 oz in 24 hours on the 20th to having to milk her 2x a day!
I've milked her 4 times, today and yesterday, for 82 oz!! I noticed her udder was full yesterday morning so I got out the pail and got 20.5 oz. Then last night at about 10 pm I got 20 oz. Then this morning at about 7 am (so a 9 hour fill) I got 17.5 oz. Tonight I got 24 oz! On a 12 hour fill!! This is with her girls and Savanah's boys having access to her 24/7.
And she is so perfectly well behaved! She trained in 4 milking and no longer needs a foot leash (which was only used to encourage her to not turn around).
And her milk is sweet! Even my grandmother says so! And she's milked goats off and on for years.
To say I'm pleased with this doe is an understatement.
I've been trying to get pictures of her 2 girls but haven't succeeded yet. I love the body type on them! And I learned one of them is a chocolate with a white belt not a black!
They've got names but I won't be introducing them until I've got their photos. But they will both be retained.

Savanah may not produce enough for her 4 boys, but her and Cindy Lou together do! Been wondering why these boys are doin...

Savanah may not produce enough for her 4 boys, but her and Cindy Lou together do!
Been wondering why these boys are doing alright and not drinking a lot if bottles are offered. Well, here's my answer.
Apparently 2 does can feed 6 babies just fine 🤷‍♀️.
I knew there was a chance of this happening which is why I was keeping these 2 girls in a pen together. Savanah used to watch and protect Cindy Lou's 2 girls that came with her and I often refer to Savanah as a herd momma.
The baby drinking is BBB's Tiny, a unregistered mostly black ND buckling out of of Savanah and Conent Valley's Vance.
We are also going for debudding today!

Rabbit Manure: If we've got anyone that needs rabbit manure, we have plenty available. It's $10 a feed sack. Just send u...

Rabbit Manure:
If we've got anyone that needs rabbit manure, we have plenty available. It's $10 a feed sack. Just send us a message!
It's between Dover and Moreland outside of Russellville, Arkansas.

Well, sometimes things aren't planned 🙈.Cindy Lou needed milked out so we tested the milk machine and finished by hand. ...

Well, sometimes things aren't planned 🙈.
Cindy Lou needed milked out so we tested the milk machine and finished by hand. I prefer by hand since I don't have many goats in milk but the machine needed testing because it hasn't worked for the last 2 does I tried. It does work, just not perfect.
She gave me 18 oz. I think she was still holding some back but I'm ok with that since she is feeding her two girls and possibly helping Savanah with her 4 boys 🤷‍♀️. For only being fresh for 5 days, I was happy with that count.
While trying to strain that, I decided to try and pasturize the last milk I got out of Daffney.
Apparently I can't do 2 things at once becuase I cooked my milk 🙈. So instead, cheese it is! First time making it and I added too much lemon juice. But it's done 🤷‍♀️.
Since I was making cheese I decided to go ahead and make butter out of the cream I had been saving from Daffney.
Back: Cindy's milk. Whey
Front: Butter. Cheese


Well, here's the results!
Leai (white saanen) x Content Valley's Vance (Registered ND) - Due March 15th, 2025
Sandy (ND cross) x Content Valley's Vance (Registered ND) - Due March 26th, 2025

Viney Creek Is Golden Sky Indi (Registered ND) x Buttin' Heads Larazon (Registered ND) - To be carrying this buck's kids, she has to give birth by April 16th, 2025.
If Not: Viney Creek Is Golden Sky Indi (Registered ND) x Content Valley's Vance (Registered ND) - Due May 8th, 2025

My grandmother's herd:
Regina (ND) x ? - Due by March 19th, 2025 - Purchased Bred
Cookie (ND) x ? - Due by March 19th, 2025 - Purchased Bred
Julie (ND) x Content Valley's Vance (Registered ND) - Due by March 20th, 2025

Frosty (ND) x ? (ND) - Due By April 7th, 2025

Blanche (ND Cross) x Content Valley's Vance (Registered ND) - Due May 6th, 2025
Betty White (ND) x Content Valley's Vance
(Registered ND) - Due May 7th, 2025

This leaves 1 doe, Dorothy (ND), open for my grandmother. This leaves 5 does open for my herd: Jill (Registered ND), Vera (Registered ND), Moon (Registered ND - Will not be bred until late spring or fall), Laffy (Nubian), Odyssey (Registered ND)

Well, Cindy Lou had her kids waiting for me when I got home yesterday.  2 gorgeous black doelings.Vance's black genetics...

Well, Cindy Lou had her kids waiting for me when I got home yesterday.
2 gorgeous black doelings.
Vance's black genetics are strong this year! 6 babies from him so far and 5 are black. Of course both does were chocolate based but one doe was patterned 🤷‍♀️. At least they weren't all bucks! I'm glad to learn that early in the year since I can't remember if I had any girls from him last year and the first batch were all boys.
We are expecting pregnancy results this afternoon and then we will announced the rest of the breedings/due dates or possible due dates (for does possibly exposed multiple times)
Cindy Lou x Content Valley's Vance - unregistered Nigerian Dwarf doelings.

I also think this boy is absolutely gorgeous. He is growing out so nicely and growing so fast. He is out of Daffodil, on...

I also think this boy is absolutely gorgeous. He is growing out so nicely and growing so fast.
He is out of Daffodil, one of our nubian does. He was born 12-12-2024
He is not available.

Savanah's kids got to go outside today since the snow was starting to melt and it was warm enough to not be too much of ...

Savanah's kids got to go outside today since the snow was starting to melt and it was warm enough to not be too much of a shock to their systems.
This girl has always been an amazing momma, even caring for babies that weren't hers (and that she wasn't nursing)
Her sheared spot on her neck was for a pregnancy test.

