The Trekking Dog Trainer

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  • The Trekking Dog Trainer

The Trekking Dog Trainer Using an integrative approach to help teach Life Skills, modify aggression & alleviate anxiety. Contact us today!

We offer worldwide consulting and even travel to various cities to give Seminars, Workshops, and other Events.


I am so dang proud of this team! Leroy is a rescue dog evaluated and brought into the SBF program and paired with Larry with such an obvious connection from the beginning, is was easy to see they were meant for great things together!

They are one of my first teams that started when I did back in January and to have them share this real-world win with me recently (and the behind-the-scenes look into what a PTSD Service Dog can help with!) just warms my heart even more and makes me glow with pride, knowing how far they've come ...and the bright future ahead.

Life isn't a race to the finish line - it is finding the joy in the journey that matters. Dogs can help us start to heal from trauma in ways no human can sometimes.

They bring us back to the present...because that's what they really know. How to be PRESENT.

Larry & Leroy - You Got This! One more PAT test after the airport and on to Graduation!

From 2016...At 9:25 p.m. on Tuesday, August 9th, 2016, Guinness peacefully crossed the bridge ahead of me while snuggled...

From 2016...
At 9:25 p.m. on Tuesday, August 9th, 2016, Guinness peacefully crossed the bridge ahead of me while snuggled in my arms, surrounded by friends and family. I could not have asked for a more serene way to say goodbye to my best friend. He knew without a doubt he was loved. So...thank you in advance for all of your condolences. He was just over 10.5 years. We've lived a grand adventure and only until VERY recently, he was still running, playing, and being a goofball...then...Lung Cancer. Very Aggressive. With everything it tried to take away, we modified our lives and still remained hopeful, happy...and we conquered it all...together. I told him if he fought I would too...and we did. But the last few days...we stopped. He wasn't the same dog and even the hope of cure was ripped away as he told me he was tired on the same day I discovered I had raised all of the money through private donors and was approved for a loan to start the SRS treatment we had hoped would give him more quality time here. He knew: The cancer had already spread. It was confirmed a second lesion was in his lungs and his platelets dropped to 18,000(manual count) as he spiked a 104.9 degree fever and we sat at WVRC looking into each other's eyes and he told me he was done. So, we stopped fighting. We left WVRC and went to watch the sunrise together for the last time at one of his favorite spots. We did some arts 'n crafts and got messy. We then went to the park to chase bikes, splash and relax in his favorite creek, and just be for awhile. We then got some vanilla custard and he finally ate something. In after 3 days of begging him and barely getting anything down, he decided to eat his custard...and I knew: it was his last meal. He refused everything else, even chicken, steak, cat food, etc. We had friends come by one last time, and then I kept my promise: I was there the moment he took his first breath and was holding him in my arms as he took his last and his heartbeat peacefully ceased to exist. I don't have any other words right now. His passing has ripped a huge piece of my soul out and right now I am just trying to cauterize the bleed. Just taking some time away from everyone and everything right thank you in advance.

The Blog I Wrote a month later(viewer discretion is advised):

Please remember all who fought, died, and those who live with the scars and memories of fighting still to maintain while...

Please remember all who fought, died, and those who live with the scars and memories of fighting still to maintain while you celebrate your freedom - today, tomorrow, and every day.

I wish everyone a safe and Happy 4th of July and extended weekend.

A fav memory of my Guinness...

So proud of this dude! Progress, not perfection but when opportunity presents, we'll take it! I discovered a flattening ...

So proud of this dude! Progress, not perfection but when opportunity presents, we'll take it! I discovered a flattening tire this morning(slow leak/another bolt in the sidewall, for crying out loud!), so I searched and found a close tire place that had the tire I need to match, pumped up tire, and drove over with Saber. While we waited for the checks and changes...I started a leash retrieval with this dude and mwah! The retriever kicked in! Yay! So, now we have another task starting and I am heading back home.

We also practiced: LLW, Sit, Down, Settle, Under, Tuck, Touch, Check it Outs, Leave its, Focus, Paws Up for DPT/Grounding, and the new cue, "Ignore" when people try to actively distract. SDiT...lots of work to do, but Progress Not Perfection for this 7.5mo old!

Your dog is learning EVERY moment they are awake...what is it that YOU are teaching them?

Real-world application in the link below. As a CVT, I have performed the Heimlich many times, but this one happened to b...

