This is a HUGE milestone!!!!
It’s been 1 week since her amputation surgery and Sicily is doing beautifully!! What a precious little warrior she is ❤️🩹
I’m definitely not sitting here crying in the vet parking lot….😬😭
Getting everyone up and ready. I’m a whole hot mess of nerves today 😭
We are all settled in to the hotel in Lubbock! Tyson and Sicily did very well in their incubators on the trip so I covered the bed in pidgie blankets and am giving them a chance to stretch and just relax out of them for a while. This is the first time they have been out together and they really couldn’t care less but that’s a great sign that they will get along.
My heart aches for Sicily. She’s so completely traumatized 😞. Pigeons are very similar to dogs both in intelligence and personality traits. If you imagine seeing a dog who has been through hell at the hands of humans, you will see the same look in Sicily’s eyes 💔. Pigeons mate for life, often when a pigeon’s mate passes away they will grieve long periods and some will even die of a broken heart without their beloved partner. Sicily lost her mate, her family, her whole flock because of this maniac shooter. We can do our very best to fix her body so she survives but healing a broken heart is so much more difficult 😞
This boy, this absolutely precious boy 😭. Just look at him!! He doesn’t even startle when I touch him 🥺. How could someone be so cruel to shoot such a beautiful little soul 💔
The little concussed grackle from my previous post turned out to be a female instead of a juvenile male as originally thought. She was called in late last night after smacking into the side of CVS and suffering a concussion, shaking, unable to stand, fly or keep her balance, it looked a bit bleak BUT after a warm night in a dark incubator and an afternoon in the aviary, she bounced right back and was ready to go home! I took her to the park down the block so she has a safer area to get her bearings and find her flock. Good luck sweetheart!!
This little grackle smacked into the side of CVS and was brought to us late last night, shaking and unable to stand up properly. We treated her, kept her in a warm, dark incubator overnight and this morning she is right as rain! She’s alert, and flying perfectly around the aviary. I’ll observe her for a few hours, give her a chance to get plenty of healthy food in her tummy then take her back over to her flock for release 🥰. So glad she will be okay!
Pidgie love
It has been a tough week for intakes with injuries, predator attacks, starvation and illnesses. But even in sad moments there is still much joy to be found. Barbossa, the one footed pigeon found on death’s door, has made a full recovery and has found love! For the longest time he just kept to himself and didn’t interact much with my home flock but my sweet girl Moon, finally won him over and they haven’t stopped hooting, dancing and snuggling each other since I placed her in his bachelor pad. I am hoping this will encourage him to venture out more! Congratulations love birds 🍾🥂♥️
Happy pidgie purring 🥰. Goldie’s Mama loved her very much but unfortunately could not keep her, so this precious little love bug has joined our crew. Today was her first day of freedom out of her quarantine kennel and I am absolutely smitten 🧡
Precious Phoenix has had one heck of an uphill battle since arriving. I will share his harrowing story once he is further out of the woods but for now I just want to celebrate this little win. He’s spent the last two weeks dancing a very fine line between life and death but was finally strong enough for a bath to help rid him of some oil residue from the gas station where he was found. Needless to say he hated his bath but he LOVED the hair dryer!