Snacking for the Ky Kitty Cats

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Snacking for the Ky Kitty Cats We at Kentucky kitty cats treat many medical emergencies. Not counting our regular spay and neuter efforts.

So we are always looking for exciting new ways to raise some funds so we can continue our mission for the greater good! ladies and gentlemen sorry life got hectic starting February 1 2022 I will be back to...

OK ladies and gentlemen sorry life got hectic starting February 1 2022 I will be back to a monthly fundraiser. Funds raised will still be used for our basic supplies vetting and my new favorite project TNR. here is a snipit of 2021 projects. In January we have taken 11 cats off the streets! With so many more to come. These will all be vetted vaccinated ear tip and released 😻 If unable to be released safely we will relocate to a barn home. I'm not a huge fan of returning kittens to the streets because it hurts My heart. So I'm always looking for barn homes who will meet basic needs food water shelter and vetting as needed!

2022 is the chance for a new beginning to save some lives! TNR is the answer to helping alleviate the overpopulation. As always we are highly focused on spay and neutering family pets too!


Benefit yard sale for Kentucky kitty cats! Come see us caturday October 2nd from 7 to 2 at the fots building located nex...

Benefit yard sale for Kentucky kitty cats! Come see us caturday October 2nd from 7 to 2 at the fots building located next to Don Moore in Hartford

Found on Google from


All proceeds of this campaign will benefit Kentucky Kitty Cats, Inc.. All proceeds of this campaign will support Kentucky Kitty Cats, Inc. Kentucky Kitty Cats is a no-kill...

You guys rock!!

You guys rock!!


Pepsi products are on the way!!

PSA Due to pricing and lack of contact from my previous popcorn fundraiser attempts. We have switched over to popping po...


Due to pricing and lack of contact from my previous popcorn fundraiser attempts. We have switched over to popping popcorn. The selection looks so much better and the price is under $20 for family size!! I have a meeting with our coach this coming week and the best part they do offer shipping to out of state individuals. If anyone would like a brochure to sell at their workplace let me know this is another highly profitable fundraiser for the 🐱 thanks for bearing with me as we work thru the mud as this is my first time ever running monthly fundraisers


🤞 I'm working on a food truck. With the last one I'm leary but I really hope this one will work out!


🎉🎉🎉🎉 201 cases of pepsi products have been ordered 🎉🎉🎉🎉 you ladies and gentlemen have killed it yet again!! Thank you everyone a delivery date will be available soon!!!

Last day for orders!!!! If you haven't ordered and want to do so we need them today as Tammy will be turning the order i...

Last day for orders!!!! If you haven't ordered and want to do so we need them today as Tammy will be turning the order in for me in the morning.

Diet pepsi
Dr pepper
Diet Dr pepper
Mountain dew
Diet Mountain dew

Weston thanks everyone who takes part in our fundraising adventures because he may be small but his medical expenses are not

15 days until we turn in our final order. Pepsi products 24 16.9 ounces bottles for only $14PepsiDiet pepsi Mountain dew...

15 days until we turn in our final order.
Pepsi products 24 16.9 ounces bottles for only $14
Diet pepsi
Mountain dew
Diet Mountain dew
Dr. Pepper
Diet Dr. Pepper

We hope to have delivery the first week of September.

Every case sold helps sweet babies like biff here and his multiple medical needs

Sorry guys and gals I have been super busy. The food truck canceled on us due to some unforeseen event. We hope to get t...

Sorry guys and gals I have been super busy. The food truck canceled on us due to some unforeseen event. We hope to get that rescheduled soon. We are still taking orders for pepsi products and when I get 1 spare second I'm gonna make a detailed post on that. We will be selling until August 15th. Every purchase made goes to help innocent babies like this one. I trapped him today at the local establishment we are working to help population control. He is a doll but super scared right now. He will be taken off the streets and will be vetted soon. Some of the kittens are seriously not able to be handled at this time which makes life rough as they are all sick. Giving medication is a daily battle but somehow it gets done. 1 of the Littles is a biter to no fault of his/her own its just the way life happens when they are born to feral moms and have no human contact til the lady with the trap comes for them.

