A testimonial from a friend! Upset tummies can look different
“We got this horse in 2 weeks ago. Two weeks.
Not because he looked bad or wasn’t sound but because he was inconsistent in the arena for his boy. He had gotten to where he’d step off to the right when his jockey would dismount, or he’d grab the bit and run through it. They asked if we could help, and y’all know I’m a sucker for a fixer upper 🤣
In these pics, you can see he looks fine at first glance, but what I see is gut upset. He’s standing a little too far up under himself, and his belly has a droop to it compared to the rest of his body in the top pic. The first day and a half he didn’t want us to touch him nor would he eat- no grain, no hay, nothing. I left his grain and hay for him but gave him 20cc Gut Check and 1oz Vitality oil orally twice daily. It took 36 hours, and he was coming to me for his food!! Now, he’s more proportioned, and I see muscle rather than fluff.
His kiddo came to ride him today, and he worked like a million bucks!! 😍 I asked him what he thought about his horse or if we needed to do anything else, and he said “I’m ready for him to come home!” Seeing a kid so excited to ride his horse again means the world to us!! ❤️
I know you all get tired of me preaching about diet, but…… two weeks.
Twice daily:
20cc CEP Gut Check
1 oz CEP Vitality oil
1 scoop Dove Fortify
1 flake alfalfa hay
2 flakes grass hay
No turn out.
When they feel good, they’re more likely to work. I never would have guessed how broke and light in the face he is when I saw the videos of him pushing through the bit. We are so blessed to be able to help when asked 🙏🏼
Two. Weeks. “
Complete Equine Performance