How To Properly Prepare Your Whitetail To Be Mounted....
A.. Remember heat and bacteria is a huge concern. Why? The longer the animal is on the ground, the longer it takes you to skin, the longer it takes you to get it to your taxidermist or freezer..... the more likely it is bacteria will form and cause your mount to fail. Field care must be taken seriously to ensure success.
B. Skinning
When skinning for a half, shoulder, or pedestal mount be sure the field dressing incision does not pass the point of the brisket. You don’t want a seam or incision where it does not belong.
The back hide may be removed just in front of the rear flanks, as indicated by the horizontal line. The hide can be rolled down, just like removing a sock
As you reach the shoulders continue rolling the hide over the upper leg and cut the leg off, on the inside just above the knee, leave the lower leg intact.
Continue rolling the hide down the neck to the jaw line. Sever the head from the neck on the inside as close to the jaw as possible, leaving no incisions from the brisket forward.
Make sure to keep cool and dry while transporting to your taxidermist. If not immediately taking to your taxidermist and you are going to freeze, fold your hide from the back to the front and place in plastic,
Make sure you report your hunt, bring your FWC harvest confirmation number, have the proper tags, permits according to the FWC Guidelines prior to bringing into the shop. All info is available on their website.
If your trophy is from another state or country. Please make sure to click the link below to help prevent the spread of CWD to Florida. You must prepare your trophy for transport and have all documentations. Please click the link below for guidelines for FWC.