Don't forget we will be hosting this event from 11 to 2 tomorrow. Next to Moore Ford. Everyone says the food is amazing....

Don't forget we will be hosting this event from 11 to 2 tomorrow. Next to Moore Ford. Everyone says the food is amazing. Let's welcome them to Ohio County and make the day a success. Please share because we want to go as big the pretzel truck if not bigger ❤


You guys killed the little ceasers event ❤ thank you so much! We will be redoing this one later in the year for sure.

Pepsi fundraiser will run until August 15th at midnight. We will submit our Final order on August 16th and products should be delivered in 2 weeks. If anyone wants to help us sell please let Tammy or myself know.

July 21st from 11 to 2 we will be hosting j's good grub out of Owensboro. I have heard amazing things about this truck. Let's make it huge for them and us. (I have an event link posted)

Share our page so many people still don't know we exist 😭

We absolutely love our kitty cat friends ❤

Pizza Kits are here now!!

Pizza Kits are here now!!


Drum roll please!!!!

We are now offering pepsi products

Diet pepsi
Dr. Pepper
Diet Dr. Pepper
Mountain dew
Diet Mountain dew

We have a case of 24 16.9 ounce bottles available for $14

We must sell a minimum of 100 cases for shipping.

Who wants some pepsi products??


OK ladies and gents.. I have a conundrum. Popcorn info came late but I have now contacted and gotten a pepsi fundraiser ready to go.. so I'm gonna ask you guys our loyal kitty friends which you want to see first.. you tell me pepsi or gourmet popcorn


The popcorn info finally arrived ❤


Anyone free on the 14th to run by and help Tammy sort the orders that morning?I'm at work til 1230ish

Anyone who ordered a pizza kit item they will be delivered on July 14th at 8:00 that morning.

Anyone who ordered a pizza kit item they will be delivered on July 14th at 8:00 that morning.

Weston wants to pop in and say thank you for all of the support. Every dollar we profit helps guys like Boswell, Trooper...

Weston wants to pop in and say thank you for all of the support. Every dollar we profit helps guys like Boswell, Trooper, and him. Their medical bills hit us right at the same time practically and if we didn't have such great kitty friends we wouldn't be able to stay afloat plus do all the spay neuter operations we do.


Thanks to all of our wonderful supporters June went great ❤ many of you guys give when we ask and we can't thank you enough. So for the next couple of months I have fundraisers planned. These are the way to give us support and get some goodies. I am waiting on my popcorn fundraiser to begin and as soon as I have that mail in my hand I will share the amazing gourmet flavors we will offer. These look super yummy (trust me I have seen the email of flavors offered)


We have changed our page name pening approval.. coming soon Snacking for the Ky Kitty Cats


We made our goal of 100 pizza kits. Reaching our end goal of $600 profit once all kits are delivered and all money collected. We ordered a few extra incase of any errors or anyone missed our post. Thanks to the generosity of the buyers this was a true successful fundraiser. Thank you to everyone who supported our goal.. a huge shout out to Kerstin for stepping up and helping make this one a success! It takes a village to run this rescue! Stay tuned July will bring the popcorn sales. If anyone would like to help us sell those kits please pm Tammy or myself brandie because every dollar made goes to the cats and their needs!


Pizza orders are winding down.. if you haven't contacted for payment please do so immediately so we can get these ordered in a timely manner and not miss this opportunity.

PayPal [email protected]
Venmo [email protected]

To everyone we appreciate the orders. Tomorrow will be the last day we can take them. please share for one last effort to meet our goal of 100 kits equaling $600 for our vet bills. We need these funds as we just spent $2225.43 for the month of June (it's not even over yet 🙀)


12 days to go before we place the final order ❤

Cole says go crazy and order some pizza bread or cookies!!

Cole says go crazy and order some pizza bread or cookies!!

We are currently waiting for our spay appointments. Mu shu and bam bam will no longer be adding babies to ohio County. E...

