Cat Rescue Team

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  • Cat Rescue Team

Cat Rescue Team We want to aid with community outreach and spay/neuter and partner with others to save lives.

An all-volunteer organization, we donate our labor and spend from our own pockets to help animals and we're very grateful for every dollar donated.

Barstow, CA.  Foster needed for vet care.  DIAMOND can be returned when she is well.  Since this photo DIAMOND has lost ...

Barstow, CA. Foster needed for vet care. DIAMOND can be returned when she is well. Since this photo DIAMOND has lost weight and is loosing fur on the back of her neck. This photo is Diamond in Dec. 2022. She was spayed and released back outside last year. She hasn't gone near a trap since, but we intend to try to catch her. She will need foster space for the duration of vet care. We'll help with her medical costs and she can be returned after she has been treated and it is safe to put her back outside.

TNR TRAPPERS/VOLUNTEERS:  Can you help us out by holding some cats in traps for two nights?   -LOCATIONS NEEDED:  In/nea...

TNR TRAPPERS/VOLUNTEERS: Can you help us out by holding some cats in traps for two nights?
LOCATIONS NEEDED: In/near Pasadena OR in/near Ontario, CA.
For the past couple years, we’ve often helped with spay/neuter where there is a lack of affordable services, but that’s almost always been for a few cats at a time. We must step up the pace. Too many cats are sick and suffering, while still reproducing. We want to trap 20 - 30 cats and bring them to one of the above areas for spay/neuter. To do that, we need several volunteers that can provide overnight hold space. We have one offer to hold 8 - 9 cats thus far. To make this viable, we need more.
We talked to several spay/neuter clinics to learn what we can do with them and what it will cost, but we need some tentative dates/locations for hold space, before booking appointments.
We’re looking for two nights during the end of August, or the beginning of September. Thus far, we’ve received one offer to hold 8 - 9 cats in Pasadena.
The attached photo is one we may have shared before and to the best of our knowledge, none are fixed. There are more cats at this location and elsewhere.
If you can help, please contact Cindy Rinaldi.


Barstow, CA.  FOSTER NEEDED FOR DURATION OF VET CARE.  DIAMOND is now losing hair from the back of her neck and appears ...

Barstow, CA. FOSTER NEEDED FOR DURATION OF VET CARE. DIAMOND is now losing hair from the back of her neck and appears sick. She has been around humans, but has not been handled. Foster should have some experience with unsocial cats. (Photos were shot in Feb. 2023 and Dec. 2022.)
Diamond lives outside. The feeder hasn't been able to get close enough shoot a new picture and Diamond hasn't gone in a trap since she was fixed. The feeder would like to trap Diamond for treatment. We'll send Diamond to the vet, but we have to have a foster before attempting to catch her. (Barstow #1).
Regarding treatment of an unsocial cat, we try to get treatments done in the vet clinic and/or injections where applicable.

July 19 Update: Kitten is safe and has a plan with Shirley Austin (FUN rescue).  -July 18, 11:00 pm.  South Gate, CA.  U...

July 19 Update: Kitten is safe and has a plan with Shirley Austin (FUN rescue).
July 18, 11:00 pm. South Gate, CA. URGENT! KITTEN IS STILL OUTSIDE and may be blind. Brenda is trying to get the finder to take the kitten inside, but that may not happen. Rescue needed, or we will consider a foster in or near Pasadena. Rescues can contact Brenda Ortiz directly.


Send a FOOD DONATION via this Amazon Wishlist:
Send FUNDS FOR FOOD via this link and this note "Barstow 1 cat food":
While we continue to fix and transfer Barstow kitties, new cats appear--possibly dumped or abandoned and most often unfixed. Residents are on limited incomes and without aid, they and the cats will suffer. YOU CAN HELP with a donation of food or funds via one of the above links. The resident is feeding 15-20 cats.
Cat Rescue Team is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
If you will kindly notify us that you have sent a donation, we will track it and send a donation receipt directly to you. Alternatively, based on the notification slip that Amazon typically includes with a wishlist order, we can send a donation receipt through the Amazon system. The Amazon slip that comes with the package does not identify the sender. Note: There has been an occasion when a box arrived with no slip inside.

6/7/24 UPDATE RE: LUNA!  Months ago, we shared Luna, who had a serious tail injury.  Young, friendly and sweet, Luna fac...

