Aunty Taffy's K9 Care

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I just realized when I was outside with 4 dogs - 2 rehabilitated from their prior trauma and now comfortable in their lives (Monty and Kody), 1 still in the process and still has super aggressive outbursts even though she didn't even break skin when clamping down hard on my big toe (Baby Girl) and 1 who was first introduced to me as a biter but who is completely different around 3 other dogs especially with a tiny Tasmanian Devil randomly trying to get him (Sebastian) - that rehabilitating and changing dog behaviors is basically just being a Recess Monitor.

Yesterday's newspaper had a large article about dogs biting people and the "solutions". Every single solution discussed ...

Yesterday's newspaper had a large article about dogs biting people and the "solutions". Every single solution discussed punishing or mostly killing the dogs. Nothing was mentioned about why they do it or prevent it or about humans who irresponsibly allow, or even teach, their dogs aggressive behaviors. Some don't even know they're doing it. A friend's brother once "did research" to find his "perfect" dog. He decided a Great Dane was the one. He purchased a puppy to go with his new and growing family. Since the puppy was already a regular dog size, he thought it would be fun to start playing tug of war with his dog. One day after his dog had reached full size, it aggressively cornered his wife and newborn in the kitchen. He gave up his dog for the safety of his family instead of learning how to reel that dog's behavior in. A dog he taught to be aggressive by not understanding how dogs work. Luckily I convinced him to take his dog to the shelter I was volunteering at and that dog did get a fabulous home with people who knew all about Danes. Not every dog is as lucky.

Dogs don't communicate the same way humans do. They don't even think the same way. To coexist peacefully it is up to the HUMAN to guide things. Dogs communicate with body language and with their mouths. Mouths that contain teeth. Humans need to respect those two facts and work with them. If a dog is angered, he is not going to say, "Hey, you just made me mad!" Instead, there's going to be growling, lip going up, hair going up, body erect and, if that isn't stopped, it could go into full on biting. It could all escalate in a matter of seconds.

What about packs of dogs? Packs take on whole different personalities than single dogs. When dogs get together, they kinda stick up for the same cause. Their perceived enemies are shared. They stop any thinking they might have done and start acting. They incite each other. Anyone have multiple dogs and seen them turn on each other when someone walks by? Even best buds will do that because they are dogs. They think and act on their emotions. There is no critical thinking in dogs. They act on impulse and they act immediately.

It's up to us humans to learn THEIR language. And to learn what triggers their unwanted AND wanted behaviors. Once we learn that, we need to de-emphasize the negative and concentrate on the positive. Easier to say than do but it's the only way to get control of unruly dogs. They will not "come around on their own" or "take the hint". They aren't built for that.

Is your own dog outta control? Text me at 602-999-5515 for help. Whatever it is can be fixed.

I don't post here enough. Gotta change that.Here's Aunty Taffy's new Visitor, Sebastian. He wasn't sure at first but now...

I don't post here enough. Gotta change that.

Here's Aunty Taffy's new Visitor, Sebastian. He wasn't sure at first but now he loves it here.

Does your dog use a crate? Lemme see pictures!

Does your dog use a crate? Lemme see pictures!

Your dog's behavior CAN be changed. It is NOT hopeless. Contact me and I'll show you how to do it. I've done it many, ma...

Your dog's behavior CAN be changed. It is NOT hopeless. Contact me and I'll show you how to do it. I've done it many, many times.

Yelling, spanking and/or any form of anger toward your dog actually makes things worse! It might work to stop the behavior for that second but it doesn't last. You'll be yelling and spanking all the time. Not good for either of you!

These are the tools I use: treats, spray bottle with water, crate, indoor pet fence and little leashes spread out throughout the house. Didn't have much luck with the anger/force method I tried in the 70s (rub nose in potty, for example) but have had 100% success the other way ever since.

Are you looking for that bulging forehead vein or a happy existence with your Best And Most Loyal Friend? Text me for help if you choose happiness. I'll show you how and when to use these tools.

