Aspire Appalachia

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Aspire Appalachia Aspire Appalachia is a nonprofit organization that focuses on helping the neglected animals and individuals of the Appalachian region.

‼️PLEASE SHARE‼️ We typically keep our mouth shut on social media. But, this has gone too far and the public deserves to...


We typically keep our mouth shut on social media. But, this has gone too far and the public deserves to know what is happening. When our silence becomes complicent in the possible killing of animals, we have to make things known.

The current management at the Kentucky River Regional Animal Shelter is running it into the ground. Aspire has been threatened with lawyers over money they are withholding from reimbursement (picture proof below) animals are being euthanized without so much as a Facebook post (bill sent to Starfish to pay showing euthanasia of numerous dogs) and the current president had threatened to kill animals in retaliation to FB posts he doesn’t like (picture proof below).

The pictures circulating of the poor conditions are one hundred percent accurate. These are NOT from last year. These are NOT from the previous administration. These are what these animals are facing NOW! I have also posted some of those with time stamps in the description. The place is so poorly run now the animals are suffering. This is only going to get worse now that the only support they have is gone.

Let me give you a few examples of what Starfish Animal Rescue does for this shelter and our community. They provided over $50,000 in vet bills for medical animals last year alone, they have taken over 30,000 animals out of our community since they have started. They help pay for employees. They provide two transport vans. They provide nearly all of the crates at the shelter. They provide medicine for the animals. They are most often pulling 200 animals every 2 weeks from this shelter. Thats 200 animals that will now be killed. Let me be clear, the shelter will NOT be able to adequately care for these animals without Starfish Animal Rescues help. I’m showing you the conditions below WITH all of the extra money and support from Starfish. Imagine what will happen after that help is gone. They are one of the only remaining rescues helping this shelter since this new management took over. Receiving rescues are constantly receiving sick dogs and cats, incorrect paperwork, missing paperwork, the list goes on and on. I have also shared an invoice the shelter expected STARFISH to pay of them euthanizing dogs that never stood a chance. Euthanizing dogs that were already CONFIRMED. They had a place to go. They had a rescue willing to take them. And they killed them.

The ONLY thing that will come of this separation from the shelter is an increase in euthanasia at the shelter. Animals will no longer be able to receive adequate vet care. The shelter will not be able to afford medicine. Dog and cats WILL die in masses. You can guarantee that.

Your local Animal Control Officers in Breathitt County, Knott County and Perry County voted in support of the President and one of them failed to answer any of Aspire phone calls or messages for weeks to explain to him what was going on behind the scenes. He chose to ignore us even through all we have done to help him and Breathitt County animals.

I suggest reaching out to your local Animal Control Officer and County Judges in the following counties to express your concern of the treatment of these animals and ask why they continue to support someone who is putting animals on the back burner.

Breathitt County:

Jamie Holbrook - 1 (606) 666-3800 Ext 247
Jeff Noble - 1 (606) 666-3800

Knott County:

Nelson Reynolds - +1 (606) 634-4115
Jeff Dobson - 1 (606) 785-5592

Perry County:

Tom Caudill - +1 (606) 216-4358
Scott Alexander - 1(606) 439-3699

Letcher County:

Terry Adams - 1 (606) 633 2129

Let me make this clear, Aspire no longer has any affiliation with the Kentucky River Regional Animal Shelter. We will NOT support this behavior. We will NOT stand by and watch dogs and cats be killed in masses due to the behaviors of a few. Do NOT take your animals there. We will try to work with you as Starfish has graciously agreed to continue helping our communities animals. We will work with them to place your animals if you agree to hold them until transport.

Today, we feel we have failed. We have failed to save these animals. But, we tried. So many people have tried. One person has managed to run off dozens of employees, dozens of volunteers, dozens of rescues and still claims he is saving the animals. I have watched countless friends cry and feel so defeated knowing what is going on at this place. We have kept our mouth shut long enough. This is the TRUTH. These are the FACTS. We have provided the EVIDENCE. This is just the tip of the surface. So much more has occurred that I do not have hard evidence on, so I will refrain from sharing. You can also go to Starfish Animal Rescue page to see the email they sent to one of our local judges.

