Interplay Canine

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Interplay Canine Interplay:

1. reciprocal relationship, action, or influence

2. to exert i

Many of you have heard me caution against tennis balls or toys of similar size.. this is why!To me, it’s just not worth ...

Many of you have heard me caution against tennis balls or toys of similar size.. this is why!

To me, it’s just not worth the risk when there are so many larger toy options available.

Immediate Opening for a Board and Train! - Huge Discount!I had a client scheduled to drop off today for a 21 Day Board a...

Immediate Opening for a Board and Train! - Huge Discount!

I had a client scheduled to drop off today for a 21 Day Board and Train Program, but they had to change plans for personal reasons.

First person to message me and secure the spot (can start anytime this week) will get 25% off! My biggest discount ever!

What does it mean to you for your dog to “know” a command?I have a lot of clients/potential clients who come to me and s...

What does it mean to you for your dog to “know” a command?

I have a lot of clients/potential clients who come to me and say their dog knows a whole list of commands, yet they’re seeking out professional training, why is this?

In my opinion, in most households, almost any problem can be fixed with a solid sit stay and/or down stay. Yet a ton of clients come to me saying their dog already “knows” these things, but they’re having trouble that they need help with.

So, before you decide that your dog “knows” something, ask yourself - how reliable is the behavior? How many times do I have to ask for it? Does my dog wait for a release from me? Can I get my dog to successfully perform these behaviors when he or she is distracted or excited?

I can help with all of that.

20% Off Any Training Program This Week Only!There is still time to book a Day Training Program or a 21 Day Board and Tra...

20% Off Any Training Program This Week Only!

There is still time to book a Day Training Program or a 21 Day Board and Train Program, as well as Private Lessons or a New Puppy Consultation with me - Contact me for pricing and details.

Last chance to sign up! Don’t miss out! The last day to begin a Day Training Program with me will be September 16, 2019....

Last chance to sign up! Don’t miss out!

The last day to begin a Day Training Program with me will be September 16, 2019.

The last day to begin a 21 Day Board and Train Program with me will be September 20, 2019.

Private Lessons and New Puppy Consultations will be available until October 11, 2019.

After October 11 I will be moving to Woodlawn TN to begin my next chapter as a member of the team at D&C Dog Training. I couldn’t be more excited to start this venture, but I am also saddened to be leaving this place that I have fallen in love with. Huge thank you to everyone who has supported me and trusted me with their dog over these past couple of years. ❤️🐾


Dita is a great example of why it’s so important to work with a trainer who has more than one tool in their toolbox.

She is wild at home - she has caught, killed, and brought multiple birds into the house, has chewed on many pieces of furniture, chases and barks at everything that moves including the lawn mower, trash can, and windshield wipers. Prey drive and the desire to chase is typical for a Malinois and something I train regularly.

However - there’s a catch. Dita has no confidence outside of the home. Today is her 5th day of Day Training, and she is still very worried. If allowed, she would prefer to huddle in the corner.

We’ve been working on confidence building and not coddling her. I’ve given her time to explore and get used to her surroundings without pressure from me or other dogs.

Today I decided to use some of the distractions outside for an opportunity to try to teach her to work through some of her worry. Often times, when a dog is in drive they’re less focused on what’s going on around them, which helps make things less scary.

In the first clip below you’ll see me working with Dita for some treats. My goal was simply to get her moving around with me, paying attention to leash pressure, staying close and looking to me for engagement and direction.

She never once wagged her tail or put her ears up. She even blew right past my hand with the treat in it. She did not want to give any sort of eye contact or engagement, I would make small clicking or smooching noises to encourage her to look toward me so I could reward, but overall she was really trying to avoid.

Her owners have said she loves to chase and play tug with everything, so in the second clip (posted in comments) I tried to use play. I did get more of a tail wag and some excitement, but she still wouldn’t engage enough to actually grab the toy and play. At one point I teased her with it and then threw it and she didn’t even want to chase after it.

We will keep working. My goal for Dita is to gain confidence, and learn to push her handler for engagement and direction. Once that happens, the rest will be much easier.

I don’t know why I haven’t posted more of Bentley, he’s seriously the cutest thing. It’s impossible to look at that face...

I don’t know why I haven’t posted more of Bentley, he’s seriously the cutest thing. It’s impossible to look at that face without smiling.

