Bell's K9 Connection

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Bell's K9 Connection Servicing Loogootee, IN and surrounding areas. Dog training services with a balanced approach since


There is absolutely NO reason your dog needs to greet other dogs in public. Not one.


Hard to watch, but important to know. Check out the links in comments to natural alternatives!

For sure.

For sure.

Let's break it down!!

Let's break it down!!


This is long, but a great read! A MUST read!!! Copied and pasted.

Can we talk about puppies and dogs for a minute?
I have a person who has been calling me for a few years now. She wants a dog, but her husband does not. Of course I wouldn’t place a puppy in that home, but the calls keep coming.
Finally, this person wanted a rescue and put an application in to the rescue. The rescue was reluctant to place a puppy or dog with the couple, because the yard was not fully fenced. But promises were made to walk the dog and the rescue finally relented. The person called me,
“I’m getting a 10 month old lab. I’m so excited. It has been surrendered twice already, so I know it will be work, but I’m willing to work with this dog.”
My counsel (if you call it that) was “Do not get this puppy unless you are committed to it. Humans have already let this dog down too many times. Think this through really well. Make sure you are both committed to the dog and that you will not bring it back at the first sign of problems. Please, please do not take this dog home with you, unless you were willing to work through any problems you might have.” And I continued to tell them the things that puppies do, and that are bigger problems because they are 10 months old and have been abandoned more than once. Of course, the response was I need something to love. I want something to love, this dog will be something I can love and I will work through things with this dog. And once more I begged her, do not do this, unless you are committed to do this for a lifetime, this puppy has been let down by humans too many times.
Well, as you can guess the puppy peed on the carpeting, which was brand new. Since the couple was in their 60s, a 10 month old lab was difficult to control. A 10 month old lab that had been surrendered more than once had obviously not had any training, or had insufficient training. And after a weekend, the dog was surrendered once more to the facility.
I post this today because this broke my heart. Puppies are a commitment, I have taken a 10 month old, untrained puppy into my home, and she became an AKC Champion. I know how hard it is. But honestly any puppy is difficult.
I would just ask each person, thinking of bringing a puppy or dog into their home to know all of the pitfalls, and not to expect all of the victories right away. Puppies bite, chew, play hard, do not know the difference between your couch and a chew toy unless you teach them the difference.
The worst stages I have found with my puppies are from eight weeks to six months, and then again from 10 months to about 18 months. During the first, if a good foundation is laid - puppy classes, socialization, vet visits, grooming - a puppy will bring joy and be successful going through the “teenage” years of 10 months to 18 months.
But, today I’m writing this to remind those considering a puppy that the commitment should be carefully examined prior to bringing a puppy home. And if your breeder has not cautioned you and prepared you for what bringing a puppy home is like, feel free to give me a call because that puppy has no one to depend on but you and that puppy deserves the best that you can give it. 

No dog parks!!!

No dog parks!!!

This 👇👇👇

This 👇👇👇

COPIED AND PASTED: 200% this!! Dogs do NOT need to meet people and have doggie friends.  Why yes my dog would LOVE to sa...

COPIED AND PASTED: 200% this!! Dogs do NOT need to meet people and have doggie friends.

Why yes my dog would LOVE to say hi, but I’m still going to say “no thank you” and move on. Why?

1. Because I want my dog to learn that every time we see people it doesn’t mean it’s a party for him. I’d like him to continue his focus on us together as a team and not create conditioned excitement and expectation every time we are approached by someone.

2. Because I don’t know what saying hi means to you. Will you politely touch him? Will you allow him space to move away if he wants? Will you put your face too close to his? I don’t want him to have a negative experience so I’m going to avoid that by continuing our walk.

3. Because maybe I feel overwhelmed or stressed in public places and conversations with strangers may make me uncomfortable, so even though you’d like to talk and meet my dog, I’m protecting myself too.

4. Because we’re in a rush and have to get something done quickly.

5. Because I said no. Even social, sweet, friendly dogs and their handlers have every right to say “no” to a request to meet and be touched by people. This shouldn’t just apply to reactive, worried or bubble space dogs. Dogs are not public property, and saying “no thank you” to touching my dog shouldn’t be regarded as rude or unkind, any more than if a stranger asked to hold my baby.