Today, the animals lose. And I am more than heartbroken. This is what you are paying your animal control to support and what your tax money is going towards. Please, help these animals have a voice. Go to fiscal court meetings and express your concerns. Express your concern to the media. Contact PETA. Visit the shelter unannounced and see the conditions for yourself. We normally stay silent, but these helpless animals cannot defend or speak for themselves. We have to be their voice.

Additional videos in the comments (FB would not let us post more than 1)

‼️URGENT - DONATIONS NEEDED‼️As of now, we’ve had to shut our intake down entirely until we can get this vet bill paid d...


As of now, we’ve had to shut our intake down entirely until we can get this vet bill paid down some. With donations at an all time low and no other funding measures, we are unable to continue taking in animals that are in dire need due to the lack of donations. 😭

If there is anyway you can help, please do. Even a simple share could reach someone who is able to donate to help the animals in Eastern Kentucky. We will not be able to continue helping the animals without your help. Even a $1 donation would help so much!

PayPal - [email protected]
Mailing Address - PO Box 1255, Jackson, KY 41339

Say a quick prayer for this baby! She came to us this morning after being found alone last night and is covered in fly s...

Say a quick prayer for this baby! She came to us this morning after being found alone last night and is covered in fly strike.

We’re praying we got her in time and keeping her warm and cozy while we wait for capstar to work it’s magic.

She isn’t the only emergency in our care and won’t be our last. We’re desperately low on supplies if anybody is able to check out the wishlists posted on our Aspire Appalachia page ❤️!

🐱Foster Kitty Supplies Needed🐱Not only do we have a bunch of cats in our foster program but we’re also keeping them long...

🐱Foster Kitty Supplies Needed🐱

Not only do we have a bunch of cats in our foster program but we’re also keeping them longer before they move on to rescue.

We could really use some help with supplies to keep them happy and healthy ❤️!

If you’re able, please check out our kitty wishlist and please share!

As always thank you for all your support!

Is anybody on/near 52 missing me 🐱?Super sweet! Will need to verify gender and ownership.

Is anybody on/near 52 missing me 🐱?

Super sweet!

Will need to verify gender and ownership.

‼️URGENT CRITICAL CASE‼️⚠️GRAPHIC PHOTOS⚠️Meet Oliver. This sweet baby was found with a horrific wound. It is impossible...


Meet Oliver.

This sweet baby was found with a horrific wound. It is impossible to tell what caused the wound due to the deterioration of the skin and the necrotic tissue. There is a hole present, that could suggest trauma from a gun shot wound.

No matter what caused his wounds, he needs our help. He has been so neglected by humans and we couldn’t let that continue any longer. Huge thank you to Hagans Town & Country Animal Clinic for keeping him for us overnight! He is now hospitalized and will be receiving wound therapy for at least the next week, along with antibiotics to help the wound heal.

We are in a rough place financially right now. Donations have been at an all time low. We really need your help to be able to afford this case. Please, please, please - if you can afford to spare even $1 it will help us continue our mission to save the lives of those neglected and left behind. ❤️

‼️URGENT EUTHANIZE LIST‼️We are offering a starter kit to anyone who adopts a dog from the Kentucky River Regional Anima...


We are offering a starter kit to anyone who adopts a dog from the Kentucky River Regional Animal Shelter euthanize list! Please check out their page for a list of animals in need!

Just send us proof of your adoption, along with a photo of your new fur kid and we will send you a starter bag of dog food, treats and toys for your new companion!

Please, save a life if you can! So many dogs in need and so many lives will be lost if we can’t come together and save them!

‼️URGENT NEED FOR SUPPLIES‼️ Kitten and Puppy season is upon us. Because of this - we are in desperate need of supplies ...


Kitten and Puppy season is upon us. Because of this - we are in desperate need of supplies and funds! We have requests for babies and we need supplies to take care of them. Donations are at an all time low and we are barely staying afloat.

Please, please, please if you can donate any funds or supplies we would be forever grateful. We need help now more than ever.

‼️URGENT‼️We have an urgent need for help with medical bills for sweet Mia. Mia’s owner started struggling with medical ...