Bentley was a board and train who was here to learn basic obedience and manners but focus on waiting quietly in his crate so as not to disrupt his Mom’s neighbors while she was gone!

He had so much fun here that now he hangs out once a week to play with his friends and burn off some energy!

Dita took advantage of my Puppy Program AND the 3 Free Private Lessons I’m currently offering! After her credit from her...

Dita took advantage of my Puppy Program AND the 3 Free Private Lessons I’m currently offering! After her credit from her a Puppy Program, she’s getting 4 weeks of Day Training and 4 Private Lessons for an unbeatable price!

This is her second day and she’s working on her confidence, staying neutral toward other dogs, and “sit” commands before playtime. 🥰🐾

I still have 1 set of 3 Free Private Lessons to add to any training program! Contact me today to find out how I can help you!


Buttercup.... why are you eating your foot? 🤔

I guess it’s tough to get that itch between your toes when you only have 4 teeth. 😂

I want to send a huge THANK YOU to all of your for your patience and support over the past month. I am now back full tim...

I want to send a huge THANK YOU to all of your for your patience and support over the past month.

I am now back full time and have immediate openings for all training programs.

Click the link below to find out how to get 3 Free Private Lessons.

Then, click here >>>>


I want to thank everyone for your patience this week and through the end of the month. We have a lot of family events and quality time planned as my fiancé prepares for deployment. Appointments and response times may be pushed out further than normal.

We will be back to business as usual by the 1st of August!


Who needs security cameras when you have a dog on look out? 😂 so cute!

**UPDATE from Cole’s Mom** “The vet just called us & his surgery WAS SUCCESSFUL! We have a very long road ahead of us, b...

**UPDATE from Cole’s Mom**

“The vet just called us & his surgery WAS SUCCESSFUL! We have a very long road ahead of us, but knowing Cole he will keep fighting. The surgery lasted about 4ish or so hours. They had to go in & remove 4 1/2 feet of his small intestine, his spleen, & some of his bowel. He said all of his insides were pretty much one big mass. He had to go in & individually cut everything apart & replace everything. It was a long, complicated surgery. The vet told me that he almost called me in the middle of his surgery for us to make a decision for Cole, but he didn’t! He kept on going & saved our babies life! Cole is going to stay with him for the rest of the weekend so he can monitor him. Right now, Cole is stable & sitting up! He should be home Monday. I want to thank every single one of you for keeping our baby in your thoughts & prayers. God works in mysterious ways!”

*UPDATE* The original vet sent Cole to MedVet for emergency surgery last night. MedVet said that Cole was in critical condition and they could not operate due to him being too septic, but they could send him to Cincinnati and that even then his chances were very low.

Cole’s owner opted for a second opinion today and this vet believes he can do the surgery and save Cole.

Keep those prayers coming, please. 🙏🏻

Tonight we’re asking for thoughts and prayers for Cole and his family as he enters emergency surgery for an abdominal obstruction which is causing him to go septic. Cole has pretty much grown up here and we can’t wait to have him back to his silly playful self!


All.of.this. Please be courteous regardless of how friendly or well trained your dog is.


Please be courteous regardless of how friendly or well trained your dog is.

Unleashing your dog at a local trail or park can seem harmless. You're just trying to offer your dog a way to exercise and experience some freedom - you’re a dog lover we get it. However, by unleashing where it’s not permitted you’re potentially harming your community, the environment and other dogs.

Why is unleashing harmful?

- It is putting other dogs at risk. Many people are working hard with their dog’s reactivity issues, part of this treatment is gradual exposure from a safe distance. Your off leash dog running up to them violates their feeling of safety and causes training setbacks. It can set a dog back months in their training. This costs owners money, time and is an emotional process. It is also negatively affecting the mental well being of these dogs.

- It’s harmful to the environment. Those beautiful places you love to hike and escape? Your dog off leash can disturb the delicate flora and fauna of the area- damaging those beautiful places we love so. Off leash dogs can also pose a threat to other animals, this causes those animals stress or even death. Each of these creatures is important to the ecosystem they live in.

- People can be afraid. Not everyone is a dog lover, and even if they are- it can be terrifying to have an unknown dog running full speed at you. As a mother of a young child I am remarkably uncomfortable with an unknown dog invading my child’s space. Even if you dog is well trained and staying with you, for someone who may experience a dog phobia can be really uncomfortable.