We are currently waiting for our spay appointments. Mu shu and bam bam will no longer be adding babies to ohio County. Every dollar made goes to vetting these beautiful girls plus the 100s of other kitties thru the year.

Fellow cat lovers meet grandma aka momma Mia. She is the prime example of why we keep doing this day after day. Spending...

Fellow cat lovers meet grandma aka momma Mia. She is the prime example of why we keep doing this day after day. Spending hours and so much money saving these lives. She was a super feral repeat littering momma. I was finally able to trap her in August 2020. August 17 2020 she blessed us with 5 beautiful babies. Unfortunately we lost 3 but she is the momma to the beautiful pumpkin patch. She went to he spayed and have her blood work done and the news came back she was fiv positive 8 plus years old and her mouth was by far the worst our clinics vet had ever seen. They had to remove her poor broken cracked destroyed teeth leaving her with her k9 teeth only. Choices were made that her life was more valuable then any test result from the day and she was gonna learn how to not be a trash digging street cat. She was brought back to her babies but she made it quickly known she is not a house cat. So more decisions were made and we decided she would be a perfect sanctuary cat. She now lives among the clowder she still enjoys outside time laying in the sun relaxing. She has made leaps and bounds when it comes to her health and appearance. She was a scraggly sick girl upon intake but now she is a plump happy girl. Every dollar we make for these fundraisers will help cats like grandma here and she sure looks appreciative of the second chance at life. We will never be able to touch or hold her but we love her from afar and she depends on us. I know deep down she does love us.

We have met a wonderful friend in the cat house neighborhood. He has worked on trapping and spaying and neutering cats f...

We have met a wonderful friend in the cat house neighborhood. He has worked on trapping and spaying and neutering cats from the streets of Hartford. We met him when one of the trouble makers we have trapped and neutered showed up in his trap one day. He took boom boom to bluegrass to have him neutered to find out he's already altered. After some address comparison it was obvious he was one of our misfits.. well not exactly ours he was left abandoned by his previous "people" so now he is just kind of ours. Mr Noffsinger we sure appreciate you and all you do for the kitties and the change you are making. Today he caught bam bam and has welcomed her to come back and be a street cat as he continues to care for her as soon as she is spayed! This is the goal of fundraising to spay and neuter medically treat the needy and save lives! Bam bam has been covered on surgery but the 100 of cats and kittens on our waiting list haven't. We seriously take multiple requests daily. I personally had someone from corbin ky reach out to me yesterday 😬 I pointed her to a rescue there praying they have more availability then us

Meet alfredo. She is a warrior and a fip survivor  (*Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a viral disease of cats caus...

Meet alfredo. She is a warrior and a fip survivor (*Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a viral disease of cats caused by certain strains of a virus called the feline coronavirus.) She came to us one hot mess of we didn't even know. She was and still is pretty much feral. We first thought she was pregnant by tha bloat she developed in her belly but her health decreased significantly within days. She literally smelled like death sorry there are no better words to describe this one. She wasn't grooming and she was slowly dying in our care. An emergency vet trip proved she was super sick her panels were off the wall. We were left with 2 choices euthanasia or a different more costly treatment. We decided to treat. It took a game plan with this one. She developed trust in me but she would go from loving to being mad so she was one that you had to approach with caution. She started taking 2 pills a day and thank goodness for the pill gun because had I had to stick my fingers in her mouth i may have lost a finger or 2. We did days of treatment and as the time passed she became better. She started grooming and cleaning herself. She to this day still looks like a worn out kitty but these pics show some of the progress. She isn't up in your face she doesn't want you to love her or even touch her. She will remain a sanctuary cat with us until her time is done. Sometimes we have to do unconventional medications most of the time they are crazy expensive like this treatment but she has many wonderful years left now where she is living her best life. Every kit we sell helps us with the next alfredo. ***we do everything in our power to give these kitties a quality of life we do not euthanize anyone unless if deemed medically necessary*** to love a feral kitty is a rewarding experience. They love you in their own way in return.