6/7/24 UPDATE RE: LUNA! Months ago, we shared Luna, who had a serious tail injury. Young, friendly and sweet, Luna faced a tail amputation with possible incontinence afterward. The great people at The Cat Posse rescue provided Luna’s tail amputation surgery, and have been caring for her since. Luna is now being treated for FIP, which is expensive but has high odds of success.

Please thank The Cat Posse for rescuing Luna with your donation. Every dollar matters!

VENMO: -2008

One of the best ways to help a rescue take in animals needing medical care is to help them with the animals they have now. If they can’t pay today’s bills, they can’t commit to helping more animals.

Barstow, CA -13-month-old ASH needs vet care ASAP!  Ash will have to be transported out of the local area, like we had t...

Barstow, CA
13-month-old ASH needs vet care ASAP! Ash will have to be transported out of the local area, like we had to do with Baji and Remi. This is the fourth group-site in Barstow that has requested aid. (*). See details on the image. (Barstow #4, 6/4/2024)
[email protected]
Payable to Cat Rescue Team
99 W. California Blvd., #50024
Pasadena, CA 91105

UPDATE: It is with deep sadness that we announce that Bob passed away yesterday.  Bob, along with and other cats and kit...

UPDATE: It is with deep sadness that we announce that Bob passed away yesterday. Bob, along with and other cats and kittens in the community are fed by a family that lives on a limited income and struggles to make ends meet. We had hoped to send Bob to the vet today--the resident's day off from work. Currently, other cats and kittens in the same community also need care, and we're trying to learn which may be most urgent. If you made a donation toward Bob's care, we will contact you and offer to return the donation, or to apply it to another cat in Bob's community. How your donation is applied is always up to you. Today, other cats and kittens are suffering in Barstow and our hearts are broken for Bob.
Barstow, CA. Bob is one of many Barstow cats we're trying to help, but we can't do it without YOU. Your donation will help us get needed vet care for Bob and other cats that are in need. (Barstow #4, 6/11/24)
[email protected]
Payable to Cat Rescue Team
99 W. California Blvd., #50024
Pasadena, CA 91105

6/14/23 UPDATE: Kitten is being bottle-fed and doing well.-Barstow, CA.  BOTTLE FEEDER.  The finder gave the kitten to s...

6/14/23 UPDATE: Kitten is being bottle-fed and doing well.
Barstow, CA. BOTTLE FEEDER. The finder gave the kitten to someone that works very long days and has no space for ISO and that person said the kitten is not eating food.
The second party ran out, got formula tried to syringe feed and went back to work. Kitten looks like he/she could be of a weaning age, but is very small--likely from malnutrition.
I do not have contact with the original finder, but understand the kitten was in her home for two days and would not eat. (They did not bottle-feed.). If you're not nearby, we'll try to work out transportation.

Barstow 4.  In this community where a sick mama and her babies came from (*), many cats are struggling to survive.  They...

Barstow 4. In this community where a sick mama and her babies came from (*), many cats are struggling to survive. They lack sufficient food and medical care. Due to lack of spay/neuter, kittens continue to be born into suffering and many don't survive. We sent a few days worth of wet food for the cats, to help the cats' feeder get by this week, but so much more is urgently needed! YOUR donation to our Community Care fund will help us provide spay/neuter, medical aid and emergency food in this community.
Log into your Zelle or Paypal account and find us listed under [email protected].
This post:
(*) Read about the mama and babies that are now safe, thanks to some great volunteers that stepped up to help them.

6/14/2024 UPDATE.  Thanks to the good people that sponsored their care and fostered this family, the kittens and mama ca...

6/14/2024 UPDATE. Thanks to the good people that sponsored their care and fostered this family, the kittens and mama cat are being transferred to rescue this weekend for adoptions!
Barstow 4. The kitties are looking better! We added two new photos from May 18! In just a few days time, these babies look so much better! Thanks to the kind people that took them in and are sponsoring their medical care at this time.

-5/17/2024 Update:  We're sad to say that the smallest kitten did not survive.  The rest of the family is getting the be...

5/17/2024 Update: We're sad to say that the smallest kitten did not survive. The rest of the family is getting the best of care with a temporary foster. The kitties have calici and are being treated with several medicines. Thank you to the volunteers and donor that are covering care for the mama and her babies at this time. Please check back again as this little family will need to be fixed when well. SEE NEW PHOTOS!
BARSTOW, CA. The finder is seeking a rescue to take them in. Three kittens and mama cat are all sick! The finder is feeding kitten replacement milk to kittens. The mama cat is producing milk, but not nursing enough. We offered to sponsor a vet visit, but the finder could not get a vet appointment on her day off.
The finder said the mama cat is handleable. She has to work long days, so she is unable to provide care during the day; does not have funds for vet care; and cannot afford time off from work.
THE LOCATION is in an area where we're trying to get spay/neuter going, and where cats outside are often mistreated or killed. Independently, two separate parties have reported that some run the cats down with cars.