Please normalize hearing “no” OR even better, normalize ignoring more dogs in public. Let them carry on with their handler and admire them from a far. It would do a world of good for dogs and humans everywhere, trust me.

- Helen St. Pierre

For those of you that got puppies this time of year.... please wait until your dog is at least 18 months of age or older...

For those of you that got puppies this time of year.... please wait until your dog is at least 18 months of age or older to alter if you really must.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

well, it's true

well, it's true

Be careful what you train and how you train it!! 😂

Be careful what you train and how you train it!! 😂

Memes by Kray Kray shared a post on Instagram: " ...

Truth bomb!!

Truth bomb!!

📸credits to Red and Howling

GREAT info! So important!

GREAT info! So important!

Dr Jones' Free Book http://www.veterinarysecrets.comIf your dog is choking on a ball, you should learn this NEW emergency technique to quickly remove it and ...





Dogs don't understand don't, because don't is a concept. Dogs understand DO. They understand behaviours.

Create a behaviour that you DO want, so that your dog can be right and you're setting him up for reinforcement.

This makes for a much better relationship for you and your dog, and for anybody else who comes in contact with your dog.

~ Susan Garrett


Wishing everyone a blessed Thanksgiving!



So much truth going on here.

So much truth going on here.



Posting as a gentle reminder for those of you in the back...

The important thing to know about a prong collar: When put on properly, they apply equal pressure around the neck so the pressure is not focused on the front of the neck on the trachea. The prongs are meant to pinch like a bite. A dog understands that a bite is a correction. When using a prong collar, you get immediate results which cause people to be more consistent and continue their training. Prong collars require less correction, making them a more positive tool.

Myths about prong collars:

Prong collars stab the dog.

Prong collars cause pain to the dog.

Answers to the myths:

Prongs do not stab the dog. They are designed with a curved prong, so they won’t stab the dog but instead create a pinch.

Prong collars can cause pain. However, so can any other training collar or head collar, harness, etc if not used correctly. Always have a professional dog trainer familiar with the use of different tools as no 2 dogs are the same and no human is born a dog trainer. Don't assume you know a tool because you read the directions on the box or saw some awful pictures on the internet.

The only way a tool hurts an animal is because the person holding the leash isn't using it correctly, does not have the education in dog behavior or abuses animals intentionally.

It's ok to be uneducated but that's when you call for help so we can get you and your pet in a healthy place with knowledge you need moving forward.

Happy Friday, y'all.

Happy Friday, y'all.

My dogs get local organic blueberries several times a week! I have them frozen and they love those sweet treats with bre...

My dogs get local organic blueberries several times a week! I have them frozen and they love those sweet treats with breakfast. (me too!)


These little blue bombshells quench free radicals and protect against oxidative damage🧬, not to mention they’re loaded with longevity-promoting biomolecules, making them one of our top recommendations you can share from your refrigerator right now! (Buy spray-free). 🐾

Whether loading them up in your treat pouch fresh or offering them frozen when they aren't in season, blueberries are one the best anti-aging treats in the world! 🫐⚡️

There are dozens of other fresh and easy Grab-n-Go longevity treat suggestions (backed by a ton of science) in our upcoming The Forever Dog Book, but don’t want to wait to learn more? Join us this Sunday for "The Forever Dog Learning Lab" Live event! Reserve your spot here:


I could not have said it better!

Bahaaaa!!! Has your dog tried it?

Bahaaaa!!! Has your dog tried it?



Who can relaate???😂🤦‍♀️😂

Who can relaate???😂🤦‍♀️😂

All of this.

All of this.

Did you know that when your dog comes in for our bathing services that he or she is getting a true SPA experience?? We u...

Did you know that when your dog comes in for our bathing services that he or she is getting a true SPA experience?? We use the HydroSurge bathing system! 🫧🫧🫧

The Hydro Surge bathing system’s original purpose was to drive medicated shampoos through heavy, thick coats and down to the skin to help pets that are suffering from dermatological conditions.
In the evolutionary process it was found that all dogs love the massaging action and bathers loved the stress-free bath. InjectAir™ is the core technology that makes the Hydro Surge system so unique and with so many amazing benefits.
This patented technology combines the perfect blend of fresh water, shampoo, and oxygen to deep clean your pet's coat down to the skin, providing dermatological benefits to both the skin and coat while leaving your pet cleaner and healthier than ever.

