Video proof of Twyla's "exhausting run" yesterday that resulted in her needing the nap we posted previously 😆
When your steer comes when called and loves snuggles but is 1,000+ pounds and is blind 😍
The afternoon wellness check started off rough. The milkhouse temperature dropped below freezing, despite three heaters running, which meant frozen pipes. Half of the water buckets were frozen despite being heated. Heck, even the canned cat food froze! Yet watching the animals all appear unfazed was a much needed mood check.
Buddy and Twyla happily rubbed their faces in the snow during their bathroom break. The cows and horses all chose to be outside and take in the sunshine despite having indoor spaces available. The birds also lined up to catch the sun coming into the coop through the door. The goats all had each other to snuggle. Mikey, one of our former feral cats, seemed grateful for his heating pad. Not a single one allowed the cold to affect their mood. Duly noted...
I'll go first...
#1. They have their own blanket
#2. They sleep under your covers
#3. You have to wake them up in the morning
Vanya was running late for dinner, Marvin was standing in the dish, and Shadow was well behaved as always! All very telling of their unique personalities!
"Where the heart finds rest, a sanctuary is made." 🥰
Brooks, a premature orphan helping care for his friend, Sparky, who lost his eyes as a result of neglect.
We added some door curtains for the goats to help keep the elements from their indoor spaces while still giving them the freedom to come and go as they please. This was their initial reaction 😂
"Hey, mom! MOM! Watch this..."
My current mood realizing that it's Christmas tomorrow, yet the tree is only partially decorated, none of the presents are wrapped, and the husband is working a double today...
Them: you let your dogs on the couch?
Us: ummm, we'd let them borrow the car if they needed to!
The sun was shining, temperatures were in the 40s, and the babies were full of nose boops!
🔊🔊 Volume Up🔊🔊
The look Calvin gives me after Hazel gives me an earful! I'm pretty sure the word "heehaw" does not adequately describe whatever this is 😂