The Delta Humane Society of Louisiana

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The Delta Humane Society of Louisiana TO DONATE:

DHS promotes the compassionate care of all animals. We always need volunteers.

Our FB page is designed to help like minded animal lovers to connect and to aid us in our mission. Since we operate in a rural area, we concentrate on rescuing animals in need, getting them healthy and then placing them with our partner rescues in the Northeast. Our most pressing need is fosters but we need volunteers to transport food, take animals to the vets, fund raise, work on grants and any

number of tasks. If you have just an hour or two a week, you could be a big help in saving lives. Just contact us and we'll put you to work at a job that you are suited for.

It's worse here where their are no shelters!

It's worse here where their are no shelters!

The public need to know just how bad the current crisis situation is and why we need more FOSTERS Please! Fosters make a huge difference to just how many dogs we can save. No, we cannot use fosters outside our 60 mile radius of Purcellville or Fairfax, VA. If you live way outside this radius, try offering to foster for another reputable rescue near your area. We are all in the same boat and badly needing fosters. ALL incoming dogs must be fostered first to do evaluations and health checks before adoption

We are all exhausted and see no light at the end of the tunnel. The most difficult decisions we make in rescue are who gets to live and who has to DIE 💔 Often times dogs that are not tagged for rescue are IMMEDIATELY euthanized once transport leaves.

People say purebreds never end up in shelters. So here you are - we are drowning in the purebreds the public desires so much. We have received over 20 owner surrender and return requests just this past WEEK, not to mention the hundreds of requests from shelters.

Cavaliers. Yorkies. Golden Retrievers. Dachshunds. Australian Shepherds. German Shepherds. French Bulldogs. Not to mention the oodles of doodles. BREEDERS ARE SURRENDERING ENTIRE LITTERS - DOGS ARE NOT SELLING. It's making it impossible for us to save the ones from the euthanasia lists. The "boring" dogs stand no chance due to how many "fancy designer" dogs are being bred 😓 they are being bred faster than we can save them.

Spay and neuter your pets. Stop buying from greedy, selfish breeders. Let the rescues and shelters catch up. Reach out to trainers. Don't you remember the joy you had the day of adoption? Adoption is a lifelong commitment.

Your exhausted rescue

We said goodbye to Poseidon today and boy did he leave in style! We found this boy back in March near Delhi, Louisiana. ...

We said goodbye to Poseidon today and boy did he leave in style! We found this boy back in March near Delhi, Louisiana. He was skin and bones (1) and had huge pressure sores, we're guessing, from being so underweight and not having any place soft to lie down.(2) He was also heartworm positive and intact. But he was microchipped!!! After a little sleuthing, we managed to find his mom in Dallas. She is a truck driver and she had to rehome Poseidon when she moved in with her mom during Covid. She thought she had found a good home but after a time the people stopped responding to her. That was over 2 years ago and she had tried to find him during that time with no luck. Poseidon used to go on the road with her and she had him since he was a puppy. She was so eager to get him back but after discussing it we decided that in his condition it might be better if we kept him until he was healthier and had completed heartworm treatment. So, we got the pleasure of this boy for 6 months and his mama paid his bills. During that time, he went through heartworm treatment, had surgery and laser treatments to heal the awful ulcers, gained a LOT of weight, and best of all, lost his testicles!!
Today his mom was on her way back to Dallas from Tampa in her big rig so we met at the Pilot Truck Stop. We had the windows down and as soon as we pulled into the parking lot Poseidon must have smelled the diesel and got excited (3). When his mom pulled up and came running over he actually broke the tether in order to get to her. (4 ) It was so great to see them together!! But it's also a reminder that Poseidon was very, very lucky. You can't be too careful when rehoming a pet. Please use due diligence.
For now, this big goof is with his family in Dallas where he has two human siblings to get reacquainted with. Then he'll be headed out to Kansas City riding shotgun with his mom. (5)


September is National Puppy Mill Awareness Month! 🐶 🐾

Puppy mills are large-scale, unregulated, for-profit breeding operations. Puppies from puppy mills are often sick, unsocialized, and live in confined conditions. The adults are forced to breed and are discarded when they are no longer useful. Learn to recognize the red flags; together, we can make a difference and stop the suffering.