Real-world application in the link below. As a CVT, I have performed the Heimlich many times, but this one happened to be caught on the daycare CCTV camera where I was training dogs and they allowed me to record the footage to share. Right place, right time.

As fireworks start for 4th of July here, I am focusing on Alleviating Fear this week and some things you can do to help ...

As fireworks start for 4th of July here, I am focusing on Alleviating Fear this week and some things you can do to help your pets!

Phone Consults are only $40 to personalize your program and get you started, but here's a good info graphic to start on also.

Remember: Fear is an involuntary response and you can't "reinforce" it. You can definitely help counter condition some of the responses, but I highly suggest you throw out the notion that being there and assuring your dog is wrong.

You can't reinforce fear by comforting for pet.

My dogs still startle at some things. We had Storms AND Fireworks last night...and I had a few head lifts, but snuggles closer and back to sleep they went.

Sometimes, pups may need help via medications for higher level fears, but a healthy relationship is having your dog SEEK YOU OUT to help them.

I've seen and helped with far too many dogs who panic and run AWAY from places that should be safe. I help pet parents teach their dogs trust and the "run to me for help" behaviors that can be life-saving.

Want to learn more? Let's setup a Phone Consult!

Find our contact form at:

Is your dog scared of fireworks?! NOW is the time to request helpful medications (NOT Acepromazine!!!) from your vet and...

Is your dog scared of fireworks?! NOW is the time to request helpful medications (NOT Acepromazine!!!) from your vet and start behavior modification protocols ...and I can help! Don't wait until July 3rd! Call me today and setup your Noise Phobia Phone Consultation! $40 for the entire phone consult and lots of great information and ideas to help your pup be as stress-free as possible!
*New Phone Number*
[email protected]

Who agrees?

Who agrees?

Due to the recent loss of my last phone into a pool, there has been no way to recover what was lost and they could not t...

Due to the recent loss of my last phone into a pool, there has been no way to recover what was lost and they could not transfer the number, so I lost that also, with all of my contacts.

I am working on the updating contacts using my calendar (which was backed up, thank goodness!), but this is a slower process and with the daily schedule, will take some time. So, if you have been trying to reach me, please reach out via Messenger or through the website Contact form:

Thank you for your patience and we look forward to training again with you soon!


I'm sorry...I HAVE to share the off-duty pictures sometimes also! :-D

And, nope, I don't change...and STILL don't act my age... I've never been this old before!:-D

Earlier this week, Julie's phone went for a swim instead of staying on dry land and, sadly, fried. All data was lost (th...

Earlier this week, Julie's phone went for a swim instead of staying on dry land and, sadly, fried. All data was lost (the auto-updates to Cloud were apparently not updating from internal storage for several months), so all of our Trekking Dog media and student contact information was also lost.

We are sending out an e-mail blast to our current students, but if you have sent us a text or left a voicemail without a response, please comment, message us here or send an e-mail to: [email protected]. We apologize for any delays and thank you for your understanding. Technology is wonderful...but sometimes frustrating for those of us not as technologically-inclined.

Wishing everyone a beautiful day!

Wishing everyone a beautiful day!

Happy Mother's Day today and everyday

Happy Mother's Day today and everyday

WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP! Little Saber, the Service Dog in Training, is fighting for his life and his disabled veteran ow...

WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP! Little Saber, the Service Dog in Training, is fighting for his life and his disabled veteran owner needs him to recover and come back home.

Can you help him?!

All donations are going directly to the family, bit I'm offering Training Credit through The Trekking Dog Trainer for anyone who donates!


Do you need any training help? Want to help save a dog while you get it? PLEASE SHARE.This is one of my students and he ...

Do you need any training help? Want to help save a dog while you get it? PLEASE SHARE.

This is one of my students and he was happily on his way to becoming a Service Dog for his disabled veteran owner and now he is currently fighting for his life here in Phoenix after being infected with Parvovirus. He was fully vaccinated and supposed to be fully protected but somehow the vaccine has failed for this 6mo old.

This is devastating to the family and I am offering training credit, good toward any in-person OR online programs that I offer, in the same amount that you donate.

Donate $100, get $100 training credit.
Donate $50, get $50 training credit.

This beautiful boy is currently stable, but the expense grows as he is being hospitalized in ICU, going on a naso-gastric tube, and receiving supportive therapies to try and help him fight.

And he is fighting. So I will fight with them, too.

