Forever home wanted
Blue collar born 3/31/24 same litter as Bentley. He is still looking for a home due to the economy. He is not a rehome. 1st shot, dewormed regularly, microchipped, vet checked, crate trained, easy to groom, loves cuddling within minutes settling in for tv or work, leash training started, doesn’t like cats or chickens, gets along with other dogs. Up to 4 yr health.Dad is embark tested, along with grandparents and great grandparents. Mom wasn’t tested. Grandma and great are tested.
3 males, 1 female available. Female on hold for 1st pick to decide between the 2females.
Spoken for:
Male- black with white chest.
Economical litter. Natural tails. Not registering, but 💯 percent MS. Will have 1st shot, dewormed, microchipped, up to 4 yrs health.
Go home week of May 27th.
Pictures once mom rested.
3/3/24. Placed. pink collar- female, Champion/GrandCH line. Microchipped, dewormed, docked tail, up to 4 yrs health, groomed, 2 sets of shots, training started: crate/potty.
Placed. 3/3/24. Available: Pink liver male (updated pictures) newly groomed . AKC, 3 sets of shots, up to 4 yr health, microchipped, dewormed, vet checked. He is very chill, a little shy at first, will cuddle you all day.
Placed 2/28/24. Available: green collar- female, Champion/GrandCH line. Microchipped, dewormed, docked tail, up to 4 yrs health, groomed, 2 sets of shots, training started: crate/potty.
Named : Neo.
Guardian home only.
Liver male green collar.
Shots UTD
Pink collar male:Light liver
Green collar male-Available
Per request of Orange (placed). Also available is Pink.