Aunty Taffy

Sebastian. I told you a little about him last month. He's 13 and been with his current mom 6 years. 6 years of torture f...

Sebastian. I told you a little about him last month. He's 13 and been with his current mom 6 years. 6 years of torture for both of them. He's the perfect definition of a Terrier (Terrorist). She'd never had a Terrier and had no clue about what to do. She initially called in a trainer. He made her use a Shock Collar on him. Why?! He's a small dog! Of course it made things worse! After a while (and after tossing that collar), she called in another trainer. He made her go out and get a raised cot and a clicker and told her to make him go to the cot whenever she clicked. I don't know how much the first one cost but the clicker guy charged her $800. She's now the proud owner of an unused cot and clicker. She was done. And couldn't think of any other solution except euthanasia. She was so frazzled. When I met her it looked like she hadn't smiled for ages.

I came in there with a bag of Pupperoni. I instantly had his attention. I had his attention the whole time I was there. Perfect. I gave her a detailed game plan about how to get him under control (going nuts at the window, going nuts when he hears the UPS truck, just plain going nuts because he's a Terrier) and 2 tools: treats and a spray bottle with only water. (Don't waste money on Bitter Apple spray. They might enjoy it like My Beatrice did. She'd open her mouth to receive it directly. Sigh.) I don't use hurtful weapons or aggressive methods at all.

Sebastian responded immediately to the treats. Then she started doing the other things I recommended. Today I went back and mom was smiling almost the whole time. Sebastian was being quiet (mostly) in his crate because landscapers were there. Zero access to window = zero crazy barking. She hasn't even used the spray bottle once. He was just begging for oversight.

Another success! WooHoo!

Horrible news this week about Cricket being killed because of "untrainable" behavior. Unfortunately that is not an isola...

Horrible news this week about Cricket being killed because of "untrainable" behavior. Unfortunately that is not an isolated incident. It's actually Holdover Thinking from decades ago. It's the way things were. Today we know those behaviors CAN be changed. There is no longer any reason at all to end an animal's life because the current human in charge doesn't know what to do. Many, many other people do know what to do now.

Over the years I've rescued my share from people with the same thinking as Cricket's owner. I've owned many Death Row Doggies who learned to behave "nicely" and went on to become successful family members. My current 3, shown here, are all Former Death Row Doggies. The big one was overlooked time and again because he stayed in a tight ball and wouldn't look up. He was terrified of everything. Positive he was a Bait Dog so he was terrified about getting beat up again. Has residual effects today. The smaller ones were highly "aggressive". The middle size one was MAD. Put in the pound at 12 years old and neutered then. MAD! Took him 3 years to come out of it. At 16, he's now laying around waiting for the next treat. Smallest one is fearful of being hurt. At 8 pounds, I get it. She already had to fend for herself on the streets, then the scary pound, then a home with a lot of big dogs to compete with and then a harrowing journey (for her) across the country to me. She's WAY better than 3 months ago but is still on her journey.

Yeah, work is involved by humans if we want animals in our lives. There's always an answer but it's never death.

I'm dedicating the rest of my life to these misunderstood dogs by showing owners and foster parents how to correct these behaviors in completely unaggressive ways. There should be zero euthanasia unless the pet is terminal. WAY too many alternatives in today's world.

Is your dog's behavior out of control? Making you crazy? Aunty Taffy to your rescue! Changing dog behavior since the 90s...

Is your dog's behavior out of control? Making you crazy? Aunty Taffy to your rescue! Changing dog behavior since the 90s. Free consultation in your home or through Zoom if you are out of the Phoenix area. Text 602-999-5515 for help! WOOF!

Meet Sebastian, Aunty Taffy's new client. Sebastian is going to learn to reign in his Terriorness so everyone can live i...

Meet Sebastian, Aunty Taffy's new client. Sebastian is going to learn to reign in his Terriorness so everyone can live in harmony.