PLEASE donate if you can. Please share with anyone who needs training help.

Let's save this boy!


How many of your dogs can retrieve treats without snatching them? :-)

Learn more about us and enroll in your pet's next level of education here:

As Always, Happy Training!

And I dub this, "The Discussion Of Rules for Recess" (Clockwise: Rottweiler, Doberman, Border Collie, Old Eng Bulldog, a...

And I dub this, "The Discussion Of Rules for Recess"

(Clockwise: Rottweiler, Doberman, Border Collie, Old Eng Bulldog, and Shih-Malt) You will NEVER convince me that my training methods cannot help mitigate and manage aggression.

4 out of 5 of these dogs have or have had various aggression concerns, including one of them "cannot be" with little dogs according to another trainer - which one do you think that is?

Harper (the blue Doberman) was raised by me since 6.5weeks old, socialized REALLY well so has some amazing social skills and she is a pretty damn great dog. She is following in some of Guinness's mighty pawprints, yet blazing her own trail as we go, too. So, our discussion usually is:

" will be respectful. Wrestling IS allowed, but please keep your mouths open and soft. There will be no fighting over toys. You ARE allowed to tell each other "no", however, if I ask you to come over by me, you should do so quickly and without question so I can handle the redistribution of toys and redirection or timeouts. Under no circumstances will I allow you to fence fight with the yapper next door. If you forget, as toddlers do, you get ONE redirection, but then please proceed to the house if you elect to tell her off again. I DO have treats and surprise toys for those of you wanting to to be STAR pupils today and earn extra credit... like letting go if someone steals your toy or walking away from the yapper at the fence. Do we all agree to these terms? I will take your attention as a Yes. Let's go have some fun! RECESS TIME!"

Positive training does NOT mean permissive. There are still consequences for unwanted behaviors. But I don't need to press a button or use special equipment.

Want to learn more? Check out my services at:

You know - just that time when I had laryngitis and taught my students to read instead...

You know - just that time when I had laryngitis and taught my students to read instead...

Just in case you haven't heard yet, there is a celestial event happening TODAY: a total eclipse of the sun (not heart, s...

Just in case you haven't heard yet, there is a celestial event happening TODAY: a total eclipse of the sun (not heart, sorry Bonnie Tyler!). We will not have a total event in our area, just a partial eclipse, but still something pretty awesome that won't happen again for awhile!

An eclipse happens when the moon passes between the sun the earth blocking the light. (If the sun got between the moon and earth, that would be a very bad situation, don't you agree?!)

For the flat earth believers, nothing special today - just a minor shared area for a few regions.

DO NOT STARE AT THE SUN! You should have learned that as a child, however, it's even more critical now.

Keep pets INSIDE. Although they don't normally stare at the sun, anything that changes may grab their attention upwards during hltjat critical damaging time and that could mean damage to their eye health. It's better to be safe than sorry by keeping them inside than have to train them how to navigate the world with damaged or lost eyesight!

That said, for the Phoenix, Arizona area:
*** Eclipse party starts: 10:08am
*** Our peak guest arrives: 11:20am (wearing a lively shade of black white some lighter trim!)
** Our special guest leaves around 12:35pm...not to be seem again until 2045 or so in the Phoenix area!

Viewing parties are gathering at:

How does the sun cut the moon's hair? Eclipse it! (HAD TO!)

As Always, Happy Training!

My kiddos were ALL OVER THIS in the food dishes this evening! I opened up the bottle we just got in today and they were ...

My kiddos were ALL OVER THIS in the food dishes this evening! I opened up the bottle we just got in today and they were dancing around like fools, WA ting ro before I even added it!

I love when get excited overhangs like this!

To order yours:

I'm loving this company more and more each time something comes in!

Hello! I am a Professional Dog Trainer (Puppy through Service Dog) and Behavioral Consultant (Aggression, Reactivity, An...

Hello! I am a Professional Dog Trainer (Puppy through Service Dog) and Behavioral Consultant (Aggression, Reactivity, Anxiety Modification) and currently accepting new students for the Phoenix area, whether private lessons, real-world field trip lessons or Lodge N Learn.

* I am a Certified CGC & Tricks Evaluator for the AKC of you need help with certication or tricks reviews for titles.

* I have trained, competed and/or titled in various dogs sports with various breeds: from Obedience, IGP(formerly Schutzhund), Agility, Rally, Tracking, Herding(with a Doberman), Coursing Ability, Tricks (I had the 3rd Doberman in the world to earn a Trick Dog Championship), and have earned certifications in many other venues.

