And then a video of Mr. Blue this morning perfecting his Golden Retriever tennis ball skills. He played with that ball for close to 20-minutes. 😍 His mother, Jasmine, seen looking into the whelping box with a brief cameo, loves retrieving tennis balls. Like mother, like son. 😀
So as the sun goes down in the sky on this beautiful and busy 70-degree NC day, Annie, aka Miss Pink, and Mr. Blue are having some quality bonding time. Soon it will be dinner and then nap time inside the house. Oh, the life of a puppy! 🥰
Here are the puppies with their last night together as a “litter” since Mr. Brown, aka Gus, will be going home with his new family tomorrow morning. Three other puppies will be leaving the end of this upcoming week. Here they are after being fed, given water, and their bed changed. Some are sleeping, with others trying to get their last play time in for the evening just before we turned off the light over their whelping box. Good night puppies and sweet dreams. 🥰
And video number 2 from today.
Here are the puppies today on a beautiful 73-degree, NC afternoon. They are 6-1/2 weeks old and bundles of energy and joy. This is video 1 of 2.
Here they are tonight, 02/13/2022 at 8:30pm, just after being fed and getting ready for bedtime. It was a busy weekend meeting some of their new owners. Make sure your sound is “on.” ❤️
And then the final video from today. Time to take them back inside to sleep in their whelping box.
We will take more videos tomorrow afternoon since the weather will be a little warmer, they enjoy being outside in the sun and fresh air, and they will begin going home soon with their new owners in a little over a week. Time is flying by! ❤️
Video number 3 of 4 from today.
Video number 2 of 4 from today.
Here they are today (02/10/2022) on a beautiful 67-degree NC sunny day at 2:00pm. When we first put them in the pen, they all within 2-3 minutes went to the bathroom and did all their business. It was like someone flipped a switch. Here you can see the active puppy in them. I will share three more videos that occurred within 20-minutes time. With each video, they are slowly losing energy. By the last video, they are mostly laying down and some beginning to sleep. Jasmine also enjoys being outside watching over them while sitting in the nice cool sun.
Here is a video from outside this afternoon (02/09/2022). Enjoy!
I just finished giving the puppies their last feeding at 11:30pm (02/03/2022). Here they are after eating and while playing before they dozed off. That is big sister Honey looking in on them. She, too, has great mothering skills. Jasmine is off camera relaxing on the cool marble in front of our fire place. On a side note, after we came back from the vet following their Animal Genetics test earlier that afternoon (02/03/2022), we immediately took them outside again in the nice 70 degree weather to play. They did great and enjoyed the grass and fresh outside air. I didn’t get any pictures or videos while outside because as soon as we set up the play pen and put the puppies in it, we had multiple neighbors come by with some of their young grandchildren to watch and ask questions about the puppies. No one was allowed to hold the puppies for safety reasons. I hope this video helps you see their daily growth and progress. p.s. Sorry about all the camera movement. It's hard to keep up with them and get them all in the video.