Some snow day photos. We didn't take many because I've been exhausted and napping after being up and down all night with...

Some snow day photos.
We didn't take many because I've been exhausted and napping after being up and down all night with Savanah and her little ones.
We decided to make some snow cream out of some of our own goat milk. It was good!
Our poor white goats look filthy in the perfect white snow 🙈.

Welp, as expected, Savanah started kidding right as the snow started to fall. I got home about 30 minutes later to wet b...

Welp, as expected, Savanah started kidding right as the snow started to fall. I got home about 30 minutes later to wet babies and one still in the sack, which I had to help and managed to save with the help of Savanah.
Which means..... house goats.... of course it does. At least for tonight. We have baby pens but these guys were chilly and with how small they are, we didn't feel it was safe to leave them out tonight.

Savanah had 4, you read that right, 4! boys today. Last year she had 5, 3 boys and 2 girls.
3 blacks with varying degrees of white and 1 chamoisee.
All have had colostrum since I milked some out and syringed them to give them a jump start. All have nursed off of her. All are 100% healthy. And Savanah and I are 100% tired 🙈. It's going to be a long night of sleeping on the couch.
Better pictures will come later.

Savanah (out of Viney Creek's lines) and Content Vally's Vance.
4 unregistered bucklings.

Y'all be safe. We are expecting 8-9 inches of snow. And we have had a doe goat who has decided out of all the days to ha...

Y'all be safe. We are expecting 8-9 inches of snow.
And we have had a doe goat who has decided out of all the days to have them, she wants to have them today 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️. Ligaments have already disappeared.
She had 5 last year. She is huge this year too. We shall see....
Luckily, our bottle feeding bucket made it in on Tuesday! It took forever, but it's here before her babies are on the ground.

Savanah x Content Valley's Vance - Babies will be unregistered.

What do we hope to accomplish this next year? 1. The very first thing I want is baby rabbits and healthy goat kids! That...

What do we hope to accomplish this next year?
1. The very first thing I want is baby rabbits and healthy goat kids! That is my most important objective.
2. If, #1 goes through, we have big plans. We want to get back to showing rabbits. Especially our Silvers. I dearly miss this. I miss getting to spend time with friends at shows.
3. I want to have us participate in our first goat show, even if we don't place well 🙈.
4. I want to see our muscovy flocks separated out and ready for egg laying season. I want to do a proper breeding program with them this year with a focus on lavenders, pied, barred, lilac, & cream. We will be using our chocolates to hatch eggs but I will be avoiding hatching chocolates. I have all the genetics in my flock to be able to seperate out for these colors.
5. I want to have a registered Nubian in our herd to breed our 2 nubian does to.
6. I want to double my registered females in my Nigerian Dwarfs. This should be doable if my current 4 adults are bred.
7. I want to set up my Nigerian Dwarfs to be bred for milk testing and linear appraisal. We will not be testing this year but we want to within the next few years.

So ultimately, I've got big goals. I didn't share much last year but my farm has begun to primarily focus on rabbits, milk goats, and muscovy ducks. These are our main animals that we raise now though we do have some other species. These items check off the big 3: Meat, milk, & eggs.

Pictured, left to right, back to front:
Leai (white saanen), Laffy Taffy (nubian), Daffodil (nubian), Vera (registered Nigerian Dwarf). Up front is Betty White, one of my grandmother's unregistered Nigerian Dwarfs.

We want to wish everyone a happy New Year's Eve! We've been staying busy in the barn today. Trying to get the barn clean...

We want to wish everyone a happy New Year's Eve!
We've been staying busy in the barn today. Trying to get the barn clean since we want to start the new year off clean!
We don't currently have any new resolutions wrote out, although, we have changed many of our goals so I will likely write that tomorrow.
Here's where we are with this past year's resolutions:

1. Homegrown Belgain Hares on show table - Well, this one failed. Unfortunately, we are not currently raising Belgain Hares anymore though we do have a couple of does in our herd still. We hope to have another buck one day but our last one, Beast, passed away from a heart condition while on the way to the vet. And I don't have the heart to currently try again since he was my favorite and our Belgain Hare advocate/show off.

2. Improvement in our Silvers. - Unfortunately, I can probably count on both hands the amount of successful litters I had this year. The ones I did have and raised up, the babies did seem nice. But I haven't had enough litters to call this an improvement like I wanted. So Fail.

3. English Angora Show Breeding, Especially chinchillas. - Fail. Again, not enough litters. Going into the new year, we are actually culling a few animals out of our chin and tricolor lines due to not maintaining weight even when free fed. This may transition to 90% of our chins and tricolor. We will just have to wait and see as I try to improve the herd whether or not they get to stay around.

4. Baby/Growout Cages - Well, umm, this wasn't quite a fail. We didn't get the new stackers done that I wanted but we had added all the 42"-48" dog crates needed for the Belgain Hares and more 36" dog crates for the silvers so 🤷‍♀️. We've got 15 of the 36" dog crates, 6 of the 42", and 4 of the 48" so we've got the baby cages, they just aren't baby proof yet 🙈. So I'm counting it as a pass.

5. Website - It's finished! I just haven't bought the domain name for it yet so that's why it isn't open to the public. So it's a pass!

Overall, we only succeeded in 2 out of 5 of our goals but we had a bad year and we are hoping for a better one this coming year.

Enjoy photos of some of our bunnies enjoying their clean cages! Names are under the photos


Opening Hours

Monday 15:00 - 22:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 22:00
Wednesday 14:30 - 22:00
Thursday 08:00 - 22:00
Friday 12:00 - 22:00
Saturday 08:00 - 22:00
Sunday 08:00 - 22:00



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