Book your appointment today, and give your pet a spa day!

Adorable CoCo got her groom on today!! So sweet!

Adorable CoCo got her groom on today!! So sweet!

Yes...but do it outside. It will stink. 😂😂

Yes...but do it outside. It will stink. 😂😂

Spoil Your Pet With These Super Treats Today! 🐶🐱

These tasty pet snacks are made up of 3 nutritional powerhouses and are easy to prepare. 👌

Learn about the benefits of these treats to your pet in today’s free blog post:

I am considering an AKC S.T.A.R. puppy class and a CGC class starting Oct 1st.  Who would be interested?

I am considering an AKC S.T.A.R. puppy class and a CGC class starting Oct 1st.
Who would be interested?



My purchase of a well bred purebred dog does not condemn another dog to death.
My purchase of a well bred purebred dog does not result in an uptick in the shelter dogs.
My desire to have a dog with predictable temperament from a healthy line does not result in another dog not getting adopted at the shelter.
My careful research on the most responsible breeders who meet all requirements is not the problem. It's not what you should be mad at.
It's not who you should blame.
I am not the one who irresponsibly brought these dogs into this world and left them in a shelter. Responsible breeders aren't the ones bringing these dogs to animal shelters either.
It's my home, my life and my choice what kind of dog I want to bring in. Maybe I need a working dog, sport dog, show dog or just a companion dog of a certain breed that suits me best.
Whatever reason I choose to support a reputable breeder, it will not send an animal protection dog to death.
A breeder who does health tests, temperament tests and titling of their dogs does not contribute to the number of stray dogs.
The number of stray dogs in the world is a problem, but it's not a problem made worse by reputable breeders or those who buy from them.
Your neighbor who gets a "purebred" dog without papers because they're cheap is contributing to the problem.
Your friend who spontaneously bought a puppy from Petland is contributing to the problem.
The person scrambling to pump out the hottest designer mix ASAP is contributing to the problem.
Your relatives who have to get their dog covered once, "so she can experience what it's like to be a mother" or because "she's such a good/cute/sweet girl" are contributing to the problem.
Your old school mate who bought a working dog with lots of energy without taking the time to research its needs and character who ultimately sees it doesn't fit his lifestyle is the problem.
A reputable breeder offers lifetime support. A serious breeder would never allow their dogs to end up in a shelter from the start.
It's understandable to be angry about the number of homeless dogs in the world, but if you look closer, you'll find that your anger is misplaced.
-by Lindsay Hutslar

Th was written by a serious obedience competition trainer. But I want you to note what he says about modeling behavior a...

Th was written by a serious obedience competition trainer. But I want you to note what he says about modeling behavior and responses for your dog.
This is soooo true. Your dog looks to YOU on how to respond. Especially a young puppy.
When dogs become reactive, it's almost always do to a lack of trust in YOU. Your dog doesn't trust you to handle things as a leader.
Think about it!
Questions?? Problems? Ask me!

I thought I’d share important lessons I was reminded of this morning.

I travelled into the city early so I could work Vodkas engagement in a different environment. One with plenty going on. Trucks, buses, cars, cyclists, joggers, mums with push chairs, the family dog out for their morning walk, milk delivery man - you name it, it is happening! I have built up to being able to work in this sort of environment - without labeling my dog, she is very aware of her surroundings, the unexpected can be a bit startling!

I was in my “own” section of the wide city path, playing engagement games with Vodka, when out of the corner of my eye I saw a dog off leash approaching fast! Followed with the words, don’t worry, she’s friendly!!

My first job is to regulate and control my emotions to model the appropriate response for my dog. I pay the dog no mind and keep interacting with V and continue our games. The dog keeps circling and stalking us to which Vodka lets out a bit of a startled bark - she was snapped out of her game into reality. I’ll leave the story there for a moment.

Now, I could have gotten myself worked up and worried about what impact this could have - OR I could view this as an opportunity to educate my young adolescent dog that things happen, but we will always both survive and we will continue to have fun. Most importantly that I have her back!