When you're the only baby goat and you have no one to play with....
Oreo was seized from a neglect situation in Franklin parish. She was malnourished and had mange as well as so much trauma to her face that she lost an eye and a horn. Now, after almost 2 months, she is finally feeling well enough to play. But she's not allowed with the big goats yet as she's only 25 lbs. They are 150 lbs. She's only made one friend with the dogs, a Great Pyrenees named Taft, but he was taking a nap. So, while volunteers were cleaning out a storage area, Oreo decided to use anything she could find to entertain herself. It won't be long before this little one is ready to go to her new home in Pennsylvania. We haven't given up on trying to get custody of the remaining animals at the property where Oreo was found, including her mother, who is still there.

Found near Sicily Island, Louisiana.

Found near Sicily Island, Louisiana.

FOUND near Sicily Island. If yours, please contact Brooke Lauve via FB. MUST show proof of ownership and describe the collar to reclaim - will not go to just anybody. Thanks guys!

We LOVE  Gotcha Day announcements. Keep 'em coming!! 🩷

We LOVE Gotcha Day announcements. Keep 'em coming!! 🩷

***Update*** owner found.Courtesy post. 2 dogs roaming near Delhi, Louisiana

***Update*** owner found.
Courtesy post. 2 dogs roaming near Delhi, Louisiana

This may seem like an odd post but we wanted to celebrate Erline's last day with four legs and how much happier and more...

This may seem like an odd post but we wanted to celebrate Erline's last day with four legs and how much happier and more comfortable she'll be with just three!!
Back in May, Erline was seen lying in the road after having been hit by a car. (photo 1) It was 90° that day and likely over 100° in the sun on the asphalt, so it's very fortunate that a friend of ours saw her and let us know. When we drove to the spot, I really thought she was gone. She didn't even raise her head.
But she was breathing so we scooped her up and headed to TVS. (Photo 2)
Erline's hind leg was broken in 3 places. She was lucky to not have had any internal injuries and once she was a bit stronger, surgery was done to repair the bones in her leg by wiring the 3 pieces together (Photo 3.) She was a good patient and if anything, was difficult to keep quiet because she was happy and wanted to play once she was no longer in pain. She seemed to be doing well but when it was time to remove the wires last month, it was discovered that the bone in her leg had started to die. The options after learning that were a course of antibiotics and then to have a specialist put a plate in her leg. Fast forward and the antibiotics haven't helped and now placing a plate in her leg is no longer an option. So, on Friday, Erlene will have her left hind leg amputated. Tripods do very well and we don't anticipate this little dynamo missing a beat. Through all of her months and different courses of treatment, the most difficult part has been to keep her quiet and try to curtail her playful puppy exuberance.
Apparently Erlene had a family when she was hit by the car but we haven't heard a peep from them since our initial conversation. But that's okay. We think she's better off with us. Even though our hopes were that she would eventually have four good legs, I think Erline would tell us (if she could ) that we are being silly to be sad because nothing's going to hold her back and this special little girl is still going to be the happy, playful active 14lb dynamo that she is now. Erline is special and once she has recovered from this last procedure tomorrow ,she will be available for adoption. She's full of joy and love and ready to spread it around !!!
***See her final playtime tonight in the comments***

This is so pertinent right now. I am sharing because I couldn't have explained it nearly as well. As long as adoptions a...

This is so pertinent right now. I am sharing because I couldn't have explained it nearly as well. As long as adoptions are at a near standstill and fosters are almost non-existent, long-term housing of dogs is going to be a reality. We are facing this situation right now and I feel such relief after reading this that we aren't the only ones.

Rescue definitely never gets easier. Today is just one of those sad as hell days. We try so hard for every single animal that we take into our care and treat them like our very own. We give them their health back, we give them immeasurable amounts of love, and we give them everything possible they were denied before they came to us. Starling has been with us 513 days today and she is suffering. Sure, we got her physically healthy, which was almost an unattainable act of itself. But her mental quality of life has severely declined this year.