Stay tuned for progress updates as his mom introduces changes to him.

Is your dog outta control like Ruby here? I can show you how to turn the stressed out doggie on the left into the happy ...

Is your dog outta control like Ruby here? I can show you how to turn the stressed out doggie on the left into the happy girl who gets along with everyone on the right.

ROCKET LAUNCH SALES FOR YOUR SMALL BUSINESS TO NEW HEIGHTS!! Become an Aunty Taffy's K9 Care Sponsor. Aunty Taffy will m...

ROCKET LAUNCH SALES FOR YOUR SMALL BUSINESS TO NEW HEIGHTS!! Become an Aunty Taffy's K9 Care Sponsor. Aunty Taffy will market your business online and in person, widening your reach EXTENSIVELY! Get details by texting 602-999-5515.

I ask that you give the program a 3 month trial for results to start growing. Right now the ROCKET LAUNCH PROGRAM is offering 4 months for the price of 3 - that's 1 FREE MONTH. The cost is already WAY lower than almost any other marketing tool available. Aunty Taffy does know all about doggies but is also a PROVEN BUSINESS NETWORKER and has received recognition and awards for it. Check the LinkedIn profile at Taffy Baron - you'll know you have the right person to help you.

Whether you make clothing, do handyman services, provide artwork or any other product or service, Aunty Taffy will help your sales soar to new heights!

Your Sponsorship directly helps save pet lives. Contact me today!

Greetings! Aunty Taffy here. This is my little pack: Kody at top, Monty in the middle, Baby Girl on the bottom. They wer...

Greetings! Aunty Taffy here. This is my little pack: Kody at top, Monty in the middle, Baby Girl on the bottom. They were all on the E List, labeled "Unadoptable" because of fearful and/or aggressive behavior. Today they are very much alive and living happily together. They represent ALL E Listers, proving no behavioral issue is impossible to change and every dog can be the Best Dog if only given a chance.

What is the E List? It's the Euthanasia List. County and City Animal Control Centers (they're not really shelters) all have them. Too many people aren't stepping up for the pets they committed to so they end up there. Overcrowding is the norm so they all have E Lists and follow them.

If you've been with me on my personal page you saw each of these dogs transform, each on their own timeline. None paid any attention to my timeline. It's now my Final Life Mission to drastically reduce - dare I dream eradicate? - the numbers on those E Lists while helping pets overcome their issues. With the help of the business community's sponsorships and working through established pet rescue groups I believe I can reach that goal over the next 10 years. Will you help?

Watch for a special announcement coming April 1 about those sponsorships! Exciting times ahead for Pets Without Parents!

Who needs a reliable pet sitter who knows what to do? We all do! Meet Carla from Nana's Care. With years of rescue exper...

Who needs a reliable pet sitter who knows what to do? We all do! Meet Carla from Nana's Care. With years of rescue experience, paid jobs involving pets and ownership of Great Danes and Mastiffs, she is the perfect person to care for your fur babies. She doesn't board in her home (too many giant dogs!) but comes to you. She's available for drop in care visits or overnight stays for as long as you are away.

She books up fast so get your reservation in today!

Nana's Care is a Business Sponsor of Aunty Taffy's K9 Care.

Have you contacted Teri Ann to set up your paint parties yet? You can host them as fundraisers for your favorite nonprof...

Have you contacted Teri Ann to set up your paint parties yet? You can host them as fundraisers for your favorite nonprofit, team building for your business or for plain old fun with your friends while showcasing your creative side!

Set it up today by calling Teri Ann's Zen Artistry at 602-753-6734. Visit [email protected] for more info.

Teri Ann is a pet rescuer and is a Sponsor of Aunty Taffy's K9 Care. Supporting her business saves pet lives!

When Aunty Taffy boosts your small business's bottom line, more dogs like Baby Girl here are saved! Get YOUR boost by ca...

