This is fake news 🗞️
⚠️Strong words coming… suck it up Equine World.
Vets, farriers, barefoot trimmers, and even research scientists have been misled for too long - and are therefore misleading others.
Rotation of P3 (coffin bone) is ALWAYS human error - every single time.
There's no such thing as P3 "rotating" or "sinking" within the hoof capsule. NO SUCH THING.
Typical vet statement 👉“You must box rest your horse or P3 will come through the sole.”
RUBBISH. If you (vet) had been taught correct hoof care you’d see how ridiculous that statement was.
More utter poppy c**k 👉 “A heart bar shoe can support the frog and P3 to prevent it from sinking” - this is a myth.
It ‘supports’ nothing. Absolutely NOTHING.
Stop nailing (or glueing) them onto already compromised hoof capsules (that you or your colleague screwed up in the first instance).
Equine world irony 👉 Hang on, how about a clog or two, rockering it would be even better - how about resecting the hoof wall, yeah, great that’ll fix it - set the shoe back - increase break over - stop lever forces (everyone ignore the heels).
Sigh. 😔
Every single time you see P3 in the wrong positon in the hoof capsule - it’s INCORRECT TRIMMING that caused it.
You see the red lines on this x-ray?
That’s where the hoof capsule should be.
All that material left at the heel and removed at the toe? Your equine ‘pros’ did that.
Millions of dollars spent on laminitis research and they haven’t even spotted the most simplest of causes.
Vets, farriers, barefoot trimmers - they’re all doing it.
It’s not laminitis - it never was - p3 rotation is human error.
You, the horse owners, are being duped to believe that X-rays like this are a dreadful act of cruel nature.
That the laminae got inflamed, fell apart and left P3 dangling about in the hoof capsule, rotating and sinking at will.
That’s not true.
P3 got like this because humans caused it. The HUMAN HAND with their rasps and nippers, and mythical ideas.
Chopping off toes endlessly, thinning soles, disorienting hoof capsules - this is all improper unnatural hoof care.
HM have a saying 👉 “Do unnatural things, and expect unnatural things to happen”.
Poor P3 - poor, poor P3. The most humungous great big RED HERRING. Forget P3. Look at the HOOF CAPSULE.
P3 is busy doing nothing inside that hoof capsule, minding its own business just waiting for someone who knows how to read a hoof capsule to keep it in balance.
Vet schools, you should hang your heads in shame for failing to teach your students even the most basic principles of hoof care. You know you don’t - we know you don’t - and this is a worldwide problem.
Typical vet statement (with no prior knowledge of hoof care): “remove more toe”
LOOK AT THE X-RAY - that’s where your “remove more toe” got this poor pony.
You should have said “get those heels down, leave that poor toe alone, stop thinning the sole!”
Farrier and barefoot schools, stop listening to bogus science and stop teaching your students to chop off toes.
Every time you do that, you lose the balance point, take off too much sole, cause growth rates to go into chaos, leave too much heel, and rotate P3.
Then you X-ray and shout - L-A-M-I-N-I-T-I-S
This isn’t just misguided - it’s maiming, laming, and killing horses.
It’s embarrassing, it’s wrong, and it has to end. We are SO DAMN tired of seeing this happen, and having to correct it.
And sometimes we’re just too bloody late.
Equine world you should be saying ‘My Bad’ 😑
p.s. if your horse is being diagnosed with rotation, get into our rehab group now and learn how to fix it before it’s too late: The Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof Health
p.p.s. these videos on this YouTube channel are TOTALLY FREE - educate yourself: Lindsay Setchell Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/