🐾 Subtle foreshadowing? Maybe. A happy pup with Happy Leashes? Definitely!
✨ #DogTraining #HappyLeashes #Boxer
A few days ago my sister asked if we could take a walk with her dog, Nova and my dog Maggie. I have previously labeled Maggie as “reactive”, despite having done a lot of work with her in the past year. I hesitated, prepared to keep Maggie at a distance to avoid any potential outbursts. But an hour later, I found myself utterly astonished by Maggie’s behavior. Not a single bark, not a trace of anxiety. On her long line, she explored her surroundings with sheer joy, she even greeted Nova at the end of our walk without a care in the world.
This experience left me reeling, especially as I’m wrapping up the Living and Learning with Animals course. This course has shed light on how labels can hinder rather than help our beloved pets. By pigeonholing Maggie as “reactive,” I unwittingly limited her world and gave myself an excuse to stop working on her behavior.
The truth is, Maggie’s capabilities far exceed any label I’ve slapped on her. And it’s high time I start seeing her through a lens of potential and growth rather than restriction and limitation
Labels and constructs are like sticky notes we humans slap onto everything - including our furry friends! But here’s the catch: labels can sometimes limit our perception and understanding of the beautiful complexities of our animals.
Labels and Constructs are like mental blueprints we use to make sense of the world. But guess what? They’re not set in stone! Constructs are fluid and ever-evolving. So why box our pups into narrow categories when they’re as unique as pawprints? 🐾
Think of it this way: Instead of seeing our furry pals as “reactive”, “stubborn”, or “dominant,” let’s reframe and see them as “independent” or “confident.” By shifting our perspective, we empower both ourselves and our pups to thrive! 🌱
At Happy Leashes, we’re all about fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth. 📚🌟 So let’s toss those old labels out the window and see our
Tucker has always struggled with his recall, here’s what we did to help! 🐶
- Practiced this exercise in easier settings before the hard places like Vinoy park (in the home, backyard, front yard)
- Found his favorite reinforcers, chicken and cheese!
- Taught him a clear cue “come!” Before ever asking for it in public
- Practiced at short distances where there were more distractions before moving to longer distances.
- Utilized a long line for safety!
Want to help your dog learn a solid recall too? Send us an email at [email protected] to find out more!
#stpetedog #stpete #vinoy #forcefree #positivereinforcement #stpetepups #stpetedogtrainer