Linus working on some commands while we shop.
Linus is working hard to overcome his anxiety and reactivity. Since he is still too stressed out in public to do the down command, we are not asking that of him yet. For now, we are focusing on his being able to calmly pass dogs and people in public and getting him more comfortable with commands at home.
Linus is going to take a of work, but this guy is going to be able to go everywhere with his family after training!
Linus is a nervous guy who barks at everything. For our first trip out in public we are starting his walk by just sitting in the car and letting him observe the world. By doing this, we are starting his walk on a more calm note, and also letting him work his mind by observing without reacting. Once Linus has relaxed, we get him out of the car and do the same thing. This process can take a few minutes, or even an hour depending on the dog.
Down/stay has been one of the hardest parts of training for Kermit because he is so clingy. Today we took it up a level and did some training at the dog park for distractions.
Maggie’s first day officially off leash. She had a great time playing with Arlo, running, and getting to be goofy. Following commands with all of that freedom was a good challenge for her!
Maggie’s trip to Lowe’s today.
Kermit is a bit obsessed with licking hands and doesn’t know how to stop. Today, we are working on only giving affection when he stops licking my hands and gives me eye contact. If he licks me hand I give him a verbal correction and wait until he stops and looks at me. As soon as he does, he gets the attention he wants.
Maggie’s first trip to the mall and working around real world distractions!
The first rule of Place: You stay on Place
You can wiggle around all you want to 😂
We weren’t planning on Kermit’s first field trip to be in stores, but an unexpected rain shower changed our plans.
Our unexpected trip had a great outcome and this little guy did fantastic.
Two of the major thing Deek needed work on was not jumping out of the car, and impulse control around children. Thankfully, the playground was busy when we got to the park today and we were able to have a great training session for his second trip out!
New Maggie had her first lesson at the park this evening.