Dogs are not meant for permanent confinement anywhere, especially not in a kennel environment. Our kennel environment is far better than most and I will always be the first to lose it if somebody says our environment isn't good enough for our dogs during their time with us as a steppingstone to their forever home. And some dogs can be happy long term, like our labs, but not all of them. But ultimately a kennel environment it is still not a home environment. Some dogs are so mentally damaged that even if we found that home, they still won't be safe for the community. We currently know of a little girl that was mauled nearly to death by sketchy rescue dogs living in a short term foster type situation on their property, and it was a pure mistake that she had access to them on that day. Her parents thought they had every safety measure in place but accidents happen. This is not the first time we've ever heard of this type situation and we just won't chance it.

Starling is reactive on everything. She has tried to bite a couple kids, she wants to kill every animal she sees, some volunteers feel unsafe around her, and she has gotten to the point where she has declined so much she has become unsafe for our staff to just house her. Forcing a dog that hates all other living animals to live in the middle of a noisy chaotic dog rescue is cruel. And she is not safe to put in the community. It is not a matter of if there will be a accident that causes her to hurt or kill something but it's a matter of when. And we are not willing to let her now prove that we are right about that "when".

We are also always always transparent, even when it's hard, even when we might get hate. But honestly our focus is on Starlings well-being and only hers. So today she left for the bridge. Today Starling was given peace from all of her inner demons that made it very hard for her to live any amount of quality. Today so many of us cry for the wishes we had for her to go on and live a long happy life. We know she is chasing all of the balls, playing with all of the toys, stealing snacks, and chewing on her chews. Only now she is physically and mentally healthy.

We will not stop trying though. We will not stop giving the broken and unwanted dogs a chance to beat every odd stacked against them. Today we will rescue another hopeless dog in Starlings memory and in the memory of every dog lost here at the Mission. Run free wild child and you are so very loved.

***come on Peeps, please keep sharing this girl. She must have belonged to someone at some point***This sweet gentle dog...

***come on Peeps, please keep sharing this girl. She must have belonged to someone at some point***
This sweet gentle dog showed up very near to the DHS Foster farm on Monday evening. Since there are only four houses on our rural road, it seems likely that this wasn't an accident. It took up residence across from our driveway at a vacant home and we've been feeding it there hoping an owner will come forward. Please share this post and if you have any information, please text 318-303-1448.

These three friendly young dogs have shown up near a home on Woolen Lake in Columbia, Louisiana. They are friendly. But ...

These three friendly young dogs have shown up near a home on Woolen Lake in Columbia, Louisiana. They are friendly. But they are starving and covered in fleas and ticks and they have chosen to stay at a new home construction site where they are being destructive. Unless we can find placement for them, the residents may take matters into their own hands. Please share their story with anyone or any organization that you think may help. DHS is jam-packed full and have no room to intake them but we will help in any other way we can. Text 318-303-1448 if you can help in any way and please share.

This is a courtesy post. This sweet young dog is looking for a home. Originally, she wandered up as a stray to this fami...

This is a courtesy post. This sweet young dog is looking for a home. Originally, she wandered up as a stray to this family's home and they have cared for her, gotten her spayed and helped her get happy and healthy. But it was never their intention to keep her permanently. She is a smaller dog and would make a good addition to almost any family. If you're interested, please text or call 318-789-6827


Today is National Dog Day! And we are celebrating because at some point during the night there was a mishap in one of the kennels. Despite very little wind and nice weather, a big tree limb came down right in the middle of this kennel. Marsh, the dog who was in the kennel overnight, seems to be just fine, though. As big as that tree limb is, it could have been really bad. That's reason enough for us to celebrate!
Happy National Dog Day! Give your dog(s) a hug from us ❤️

Makes perfect sense to us. Why have a vehicle if you can't use it when you need it?

Makes perfect sense to us. Why have a vehicle if you can't use it when you need it?

This is one lucky little bit of a kitten! Before lunch on Wednesday, Victor Carroll showed up at the foster farm with a ...