I realise that the aforementioned is easier said than done - I firmly believe our dogs are more resilient than we give them credit for, we have to let go of our baggage to give them an opportunity to be resilient.

Back to the story, I strategically drift so that the dog never has access to Vodka, the owner finally recalls her dog and continues down the road. I really get lost in the game with my dog just to show her that it’s still us, having fun!

I notice the owner decide to turn around and come back towards us, her dog begins to approach again. This time I asked her to please call her dog back. She began a verbal tirade - as much as I wanted to kick off and give her a piece of my mind about how irresponsible it is to be walking a dog off leash down a main busy street etc. I had to again be mindful that I am modelling the right emotional response to things happening in the environment to my impressionable adolescent dog.

Had I have reacted with my own fright/or panic at the first instance - I would be confirming to my dog that there is something to be concerned about. Had I have reacted with the anger and frustration I wanted to at the owner, I would have shown my dog that people approaching aren’t a good thing either!

Things happen and sometimes they’re out of our control. Plans go out the window and sometimes we don’t respond how we would like to. That’s OK! Wherever possible, don’t get sucked into the reaction/emotion of a situation - it’s our responsibility as dog owners and trainers to show our dogs how to regulate their emotions and react appropriately!

Not every scenario is an ideal learning opportunity - but with every scenario we encounter, it is our job to show our dogs how to navigate successfully or how to recover!

Great information easy to read.  Hardly every red flag but, still!

Great information easy to read. Hardly every red flag but, still!

Babysit an adorable Golden Retriever puppy for a weekend?? YES PLEASE!! We really enjoyed having Max here. ♥️♥️♥️

Babysit an adorable Golden Retriever puppy for a weekend?? YES PLEASE!! We really enjoyed having Max here. ♥️♥️♥️

This.Right.Here.  Stop shaming people who want a well bred dog from a breeder. Adopt OR shop.  Either's shoppin...

This.Right.Here. Stop shaming people who want a well bred dog from a breeder. Adopt OR shop. Either's shopping.

Copied with permission from a post by Anne Rogers:

"It is perfectly acceptable, normal and ok for a pet owner to want a family dog, who is safe, fun and can be brought places without that requiring military standard operations and arrangements.

It is perfectly acceptable, normal and ok for a pet owner to not want to or need to become a dog trainer or behaviour expert. To just be a dog owner.

It is perfectly acceptable, normal and ok for pet owners to not want project dogs, who take over their lives, require complete changes to their lifestyle, and mean that, for the remainder of their dog's life, everything must be micro-managed because just one human mistake can mean serious compromises to safety and welfare.

Human welfare is important too, not least because that helps to ensure canine welfare too. We need both.

Dogs wouldn't choose this either.

It's not welfare if we are just keeping them alive under conditions that limit that dog's needs being met.

We're not rescuing them if their lives aren't getting better.

Picture of this beach boy because many years ago, an online/social media bullying campaign was instigated against me by, among others, "force-free" or whatever trainers (I have the screen shots, IPs and all sorts of info) because I decided to choose an impeccably produced, reared and cared for dog so that I could have a fun, safe, nutty companion who challenges me in all the right ways, whose needs I can meet pretty easily and whose welfare I can maintain without massive lifestyle overhauls for either of us.

Been there, done that, and will never do it again, and nor will the countless pet owners who didn't know how to make those choices, and are now stuck and overwhelmed with a dog they love but whose needs are so difficult, and sometimes, impossible, to meet.

I'm tired."

[Photo: Ann Rogers]

I love America too... but...🇺🇸🐾♥️

I love America too... but...🇺🇸🐾♥️

Fireworks🧨explode like magnified gunfire in the exquisitely sensitive ears of wildlife, our companion animals🐾, and our Veterans.

The Forever Dog

Good to know

Good to know

Foot Baths: From Itching to Comfort Real Quick! 🐾

Pesticides, herbicides, ragweed, grasses, pollen, mold and dust mites are just some examples of irritants that can accumulate on your dog’s paws, which can build up a surprisingly heavy allergen and chemical load. ❌ A medicated foot bath can help remove them!

Learn how to properly give your pet foot baths in today’s free wellness article:

For sure! 😂

For sure! 😂




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