We have an urgent need for help with medical bills for sweet Mia. Mia’s owner started struggling with medical bills when Mia turned deathly ill.

Mia developed pyometra (infection of the uterus) after she gave birth to a set of puppies. Her blood sugar was running 600, she started profusely bleeding and she lost her vision. She needed hospitalized and her owner couldn’t afford her ongoing medical needs. So, we agreed to help. We knew she would be an extremely expensive case with just the things we knew up front.

Unfortunately, other things normally come up and that’s what happened to Mia. After a few days in the hospital, it was also determined that she has heartworms. This alone typically runs $600 to treat.

After learning of all of her problems, it is typically advised to euthanize in these scenarios because she may not recover given her conditions.

But, we do not euthanize unless the dog is suffering and 100% unable to be fixed. All of her problems are POSSIBLY fixable. It will cost a lot of money and no guaranteed outcome. But, going into rescue we promised ourselves one thing - we will help all those we can, the most we can. We do not run on the idea that we could save 50 for the price of one. We put all of our efforts into the ones in front of us. And we promise to do all we can to save Mia if it is possible for her to live a pain free life.

But, we can’t do this without your help. We just had to pay a $5,000 vet bill and our funds are depleting fast. We need to try to raise at least $2,000 for Mia and her future treatments. 😭😭😭

If you can, please help. We have also posted a wishlist for the items she will need to help control her blood sugars. Any things helps, $1 adds up quick!

PayPal - [email protected]
Vet Clinic - West Liberty Vet Clinic
Mailing - PO Box 1255, Jackson, KY 41339

Amazon Wish List -

Update: Owner found. If this is your dog, please contact the Jackson vet clinic.

Update: Owner found.

If this is your dog, please contact the Jackson vet clinic.

Don’t forget to head to Hazard Tractor Supply this weekend to get your pets Easter photos! Not only are you getting an a...

Don’t forget to head to Hazard Tractor Supply this weekend to get your pets Easter photos! Not only are you getting an adorable picture, but you are supporting our work that we continue to do in the area. We have lots of animals right now and could use the funds. Help us out and go and see Amberly this weekend!

‼️PLEASE SHARE‼️Don’t forget to come out this weekend and support us! Amberly Dicey Photography has graciously agreed to...


Don’t forget to come out this weekend and support us! Amberly Dicey Photography has graciously agreed to come out and take photos to help us raise some money! We haven’t had time to do many fundraisers and our donations have been slim to none. We could really use the support and we know you could use the cute Easter pictures! ❤️

Don’t forget to come out and see Amberly Dicey Photography on March 16th at the Hazard Tractor Supply! We are so excited...

Don’t forget to come out and see Amberly Dicey Photography on March 16th at the Hazard Tractor Supply! We are so excited about this fundraising opportunity. We really need the support to help us continue helping the animals! ❤️

‼️URGENT NEED FOR FUNDS AND SUPPLIES‼️ Aspire recently helped with a hoarding case and took in over 25 animals. There we...


Aspire recently helped with a hoarding case and took in over 25 animals. There were over 100 animals on the property that were seized. This included dead animals. Cats, dogs, birds, sugar gliders, lizards, exotic animals, etc were all found on the property.

We desperately need help with vet funding and supplies. We pulled the most critical and in need animals. Most all of the animals are in poor condition, dehydrated and severely malnourished.

While we took in all that we could, the Kentucky River Regional Animal Shelter still has so many in need! If you are a rescue, please reach out to help! They already have an entire shelter full of animals - these animals had to be taken to an off site location just to have the space.

PayPal - [email protected]
Mail - PO Box 1255, Jackson, KY 41339

Here is an Amazon link with supplies we are in need of:


DRIVER FOUND! Thank you so much, Bill Colwell!

Unfortunately, we didn’t have anyone step up to help the puppy tonight. 😢 If it survives the night, is there anyone who would be avaliable to pick it up from the shelter in Hazard and get it to the West Liberty Vet Clinic at 9am in the morning for their emergency hours.



We need someone who can pick up a puppy from the animal shelter in Hazard and get it to West Liberty Vet Clinic for their emergency hours at 6pm. It is super sick and needs to get there to hopefully save its life. Please, if anyone can help.