This is one lucky little bit of a kitten! Before lunch on Wednesday, Victor Carroll showed up at the foster farm with a teeny, tiny two week old kitten. Victor drives a Coca Cola route and found the kitten about 4:00 a.m. as he was finishing up his route. Frankly, at 4:00 a.m. it's a miracle that he saw the kitten at all since it is so tiny and gray. Since he couldn't find any help for the baby and didn't realize there are no shelters in this area, he finally did what everyone does now and Googled.
Guess what popped up for "animal rescue?" Anyhow, rather than call, he came by with his "baby in a box" and we took over from there. He had kept the kitten warm and it was in surprisingly good shape, although hungry. We know it had been at least 7 hours since it had eaten and kittens at that age should eat every 2 hours so he was a happy little boy when we introduced him to a warm bottle. He finished that off in a jiffy and happily went to sleep in a milk coma. Almost as lucky for this kitten, we had an appointment for dogs at Dr Talley's on Wednesday and one of her techs had been searching for a kitten. We had brought the kitten along so as not to miss his next feeding (or at least that's the story we are sticking to 😉) But once the staff at Dr Talley's saw that little face and that little bobtail butt, he stayed! He now has an experienced bottle baby mama and he spends his day at TVS while his mom is working. He has a whole lot of foster mama's to look after him during the day and when I stopped by on Thursday, he was happily snoozing in his box under the front desk and Rebecca's watchful eyes. She quickly popped him out for a photo op.
Much thanks to a very tired Coca-Cola driver who took the extra time and effort to help this little one. I hope Coca-Cola knows what a gem they have working for them!

Superheroes aren't just in the movies! There are plenty right here in North Louisiana. Those of you that follow DHS know...

Superheroes aren't just in the movies! There are plenty right here in North Louisiana. Those of you that follow DHS know that we were begging for help on Saturday to load and haul 100 square bales of hay that were donated to us by Bob Gibson. Just the fact that he was kind enough to donate that many bales was HUGE! If we get custody of the almost 100 neglected farm animals that we've been trying to help since July 19th, we are going to need it and hay is expensive! Having the hay donated was a huge opportunity but getting 100 bales out of the field and into storage (with rain forecast for the next day) was a big, big challenge.
Saturday was a really busy day. We were also scrambling to find help for two litters of orphan puppies in addition to everything else going on. I was about ready to give up on the hay when one of our long time members, Tasha Robertson, volunteered to organize the hay project and boy, did she come through! Yesterday evening at 5:00 p.m. with 115° heat index, almost a dozen people and two trailers came out and volunteered their time to do hard, hard, dirty, hot work. If you've ever done it, loading hay is always hard but this was brutal! Thanks to Tasha's organizational superpowers. It was all loaded by 6:45 and the hay was safely parked under their shed so the coming rain wouldn't ruin it.
We want to give a special shout out to Bob Gibson and his crew as well as Jennifer Bateman, Kevin Fife, Mason Irby, Cody Williams, Austin Parker and Rance Robertson. I'm sorry we didn't get the names of some of the people but know that you are all held in high esteem by the Delta Humane Society and we think that any one of you out shines Superman or Wolverine any day of the week!

This is a BIG, BIG ask! We have been trying for a month now to help the farm animals whose owner is neglecting them. Whe...

This is a BIG, BIG ask! We have been trying for a month now to help the farm animals whose owner is neglecting them. When the owner was committed for a 10-day psychological evaluation, on July 19th, we were able to go out and assess the animals and start feeding them. Since the owner was released, we have been unable to get back on the property to help them. All we know is that they keep breaking out because they are starving. Anyhow, we had quietly put out a call for donations of hay or feed for when we were able to get custody of these animals. We haven't stopped trying to help them although it seems like every state and local agency that we have reached out to for help has said either "no" or "we can't" or "not our problem." But that's another story.
On Friday, a local farmer in Franklin Parish was kind enough to offer to donate the square bales of hay that he recently bailed. There are at least a hundred and they are free but they are still in the field and we have no way to pick them up although we do have a place to store them. If you can help or have any suggestions, please reach out to Tasha Robertson who is heading up this project for DHS. We will be forever grateful. This is a wonderful opportunity because we were buying hay to feed the animals for the time we had access to them and it was costing us $50 a day and they really weren't getting all that they needed to eat then. And we know that hay might not have been the best food for hogs and bunnies but they were eating it!
Tasha's number for calls or texts is 318-334-7455. Or you can text Casey at 318-303-1448.


