Yesterday was national pancake day so we made #dogsafe pancakes in the evening for the dogs. We used salmon oil for the syrup (which has a lot of amazing benefits)and as you can see everyone loved them!! 🥞 #dog #dogcare #doggiedaycare #dogboarder #boardingdogs #bananapancakes #nationalpancakeday #yestrrday #march1 #homeawayfromhome #pancakes
Yesterday all of the daycare dogs had so much fun! We did a maze where they had to find treats, more photo shoots in costumes, and dog friendly pumpkin spice lattes 🤤🎃☕️
#dogcare #pupkinspicelatte #spookyseason #spookymaze #halloweenparty #halloween #halloweenpartyfordogs #doghalloweenparty #doggiedaycare #homeawayfromhome
The cup game! 😊 this game helps with spacial recognition and helps with fear of new/different and/or loud objects. The goal is to get the dog to be confident enough to flip the cups themselves to get the treat ☺️
#enrichmentfordogs #enrichment #canineenrichment #canineenrichmentgames #canineenrichmentideas #cupgame #dogcare #doggiedaycare #doggiedaycarefun
Part 2 of a day in the life 🥰 featuring quiet time, afternoon play, and more enrichment. We will be posting a part 3 to show basement activities and sleepy pups after daycare ❤️
#dayinthelife #doggiedaycare #doggiedaycarelife #doggiedaycarefun #funtimes #cute #cutedogs #dogsofinstagram #homeawayfromhome
We are having a Halloween Party ❤️ book your pups in advance before we are completely full. We can’t wait to spend a fun week with a bunch of amazing pups doing so many fun activities that we normally don’t do 💕👻👻👻 if you have a costume for your dog please send them in it, we will have a photo shoot and goodie bags where we will send a picture of them all dressed up along with some delicious treats and other surprises 💕
#halloween #halloweenparty #doghalloweenparty #doghalloween #doghalloweencostumes #doggiedaycare #doggiedaycarefun #doggiedaycarelife #funtimes #homeawayfromhome #party #partyfordogs #trickortreat #trickfortreat #hauntedhouse #spookymaze #bobbingfortreats
Fun #enrichment game, finding treats and learning about spacial recognition/socializing different textures to insure our dogs aren’t fearful of things they don’t know or understand ☺️ the dogs had a blast playing this game and by the end even the dogs afraid of balloons gained a lot of confidence!
IMPORTANT ** if you try this game at home please be sure that you are watching them to ensure they don’t eat any thing they shouldn’t!
#enrichmentfordogs #enrichmentgames #diyenrichmentideas #confidencebuilding #dogcare #doggiedaycare #doggiedaycarefun #doggiedaycaregames
Cody is NOT ready for summer to end!!
Coming at you with another #enrichmenttuesday 🙌🙌🙌 this week we are talking about fun, sniffing games. Did you know that dogs rely so much on their nose? While humans have up to 6 million olfactory receptors in their nose, a dog has up to 300 MILLION!! In layman’s terms...if we smell a burger right before dinner, we smell everything all meshed together whereas a dog can smell the specific type of beef that the burger was made of, all the ingredients in the ketchup and mustard, specifically the pickles, the type of cheese, the ingredients that made the bun, etc. its absolutely amazing! And that’s why it is so very important to tap into their sense of smell in enrichment activities.
This game is easy, right before you need to mow your lawn (so the grass is at its highest) grab a handful of healthy treats and scatter them throughout the grass—and there ya go! You have a diy outdoor snuffle mat! Your pup will love to sniff through all that long grass to find their favorite treats ☺️🐶🐕
#enrichment #canineenrichment #enrichmentfordogs #diysnufflemat #outdoorsnufflemat #senseofsmell #dogsofinstagram #enrichthemind #gettingsmarter #happy #cutedogs #cute #fun #funinthesun #outdoordogs #dogcare #dogcaretips #doggiedaycare #doggiedaycarelife #doggiedaycarefun #fun #uniquedogcare #unique #amazingdogcare #dogwalker #doggroomer #dogboarder #dogboardingbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal
The sun is out 🌞 and Cody is so excited that we are bringing out the water toys! Daycare is going to be a lot of fun this summer!