* I work both with the organization Soldier's Best Friend and private students for owner-trained Service Dog training.

* I am a Certified Veterinary Technician and have certificates in pet nutrition so bring all aspects of the puzzle to the table when helping you personalize your behavioral game plan for Lifelong Habits.

* I specialize in Cooperative Care - teaching your pet how to tolerate and impulse control for nail trims, ear cleanings, medicating, vet exams, blood draws, and more.

* I am a Certified Level 3 Elite Fear Professional so I do not require you to put any special equipment on your pet to achieve your goals.

* 23+ year career of helping others train with Fear Free methods and am now moving to Phoenix after 2yrs traveling with my two pups as a nomadic trainer and helping owners, shelters, and rescues across the country help animals learn new lifelong manners in fun ways that build a confident team relationship.

* I have worked with several species, including: dogs, cats, birds, rats, ferrets, horses, a tiger and even fish (yes, most fish can and love to learn also!).

* My passion in life is showing the wonderful ways of helping their pets without the need for anything beyond what they already use - or less! When you don't need special equipment for other species to help them learn, you don't need it for your best friend.

Feel free to visit my website to submit a contact form:

YouTube Channel (beginning to add more videos since I'm stationary again after 2yrs of traveling with my 2dobes):


Tips on how to break up a dog fight:

Tips on how to break up a dog fight:

APRIL DOG TRAINING SPECIAL:Until April 15th, we are offering our Calendar Cues Level 1 Life Skills Course and 2hrs of Ph...


Until April 15th, we are offering our Calendar Cues Level 1 Life Skills Course and 2hrs of Phone Consultation time for only $150!

That's 30 online lessons of essential skills and foundation manners over the course of 30days and 2hrs of Phone Consult time (can be spread out over multiple calls!) to ask questions about concerns and modify any other unwanted behaviors!

(You do have 6 months to complete the 30lesson course, so no rush!)

This is NO April Fool's! If youve been on the fence, NOW is the time to join my PawTree team. Today's Reasons to join me...

This is NO April Fool's! If youve been on the fence, NOW is the time to join my PawTree team.

Today's Reasons to join me:
* $0 enrollment fee (You read that correctly - it's FREE to join right now!)
* 12 MONTHS of no backoffice web support fees (~$120 value!)
* 2 free 10lbs bags of food! (~$111 value AND a ton of flavor selections, even for dogs with sensitive tummies or allergies!)
* I waited 6 MONTHS to join because I was skeptical and now that I see what it's actually about, I wish I hadn't taken so long. But all things for a reason! I am loving the food and products that my own dogs are enjoying and how easy it is to simply share with others and then move forward about my day...and still get paid!
* I've been sharing Amazon links for years and STILL have not received a commission check (it has to be over $10 and I'm only at $8ish after YEARS!) I've only been sharing my favorite (used, tried, loved) PawTree products for a few weeks and already have made over $160...Just By Sharing What I Love and Recommend On Occasion.
* YOU set what hours you work - or if you don't. But it's an actual business of simply sharing stuff you love with others - and getting paid to do it. And right now - IT'S FREE FOR A YEAR!

If you want to learn more, I'd love to help you get started on your journey!

Or enroll here and let's get you started!

Have you subscribed to our YouTube Channel? We have now publicized a folder for instructional videos that will be added ...

Have you subscribed to our YouTube Channel? We have now publicized a folder for instructional videos that will be added for 30days or so and then rotated out - All For Free!

So, subscribe to the Channel and don't miss out on teaching your pup some amazing - and useful - new skills!

Dog Training & Behavior Modification in YOUR area! We travel ALL over the continental U.S. and would love to help you as we trek on through! We want to provi...

ALL NEW ORDERS ARE 50% OFF THROUGH THE 31ST! HURRY!!! Everything is on sale...but not for much longer! Food, treats, toy...

ALL NEW ORDERS ARE 50% OFF THROUGH THE 31ST! HURRY!!! Everything is on sale...but not for much longer!

Food, treats, toys, supplements...EVERYTHING!

The head tilt that says they just might understand, wet-nosed kisses, puppy breath, no matter your mood, that tail-wagging greeting that's proof that unconditional love does exist, and bad days aren't that bad. If you knew that proactive supplementing could give you just one more heart-melting memor...



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