There are people willing to go the extra mile for animals in need almost everywhere!

***Update*** We think all of these babies have someone to care for them now. We didn't have any nursing mamas step up bu...

***Update*** We think all of these babies have someone to care for them now. We didn't have any nursing mamas step up but we do have bottle feeding arranged for all of them. The litter of 12 is going all to one BIG HEARTED person with hopes that she can handle it but we may be looking to split them up soon if it gets to be too much. So please keep looking for a lactating mama dog that could handle a few more pups.
Patrick's Pals and DHS are begging for nursing mama dogs with only a few of their own babies to help out a 6 puppy litter and a TWELVE puppy litter who have lost their mamas. Do you know of a mama dog whose puppies are eating solid food but is still lactating or a mama who has very few of her own puppies and could handle a few more ? Please text 318-303-1448. Or if you're willing to take on the every 2 hours around the clock feeding of bottle babies, the litter could be split into manageable pairs.
The 12 puppy litter lost their mom just a week after they were born. Their mom was hit by a car.
The 6 puppy litter was larger but the people that had these puppies didn't really care enough to make the effort. Crowded into a box on their porch with a pan of water that they tipped over in the first 5 minutes and a tiny bowl of food that they didn't know how to eat, was their answer, so three of the puppies have died.
Both of these litters depended on their owners for their well-being but their families failed them. Please help us save them.

Good article and continues on the subject of corporate takeover of veterinary practices.

Good article and continues on the subject of corporate takeover of veterinary practices.

Elizabeth Warren says private equity takeovers of veterinary practices are harming “veterinarians and customers alike.”


This happened over 40 years ago to my veterinarian in Maryland. He was close to retirement when he sold his practice to VCA. I thought the whole personality of the clinic changed.

Happy faces, both people and pets, when our transport arrived in Maryland today. Nothing better than helping animals fin...

Happy faces, both people and pets, when our transport arrived in Maryland today. Nothing better than helping animals find their furever homes!

This sounds like a great dog and she is in our neighborhood. If you are interested in fostering or fostering to adopt, p...

This sounds like a great dog and she is in our neighborhood. If you are interested in fostering or fostering to adopt, please contact Patrick's Pals

Wow! We've got to brag on the Fresh Start car wash in Winnsboro. Our drivers are leaving this afternoon for a quick tran...

Wow! We've got to brag on the Fresh Start car wash in Winnsboro. Our drivers are leaving this afternoon for a quick transport to Maryland. Until I went to set up the crates last night I didn't realize how much like a goat the van smells. It's sort of looked like a stall too, with straw and grain scattered on the floor. I realized our last passenger in the back had been the baby goat that we rescued. If you can believe it, the outside was even worse; covered in dust because it's corn cutting season here in Louisiana. I thought there was no chance but I called Fresh Start car wash at 10:00am and they said they could take me at 11:00am. I told them I had to be out by 12:00 because the drivers were arriving at 1:00 to pack up the van. And darned if they didn't do it!. They did a bang-up job, inside and out and better yet they were quick, thorough, and charged a fair price. I'll be using them again. And next time we'll be bringing the horse trailer. They said they'd never done one before but they'd give it a go.
I didn't think to take any "before" pictures of the van but ask anyone that volunteers for DHS and ever has to use it and it is always yucky.




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Our Story

DHS promotes the compassionate care of all animals. Our FB page is designed to help like minded animal lovers to connect and to aid us in our mission. Since we operate in a rural area, we concentrate on rescuing animals in need, getting them healthy and then placing them with our partner rescues in the Northeast. We always need volunteers. Our most pressing need is fosters but we need volunteers to transport food, take animals to the vets, fund raise, work on grants and any number of tasks. If you have just an hour or two a week, you could be a big help in saving lives. Just contact us and we'll put you to work at a job that you are suited for.