‼️TRANSPORT FILLED‼️ Thank you to everyone who shared!!

‼️Emergency Transport Needed‼️

Puppy needs picked up from Southfork to West Liberty Vet Clinic by 7… suspected coyote attack.

Please reach out if you can help! Gas money can be provided!

We are so thankful to Amberly Dicey Photography for allowing us this fundraiser opportunity! Make sure you head out to s...

We are so thankful to Amberly Dicey Photography for allowing us this fundraiser opportunity! Make sure you head out to see her at the Hazard Tractor Supply on Saturday, March 16th! Bring as many fur babies as you would like! Each photo is $15 and all proceeds help us save more animals!


Thank you all so much for sharing!


We are in DESPERATE needs of a vet that is willing to come to the shelter tomorrow to help complete health certificates. There are animals stacked in crates, the shelter is beyond max capacity and if transport is canceled, a lot of animals will loose their lives. Animals cannot leave without these certificates and only a vet can complete them. Please, please if you know of a vet in the surrounding area willing to help, have them contact the Kentucky River Regional Animal Shelter. Please share!!

‼️MISSING DOG - Posting for Owner ‼️Grethel JonesSTILL MISSING! Please keep looking for my boy, I appreciate every share...

‼️MISSING DOG - Posting for Owner ‼️

Grethel Jones

STILL MISSING! Please keep looking for my boy, I appreciate every share, comment and message of you all looking for him.

🚨$50 REWARD for Ranger’s return!!!

If anyone sees Ranger could you please let me know? He did not come home last night and I am worried. He has been gone before but never alone and it is so cold on top of that.

He is the sweetest boy and I don’t know what to do without my baby. He has an orange/black collar on with his name and my phone number on it.

If you see him or even think it’s him please message or call me! 606-568-0419 He was last seen at my house in Campton. They have traveled to Spring Branch, Bethany, and various spots of 1812 before.


‼️Update on Obie‼️

Sweet Obie is doing amazing! He had both of his eyes removed and is waiting to move on to another rescue to look for his forever home. He is the best boy and is adjusting well to having no eyes.

Unfortunately, we still owe a lot on his medical bills. We had a donation of $500 on the last post that was a mistake by the individual who donated. So, we have only raised $89. If you could help us out with his medical bills, we would be forever grateful.

PayPal - [email protected]
Mail - PO Box 1255, Jackson, KY 41339

‼️URGENT SHELTER NEEDS‼️So many changes have been happening at our local animal shelter Kentucky River Regional Animal S...


So many changes have been happening at our local animal shelter Kentucky River Regional Animal Shelter and they need our help to improve the lives of animals in their care!

They are running really low on puppy food and some other supplies. There are so many sweet babies at the shelter that could really use these supplies!

They are so grateful for the public’s help in allowing the shelter to be the most welcoming it possibly can be for an animal in their time of need. If you could possibly help us out with some MUCH needed donations, we would be so grateful. ❤️

Amazon Wish List - (

Shelter Address - 194 Animal Shelter Lane, Hazard, KY 41701

‼️URGENT - CRITICAL CASE‼️ ‼️WARNING - GRAPHIC IMAGES‼️Meet Obie Our vets office contacted us today for help. Obie was b...



Meet Obie

Our vets office contacted us today for help. Obie was brought in after being hit by a car for euthanasia. His family had tried to care for him at home, but his injuries were extensive and they were unable to afford vet care for him.

Obie is in rough shape, but our vet believes with double eye enucleation he can still live a great life. We of course agreed to help!

Can you help us cover Obie’s vet care? Can you skip a coffee and donate $5 today? We rely solely on donations and need your help to continuing helping cases like Obie.

Vet Clinic - West Liberty Vet Clinic
PayPal - [email protected]
Address - PO Box 1255, Jackson, KY 41339


‼️Urgent Driver Needed‼️Kentucky River Regional Animal Shelter is in need of a driver to transport 4 small dogs and 10 cats to Kentucky Humane Society in Louisville. Gas will be provided. If you are able to transport these animals, please message their page directly.




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