🦃Bourbon Red Turkey Season has officially started at the Sumner Farm.
I might need to buy a second GQF incubator 🤣, between the chicken eggs and the Emu eggs and now turkey eggs my incubator is starting to fill up fast.
This morning I awoke to the sound of baby chicks coming from the incubator❤️🐣🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥
These are from my Frizzle Blue 🩵 egg laying Americanas.
See pics in comment section to see what the parents look like.
Once a week I’ll have these hatching out now threw the Summer 🐥🐥🐣
🌧️💦🌬️🌪️ Just got all my Storm preparations done for tomorrows storm. The 350 gallon back up water tote is cleaned and filled up in case the power goes out. These things make great back up water wells if your out in the country on well water and the power goes out.
Hopefully I won’t get a lot of damage from falling trees.
Turkeys and chickens enjoying watermelon 🍉
Took all the goats out for a free range foraging walk this afternoon.
They love doing this. I’ll open the front gate wide open and holler.. let’s go, let’s go….and they all come running. Then we all venture into the vacant property next door so the goats can eat blackberry bushes, oak leaves, pine needles and wild flowers. Did you know that oak leaves and pine needles are a good natural de-wormer 🐛for goats 🐐❤️
Dutch Bantams enjoying a new clean coop
Last night I pulled 25 newly hatched baby chickens out of the incubator and put them in the brooder.
One little chick was stuck trying to hatch out of the egg so I helped him the rest of the way out.
I went back and checked on him a hour or so later and he looked like he possibly had a crooked foot so I left him in the incubator overnight and hoped he would straighten his foot out on his own.
This morning I checked and crooked foot is perfectly fine 👏😊 chirping his head off and walking around with no problem.
Yaaay crooked foot made it ❤️🤣✨
Young 2022 Bourbon Red Turkeys in our grow out pin. The 2 white ones are young female Royal palms.
_______ depends on age and size of Turkeys.
Private message for more info
NPIP certified
Havana FL
Back up water reserve
Hurricane 🚩preparations activated.
Cleaning out my 355 gallon water tote. It sits empty all year long, when a hurricane is in the Gulf or potentially heading this way I wash it out and fill it with water and bleach, let that sit for a night, wash it out real good the next day and empty it out. Then right before the hurricane hits I’ll fill it all the way up and if we loose power ( I’m on we’ll water) like we normally do then I’ll still have water for all the animals.
……………………Coming soon !
Baby Kune Kune pigs 🐖 🐷🐖🐷
This is one of my 3 pregnant females. She is the largest and this will be her first time having babies so I’m excited for her 🤪🐷👍🏻✨