Pico Rivera, CA.Update: 4/24/2024.  I JUST REACHED OUT AND PICKED HIM UP!  Garfield had not met me before that day (thou...

Pico Rivera, CA.

Update: 4/24/2024. I JUST REACHED OUT AND PICKED HIM UP! Garfield had not met me before that day (though he may have seen me taking his photo a week earlier). Est. to be three years old (vet est.), Garfield is neutered, vaccinated, deflead and microchipped. With no place to go, we had to put Garfield back outside. We'd like to get this sweet kitty transferred for adoption.
When we first posted Garfield he had wounds and it appeared he was not grooming well. By the time we got him to the vet, his wounds appeared to be healing.

4/21/2024. In the back of an SUV, GARFIELD DECIDED TO TAKE A TOUR as we were setting up traps. After he walked around a bit, I grabbed him and put in a carrier. He was fixed on 4/22. We have to take him back to his community on 4/23, unless someone will foster him. We'll have more about his medical details this evening. (Posted 4/23).

UPDATE: BAJI IS SAFE IN FOSTER CARE!  He is being treated by a foster with excellent skills, and is being transferred to...

UPDATE: BAJI IS SAFE IN FOSTER CARE! He is being treated by a foster with excellent skills, and is being transferred to a different rescue for his FIP treatment. We will post images and details soon!
UPDATE: URGENT! URGENT! URGENT! KITTEN BAJI NEEDS FOSTER & DONATIONS FOR FIP TREATMENT. He has severe neurological symptoms and needs to start treatment immediately! After labwork, the ER vet believes it is FIP. We need a foster to get the kitten started on treatment ASAP. We can fund the first couple weeks of treatment and will get busy fundraising for the rest. The estimate for the diagnostics is in the first comment line on the original post.
The woman that was feeding the kitten (and many other cats in the community) is so strapped for funding, she had to borrow money for gas to get to the nearest ER vet that would see the cat, which is 80 miles away. She has long work days and cannot afford to miss work. She will not be able to give the kitten the treatment he needs at this time. She is willing take him back if we can get him stable.
Barstow, CA. BAJI (sounds like ba-gee) is urgent now with sudden neurological symptoms! His feeder just arrived from in Ontario. She is so broke, she had to borrow money for gas to drive him there. Emergency vet diagnostics with some fluid will be around $2000. It looks like neuro FIP and funding is needed to treat him. Please check back for updates! (BARSTOW 4)
Log into your Zelle or Paypal account and find us listed under [email protected].


Pico Rivera, CA.
4/22/24 UPDATE. We have GARFIELD! He is SUPER-friendly and eating well, so I am optimistic that he is going be okay. He is at the vet today. I'll update here when we have more news.
4/19/24 UPDATE. We spoke with the the feeder yesterday (Thursday), and we are expecting another update later today. Garfield showed up to eat breakfast yesterday (Thursday) morning. The lack of grooming suggests a possible dental problem, but thankfully, he is still eating. Please help us find a foster for him. The foster commitment can be short term if needed for the duration of any possible recovery.
4/14/2024 UPDATE. GARFIELD HAS A NEW WOUND ON HIS HEAD NEAR HIS EAR. It looks kind of deep. There are some spots on his back that look like additional wounds, but I was not able to get close to them. He is also not grooming. HE NEEDS A FOSTER FOR THE DURATION OF MEDICAL CARE.
4/13/24 UPDATE. FOSTER STILL NEEDED in/near Pasadena. ALSO, the feeder reported that Garfield has an injury on the side of his face. We've not yet received a photo, but will post it here when we do.

4/10/2024. GARFIELD NEEDS FOSTER FOR MEDICAL CARE, preferably in or near Pasadena, CA.
Living outside, Garfield is not grooming and may be sick or in pain. Temporarily, he needs to be held indoors to be available for a vet appointment and treatment. Garfield's feeder said the cat is handleable. After treatment and neuter, Garfield can be returned to the location where he lives now or made available for adoption. On the same property as Garfield, an injured cat (Roman) was in dire need of medical care, but disappeared. Without a foster, we're worried Garfield could be lost too!
Contact Cat Rescue Team on Facebook or via this link --

Pico Rivera, CA.-4/22/24 UPDATE.  We have GARFIELD! He is SUPER-friendly and eating well, so I am optimistic that he is ...

