Last puppies that went home 3 more will be going home soon
Last one available Mother’s Day sale is now over
Last pup available Mother’s Day sale is officially over
New litters
Yorkiepoos and yorkies
She loves cuddle time. Whoever gets her definitely going to enjoy her company
She’s so tiny 🫶🏽
Yorkie poos are so active 😂🥰
Girls and boys ready for deposits I’ll have one. Boy ready before the end of September these pups want be ready until November
B&B (Bad&Boujee) luxury pups 🐶 Have PUPPIES 🫶🏽‼️ milo and. Boujee pup
B&B luxury pups have one boy Yorkie poos available they will be ready for their forever ♾️ home the end of September and tge 1st of November comes with a couple pee pads first shots
Inbox for more info willing to travel for an extra fee
Yorkie poo🐶
DOB 7/28/23🍼. DOB 08/30/23🍼
Currently 3weeks 3days 💕
Ready by Sep 30th ✅ Ready by Nov 1st
1st set of shots 💉
Dew clawed 🐾
Deposit $300 -500
Remains balance due when pick up 🫶🏽 B&B luxury pups
B&B (Bad&Boujee) luxury pups 🐶 Have PUPPIES 🫶🏽‼️cash and Prada pups
B&B luxury pups have one girl Yorkie poos available they will be ready for their forever ♾️ home the end of September and tge 1st of November comes with a couple pee pads first shots
Inbox for more info willing to travel for an extra fee
Yorkie poo🐶
DOB 7/28/23🍼. DOB 08/30/23🍼
Currently 3weeks 3days 💕
Ready by Sep 30th ✅ Ready by Nov 1st
1st set of shots 💉
Dew clawed 🐾
Deposit $300 -500
Remains balance due when pick up 🫶🏽 B&B luxury pups