We reserve the right to immediately remove content that contains personal attacks, profanity, and information unrelated to the topic. Comments posted to this page will be monitored. The Excelsior Springs Animal Control Center reserves the right to remove inappropriate comments including those that have obscene language or sexual content, threaten, or defame any person or organization, violate the
legal ownership interest of another party, promote illegal activity, promote commercial services or products, or are not topically related to the particular posting. All content and comments posted to this official Excelsior Springs Animal Control Center social media site are subject to public disclosure laws. Commenting Guidelines
1.Privacy and Safety: Any comments that share personal information, contain threats, or that
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2.Hate Speech and Discrimination: Comments promoting hate, violence, or discrimination based on race ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability will not be tolerated and will be removed
3.Misinformation: Comments spreading misinformation, especially that which could harm
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4. Archiving Content: Social media posts that are
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5.Links: Comments that include hyperlinks to any information will be moderated and not allowed to post.
6.Reporting Concerns: If you see a comment that violates our policy, please report it to us or the platform so we can review and take appropriate action.