We love seeing progress toward health by cats treated with Polyprenyl Immunostimulant. Toby, a FeLV patient, is one of those happy furry faces. His mommy posted his story on one of the groups.
"We adopted Toby at 4 months old from a rescue who said he was FeLV negative. He was quickly introduced to our 18-month-old cat, and they took to each other immediately. For 3 months, they shared everything. When Toby’s enlarged lymph nodes failed to resolve, extensive testing and a trip to a vet internist showed he had FeLV, which was progressive. The internist told us to immediately rehome Toby as our other cat was at high risk. We had the other cat, Annie, tested, and she was negative. She was vaccinated against FeLV, and we tried to keep them separate while the 2-dose FeLV vaccine would be effective. Our primary vet was not so emphatic about rehoming Toby but did say that even vaccinated Annie was at risk, but it wasn’t a huge risk. We found Toby a temporary foster home knowing he may end up in a shelter. On our way to rehome him, we just couldn’t do it and made the incredibly personal choice to keep both and have Annie vaccinated yearly.
Today Toby is 2.5 years old and mostly asymptomatic. We do feed separately with Surefeed microchip dishes and scrupulously clean the litter and water bowls throughout the day, but they share everything else. It’s a risk we decided we could live with as both cats were equally loved, and it was impossible to choose who to keep. We do the following: both cats get a Proviable probiotic daily, and Toby gets daily Imuquin; both products are reasonably priced and available from Chewy or online. Toby gets semi-annual checkups and bloodwork. He also gets an off-label immunomodulator called Polyphynel Immunostimulant from VetImmune for over 1.5 years. It’s not approved for anything except the feline herpes virus, but the idea is to keep the viral load down for FeLV. So far, other than slightly low neutrophils (my vet wasn’t concerned), his exam and lab work were good. Again personal choice to allow mingling and nothing is 100%, but we have no regrets".