Pico Rivera, CA.
4/22/24 UPDATE. We have GARFIELD! He is SUPER-friendly and eating well, so I am optimistic that he is going be okay. He is at the vet today. I'll update here when we have more news.
4/19/24 UPDATE. We spoke with the the feeder yesterday (Thursday), and we are expecting another update later today. Garfield showed up to eat breakfast yesterday (Thursday) morning. The lack of grooming suggests a possible dental problem, but thankfully, he is still eating. Please help us find a foster for him. The foster commitment can be short term if needed for the duration of any possible recovery.
4/14/2024 UPDATE. GARFIELD HAS A NEW WOUND ON HIS HEAD NEAR HIS EAR. It looks kind of deep. There are some spots on his back that look like additional wounds, but I was not able to get close to them. He is also not grooming. HE NEEDS A FOSTER FOR THE DURATION OF MEDICAL CARE.
4/13/24 UPDATE. FOSTER STILL NEEDED in/near Pasadena. ALSO, the feeder reported that Garfield has an injury on the side of his face. We've not yet received a photo, but will post it here when we do.

4/10/2024. GARFIELD NEEDS FOSTER FOR MEDICAL CARE, preferably in or near Pasadena, CA.
Living outside, Garfield is not grooming and may be sick or in pain. Temporarily, he needs to be held indoors to be available for a vet appointment and treatment. Garfield's feeder said the cat is handleable. After treatment and neuter, Garfield can be returned to the location where he lives now or made available for adoption. On the same property as Garfield, an injured cat (Roman) was in dire need of medical care, but disappeared. Without a foster, we're worried Garfield could be lost too!
Contact Cat Rescue Team on Facebook or via this link --


APRIL 3 UPDATE: When we first caught him, Jasper didn't know how to play. He's got the hang of it now!
While Jasper was confined for recovery from his neuter and facial wound treatment, we learned that he is friendly! Since his initial wound treatment, Jasper has wound up back at the veterinarian's office several times, but he's looking great now!
Thanks to everyone that helped us help Jasper with networking and donations, and to the kind community that helped to feed Jasper over the prior six months. Also, we are very grateful to the nice couple that is providing space and care for Jasper to recover inside. (They also provided this video footage.)
Jasper's prior posts and updates are below. There was no post for his last trip to the vet.
THIS POST¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif
BACK TO THE VET AGAIN, Feb. 22, 2022
BACK TO THE VET, Feb. 08, 2022
POST-SURGERY VIDEO (neuter + first wound repair)

4/22/2024 UPDATE.  WE SENT GARFIELD TO THE VET FOR NEUTER AND VET CARE.  Unless a foster steps up, he will have to be re...

4/22/2024 UPDATE. WE SENT GARFIELD TO THE VET FOR NEUTER AND VET CARE. Unless a foster steps up, he will have to be returned to the property on 4/23/24 where he was trapped. He has a caretaker that feeds him, but he lives in an area with both coyotes lots of automobiles. Even though Garfield had never met us, we were able to pick him up and handle him.
4/14/2024 UPDATE. GARFIELD HAS A NEW WOUND ON HIS HEAD NEAR HIS EAR. It looks kind of deep. There are some spots on his back that look like additional wounds, but I was not able to get close to them. He is also not grooming. HE NEEDS A FOSTER.
APRIL 6 UPDATE. PLEASE HELP US SAVE GARFIELD! TEMP FOSTER IS STILL NEEDED! We cannot count on Garfield to be available for a vet appointment (and other treatment such as medicine) if he is wondering around freely outside. We have no space, but we will take him to the vet if a qualified foster can hold him temporarily. If needed, Garfield can be returned outside after he has recovered. Please help us save Garfield!
Sadly, Roman has not returned.
APRIL 3 UPDATE. URGENT TEMP FOSTER NEEDED, SO WE CAN TAKE GARFIELD TO THE VET! We need to know Garfield is contained indoors so we'll be able to keep his appointment. The feeder does not have indoor space, but said she can pet him and pick him up.
WE MAY HAVE LOST ROMAN BECAUSE WE HAD NO PLACE FOR HIM TO GO! Since just before someone offered to take Roman, he has not returned. We want to take Garfield to the vet ASAP. To do so, Garfield needs a temporary foster while getting vet care. The feeder said she can pet and pick up Garfield.
UPDATE: The black kitty (ROMAN) has a plan in progress.
MAR 30, Pico Rivera, CA. HELP NEEDED FOR SICK CATS! As of March 30, it's been eight days since ROMAN (black cat) showed up at a feral colony, apparently injured and not breathing well. The feeder said his breathing is loud. We're concerned Roman won't survive without treatment! GARFIELD (orange cat) is sick. He is friendly and can be handled. Two things are needed to get care for these cats.
(1) BEFORE TRAPPING we need a commitment for a temporary hold for Roman (black cat) while he is getting vet care and treatment. Roman has a healing wound on his back, walks stiffly, and his breathing is loud. He can be returned to the property after treatment. Roman may be unsocial or might turn out to be friendly. Today, the feeder was able to pet Roman lightly. The person that holds Roman should have experience with unsocial/feral cats because we are not sure what to expect, and they should have a way to isolate him from other cats in case he is contagious.
(2) DONATIONS FOR VET CARE. Funds will be requested when Roman is trapped.


