I wanted to take a moment this Sunday morning and THANK EVERYONE who has donated. We have been able to pay close to $3,000 in outstanding and current medical bills. This is huge! We got hit hard in medical bills in the last 6 months close to $7,000. We are a very small Rescue as all of you know and depend hugely on our donations. We take in as many cats as we can, but we got hit with a ton of medical and medical cats recently unexpectedly. We still owe SFPH close to $1,000 which their invoices are posted and we owe Four Paws on our Sanctuary cats close to $2,000. These are ALL outstanding invoices from last year. At the moment, we CAN NOT afford to take in any more cats until we get caught up. I am PERSONALLY asking for your help. These existing bills are keeping us from moving forward. ANY amount helps!!! Donation link below. With Love, Andrea❤️