Meet stripe Stanley and Simon. The s boys are our feline leukemia brothers. Did you know we currently have 5 feluk kitti...

Meet stripe Stanley and Simon. The s boys are our feline leukemia brothers. Did you know we currently have 5 feluk kitties in our care? Feluk hit our budget hard last month. Rushing around having to change the dynamic of the cat house making a newly made sick room for these kitties so they can't interact with the others until all of the healthy kitties recieve negative tests and feluk vaccines. Stripe just happens to be a personal favorite of mine he is the most outgoing of this litter. Stanley is also a super sweet boy. We are working with Simon as he is the shy one of the litter but oh so beautiful. So every $6 we make per kit will also benefit these boys. Plus they are up for adoption to anyone with feluk experience. They would do marvelous in a home without other kitties or ones who are completely vaccinated against the virus. We love our S boys and have made the proper means to help them thru this

Meet scarlet and strawberry!! I had the pleasure of trapping these bonded sisters last weekend. Poor girls were destroyi...

Meet scarlet and strawberry!! I had the pleasure of trapping these bonded sisters last weekend. Poor girls were destroying garbage seeking food. My personal garbage was their favorite as they could get any remains from the cans of cat food I tossed away. With every fundraiser or request we make please know we use the funds directly on kitties like this. The abandoned and neglected the ones tossed to the wayside for whatever reason. Now they don't have to wonder where their next meal will come from. Everytime we give them canned food it's gone in minutes as they forget there is always more for them. Scarlet is pregnant and after babies come and are weaned she will receive her spay and strawberry will be spayed as soon as we have appointments available our wonderful vet works miracles working us in when appointments are available but when you have so many mommas waiting their turn it can be overwhelming. We also work with our friends at other clinics to make sure this is the last litter these mommas ever produce. We spent roughly $3000 on vet bills last month 😩 between emergencies and regular vet care including spay and neuter (and this was just at 1 office) since I have been with kkc this is the highest month to date but when we asked our kitties friends were right there to help and we love you guys so much!

We love to hug our kitties.. as long as they allow! I plan on sharing some of our adoptable kitties thru this month. Als...

We love to hug our kitties.. as long as they allow! I plan on sharing some of our adoptable kitties thru this month. Also Tammy and I have decided after this fundraiser we are changing the pages name to something about our monthly fundraiser versus me changing it every month. Hey I'm learning here 😹 anyways the more you interact with the page the more you see so let's share some feline pictures rather you adopted from us or not we want to see those babies! If you don't have pics tell us the story of how you met you feline companion. I personally am a sucker for the special needs babies. I can't wait til scoots becomes the story of the day.

Did you know Kentucky kitty cats is also scentsy reps?? Please visit our web page where every purchase also goes to the ...

Did you know Kentucky kitty cats is also scentsy reps?? Please visit our web page where every purchase also goes to the kitties. Like my friend tortellini. Tortellini landed in a shelter in a neighboring County and due to lack of space they are are kill shelter. I met this sweet girl and she seemed to be in pre labor. My heart broke and I immediately made some calls and the next day she was a kkc. On day 2 she blessed us with 6 perfect little noodles. And along the way she even accepted a small orphan baby. Unfortunately tortellini isn't a friendly in your face girl she is semi feral and scared but she is an amazing mother and as her babies go into forever homes she will become one of our sanctuary kitties. Feral or scared is not a death sentence for us we love them all. So with your purchases we supply vetting food litter and everything our kitties need.

Hey everyone it seems we are having trouble with the link I posted I will contact our coach in the morning and have this...

Hey everyone it seems we are having trouble with the link I posted I will contact our coach in the morning and have this worked out. So sorry for the inconvenience but please know I didn't just put it off today. Meet our newest kkc member who will benefit from this fundraiser. Cole has named her mayflower and she came with 4 beautiful little babies. Unfortunately mayflower is a young mom but we will make sure this is her only litter ever. My guess is she is around 8ish months old and the babies are around 5 or 6 weeks old. We appreciate all the love and support we have from all of our kitty cat friends!



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