Reese Ferguson 6-29-24
She ran a 19.37!!! She did amazing and I am so proud of her!
One of my sponsored riders over this past weekend! So proud of her! Go Reese Ferguson!
Mesa makes me proud every show. Every ride. Everyday honestly. Listen in on the audio on the video🤍
From Mesa’s point of view😎🤍
P.s. The audio is worth a listen, cute as heck!
Just working with a boarding horse🤍 some WP in a barrel saddle. Looks can be deceiving! Pretty good example of why you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover🥰
Working on how to use fancy buttons this morning😍🥰🥰
Felt good to take my main girl for a spin. Turns were ON POINT😍😍😍 haven’t ran her myself in months with ember and training horses. Consistently reminded how nice this mare really is🖤
3 year old with an 8 year old. First time in this arena and first time anyone but myself has ever ridden her🖤
These are the moments where nothing can ruin my happy. The days where all the bad ones are worth it. This is why the last 3 years have been worth every second. I was smiling ear to ear and I guarantee I will every time this little filly opens up. It’s crazy how much more special it is when you put all the time in yourself. Today was so needed🖤