When Aunty Taffy boosts your small business's bottom line, more dogs like Baby Girl here are saved! Get YOUR boost by calling/texting 602-999-5515 or sending a message through Facebook!

Let's do it together!!

You should check out the Aunty Taffy's website to see the first 3 Pet Rescue Supporting Vendors to sign on - so exciting...

You should check out the Aunty Taffy's website to see the first 3 Pet Rescue Supporting Vendors to sign on - so exciting!! My mom, Aunty Taffy, says we need more to sign on so she can save more pets from the E List. I still don't know what that is but my mom says I was at the top of that list and so was my brother, Monty, and my new tiny sister, Baby Girl. I don't think it's a good list to be on because she frowns and sometimes has tears when she talks about it. If you support these vendors, my mom says the E List will shrink. If you want to sign on as one of our vendors, contact my mom here or by messenger. It will make her smile.

I attended this today, my first Pet Rescue Event in years. Met quite a few groups, but not all, who are interested in wo...

I attended this today, my first Pet Rescue Event in years. Met quite a few groups, but not all, who are interested in working with Aunty Taffy's. I have programs to get them more donations, supplies, foster homes and adopters. One is by promoting them online and in person.

That same program is available to small businesses that support pet rescue. Today as I was meeting the rescue groups I gave them information from a few who have signed on. There's already interest in those.

Do YOU have a small business and want more customers? By small I mean you don't have a storefront but you DO make awesome custom garments or you are a DJ or have other products/services. Contact Aunty Taffy now. Discarded pets need your help.

March is the perfect month to switch gears and throw myself all the way into Aunty Taffy's mission to stop as much unnec...

March is the perfect month to switch gears and throw myself all the way into Aunty Taffy's mission to stop as much unnecessary pet euthanasia as I can - with help from everyone around the country, of course. It's perfect because it's my birthday month. My birthday is the anniversary of my starting this journey. In the early 90s when I was an Agoura Animal Shelter volunteer, I adopted a beautiful white lab mix who had been returned multiple times. Nobody said and I didn't know until she really bloodied and hurt My Beatrice that she was a biter. I consulted "experts" and they all said she'd always be like that even after 6 months of brainwashing at a facility. You can't imagine how devastated I was when I had to take her back to be euthanized.

On my birthday.

If I only knew then what I know now....But I DO know what to do to correct that now. It is my Life Mission.

This little dog was sent to me in January from Vicksburg, Mississippi. She was labeled as a vicious biter. Like the rest, she was simply misunderstood. Once at my house I studied her behavior for a few days and, coupled with the scant knowledge of her past, determined she was terrified, not vicious. She was in a protective mode. Can you imagine being killed just because you are tiny and afraid?

4 weeks later she's a happy little girl who loves her new brothers, new home, new routine, new mommy and new treats! They aren't all this easy, coming around in a few weeks. My Monty took 3 years.

Once people understand their pets, less will be in the pound on the E List. You can help - ask me how!

Greetings Pet Lovers! Aunty Taffy here. Today I am asking for YOUR help. My mission is to reduce unnecessary euthanasia ...

Greetings Pet Lovers! Aunty Taffy here. Today I am asking for YOUR help. My mission is to reduce unnecessary euthanasia by adjusting the attitudes of "problem" or "unadoptable" pets, with a huge focus on dogs. Look at this picture. What is wrong with any of those dogs? Nothing. Because of their former humans we gotta see headlines like this and pets like those in cages on their way to the Rainbow Bridge.

Help me work on the problem - like the song says, "You gotta help me - I can't do it all by myself". You can help by becoming an Affiliate Supporter. You have 3 opportunities. If you have a small business and want more customers the 1st option is for you! In addition to knowing what's up with pets, I'm also a Master Networker. I have recognition and awards for that. I will market your small business both online and in person with actual potential customers. There is a small monthly fee and no contracts. Try it for a couple months. You'll get new customers and help save pet lives. Option 2 is for nonprofit pet rescues looking for more donors, volunteers, supplies and pet adoptions I will market for you, too. Online and in person just like I do for the businesses. You could supply flyers highlighting certain pets that I would distribute to potential adopters and your need for donations, supplies and volunteers would be discussed with actual pet people. If you don't have a business or pet rescue but still want to support ongoing efforts to save pet lives, the 3rd option is best for you. You could make regular monthly small donations of any amount you like.