4/14/24 UPDATE:  We took Chase to be fixed, vaccinated, microchipped, deflead, dewormed and SNAP tested (all negative). ...

4/14/24 UPDATE: We took Chase to be fixed, vaccinated, microchipped, deflead, dewormed and SNAP tested (all negative). From there he was transferred to another org adoptions. Thanks to Mia Dravis and Ark of San Juan!
April 13 UPDATE: ON SUN. APRIL 14, CHASE NEEDS A MORNING RIDE FROM RANCHO CUCAMONGA TO DANA POINT, PETSMART. This is short because someone is not feeling well and we're out of help. Contact Cindy Rinaldi directly, or put a message below.
Currently in Barstow, CA. CHASE is a friendly, flame point mix. A microchip scan found no chip and neuter status is unknown.
RESCUES: Please contact Cat Rescue Team about taking Chase into your organization. If needed, we can make sure he is fixed before transfer to you.
FOSTERS: If fostering for us, the foster would be need to be located in or close to Pasadena or Rancho Cucamonga. We will make arrangements for spay/neuter, vaccines, microchip and SNAP.
Contact Cat Rescue Team. You can message us here, or use our contact form:

4/14/24 UPDATE:  We took Chase to be fixed, vaccinated, microchipped, deflead, dewormed and SNAP tested (neg/neg).  From...

4/14/24 UPDATE: We took Chase to be fixed, vaccinated, microchipped, deflead, dewormed and SNAP tested (neg/neg). From there he was transferred to another rescue for adoptions. Thanks to Mia Dravis and Ark of San Juan!


5/15/24 UPDATE: SAPPHIRE has improved.  We plan to get her fixed soon!  -4/1/24 UPDATE: SAPPHIRE has been on antibiotics...

5/15/24 UPDATE: SAPPHIRE has improved. We plan to get her fixed soon!
4/1/24 UPDATE: SAPPHIRE has been on antibiotics and is improving, but is not completely well. The woman that found her is going to try to refill the antibiotics tomorrow. When Sapphire is well, we will provide her spay/neuter and other adoption-ready medical.
Barstow, CA. VET CARE FUNDS NEEDED. 3/20/2024
Last night, a woman contacted us about Sapphire, a cat with upper respiratory symptoms that had stopped eating a couple days earlier. We tried to send Sapphire to an emergency vet, but the hospital was full and couldn't see Sapphire. We're trying again today.
The woman had recently brought Sapphire inside for safety while seeking a rescue for her. Sapphire is friendly and sweet.
Cat Rescue Team is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

BARSTOW, CA: CAT FOOD NEEDED!Send a food donation via this Amazon Send funding via this ...


Send a food donation via this Amazon Wishlist:

Send funding via this link and note "Barstow 1 cat food":

While we continue to fix and transfer Barstow kitties, new cats appear--possibly dumped or abandoned and most often unfixed. Residents are on limited incomes and without aid, they and the cats will suffer. YOU CAN HELP with a donation of food or funds via one of the above links. Currently, a resident said over 15 cats need food.

Cat Rescue Team is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donated pet food and funds are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Sweet Chase hasn't left since his recent arrival. He often tries to dash into a home. Chase needs a place to go and in the meantime, needs food.

This post:





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