Your support would fund development of a training program that can be used to train Foster as well as Furever Parents how to better understand their pet's behavior and how to permanently correct anything undesirable in a kind and loving way. The process takes time. Maybe a year. One of my own dogs held out for 3 years. Now he flips on his back for belly rubs when I approach. There is no easy fix. But once that pet learns, his or human will have a loving, devoted pet. I can personally testify to that many times over.

Help me help them. Please contact me today for details. Let's do this together!!


Important message from Aunty Taffy.

Who needs more customers for their small business? What is your product and/or service? Examples include jewelry, clothe...

Who needs more customers for their small business? What is your product and/or service? Examples include jewelry, clothes, house cleaning, event planning, entertainment and more. Aunty Taffy's has a new program designed to bring you new customers while donating much needed funds to pet rescue groups. Your marketing materials will be featured on various social media sites with consistent posts pointing out what you have to offer. Your materials will also be put directly into the hands of potential customers at various in person networking events while Aunty Taffy touts the benefits of purchasing your products/services.

Contact Aunty Taffy for details through Messenger!

Yes you can get the aggressive behavior to stop. Monty certainly was NOT like this when he arrived. He wanted to hurt me...

Yes you can get the aggressive behavior to stop. Monty certainly was NOT like this when he arrived. He wanted to hurt me and anyone he saw, including the other dog who arrived the same day.

It will not happen quickly. This guy arrived March 22, 2020. Took about 3 years to really stop. Now he's kinda mushy.

Call me if you need help with your rescued pet. The first thing you do is be patient. There's no time table. I'll tell you how to do the rest.


Post your rescued pet's photo here!

Season's Greetings From Aunty Taffy!!

PSA: Many people know of this Rule of 3 and believe it's true. It is NOT. Each dog is on his/her own time schedule which...

PSA: Many people know of this Rule of 3 and believe it's true. It is NOT. Each dog is on his/her own time schedule which is determined by the level of damage done by the previous human. Trust is the very first thing that must be achieved before anything else can be successful. Your dog MUST trust you. Learning to do that when you didn't have it before, are thrust into a new situation and don't know the language is not easy for humans! So why is there a timeline for dogs?

One of my current dogs, Kody, was - in my educated opinion - used as a Bait Dog. Kept caged or confined until time to get beat up by other dogs. I got him when he was 4, terrified of everything. 4 months after arriving he put a rope toy into his mouth instead of walking around it or just running away. Today he came up to me for affection. And liked it. He's been here three and a half years.

So this "Rule of 3" might apply to a few rescues but not to the majority. The real rule is the Rule of Patience.

Pass it on.

Your dogs at Aunty Taffy's while you are away.

Your dogs at Aunty Taffy's while you are away.

What is this? Spam or are they deactivating Aunty Taffy's K9 Care?

What is this? Spam or are they deactivating Aunty Taffy's K9 Care?

Odie supervising Aunty Taffy applying makeup with brother Elmo wishing he could jump up, too.

Odie supervising Aunty Taffy applying makeup with brother Elmo wishing he could jump up, too.

Do your doggies love their crates? Post a picture!

Do your doggies love their crates? Post a picture!

Monty and Kody want you to know we have pet crates and fences of all sizes available to rent for your temporary needs.  ...

Monty and Kody want you to know we have pet crates and fences of all sizes available to rent for your temporary needs. (Dogs not included.)

Please share!

Visitors supervising Aunty Taffy cutting fruit.

Visitors supervising Aunty Taffy cutting fruit.




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