- It puts you at a great liability. Leash laws exist and by ignoring them if your dog harms someone (even by just jumping) your liability increases. Animal control can be called, you can be given an order from the city, or you can even be taken to court for damages. As someone who has offered expert testimony to courts it happens more often than you might think.

- It puts the health and well being of your dog at risk. Dogs regardless of how well trained can make mistakes. Approaching a threatened dog, running into traffic, altercations with wildlife can be very harmful to your pet’s wellbeing

These places that people often let their dogs off do not just belong to happy dogs and their owners. They belong to the community, everyone has the right to enjoy them in a way that respects all its patrons. Be a good neighbour.

We had a discussion in our client group yesterday and this is how off leash dogs are effecting others:

“My dog was really upset when 2 unleashed dog ran up to him “

“My dog had a massive set back in her reactive training when an off leash “friendly” dog ran at us”

“Even though I own a large dog, due to a trauma I have a fear of many dogs and off leash dogs make me very nervous”

“An off leash dog ran at my toddler and knocked him over”

“As the owner of a reactive dog off leash dogs are terrifying to us”

“ I am worried my dog may hurt an off leash dog if it approaches her”

“Off leash dogs in the park behind my home, diminishes my dogs ability to enjoy his own yard”

“My dog was attacked by an off leash dog and is now really uncomfortable around dogs”

These are just a few examples of how people we know were directly effected by an off leash dog. I hope this will cause pause and you will think before you unleash.


We haven’t updated about Buttercup in a while so I thought I would share her latest adventure...

Shain and I came home from brunch today and found a case of flour (special flour that my mom ordered and had shipped to her) torn into. Buttercup says she didn’t do it but she was the only dog loose on the house while we were gone.

*Evidence picture in the comments.*

Sound familiar? 🤭We can help. 😉

Sound familiar? 🤭

We can help. 😉

What is Day Training? Essentially... Pre-School for your dog! You drop Fido off in the morning and pick them up in the e...

What is Day Training?

Essentially... Pre-School for your dog!

You drop Fido off in the morning and pick them up in the evening. They get all of the same benefits of Daycare - playtime, treats, and time to relax, PLUS training! You get the benefit of a tired dog at the end of the day who comes home a little smarter than they were that morning. 🎓 🐾

I do the work during the day so that you can relax and truly enjoy hanging out with your dog in the evening. Everyone wins!

We're flying into summer like.... ✈️I am already booking into August and even September but I do have a few spots left f...

We're flying into summer like.... ✈️

I am already booking into August and even September but I do have a few spots left for July!

The first person to sign up for one of the following spots and mention this post gets a FREE gift with their training package!

• 1 spot left for July Day Training
• 1 spot left for Board and Train starting July 1
• 1 spot left for Board and Train starting July 28

Click for more info >>>>

(Private Lessons and New Puppy Consultations are available as well!)

I believe that client dogs should live in the house and be treated just as I would treat my own dog. Charging extra for ...

I believe that client dogs should live in the house and be treated just as I would treat my own dog. Charging extra for an extra potty break, or one on one attention, or a picture of your dog is absolutely ridiculous in my book.

My Board and Train Programs INCLUDE:
• weekly video progress reports
• regular updates with pictures
• 2 private follow up lessons
• lifetime access to the Interplay Canine Members Group on Facebook
• daily play time in the yard
• daily one on one time with me
• as many potty breaks as necessary
• various treats such as frozen Kongs, marrow bones, or bully sticks
• special dietary needs accommodated and medication administered for no additional charge

AND 2 FREE days of boarding if you book before July 31!

I’m often contacted by people who are having problems with their young dog that could have been easily avoided had they ...

I’m often contacted by people who are having problems with their young dog that could have been easily avoided had they reached out to me BEFORE the problems started. 😕

What if I said I had a solution to that problem?

What if I told you that solution would take up less than 2 hours of your time?

Then what if I told you that the ENTIRE price credits toward any training program that you sign up for later?

Interested yet?!

Click for more info >>>>


This is a clip of our protection routine from this weekend showing a few pieces I was very happy with.

First, when dogs are guarding the helper in the open field and the handler approaches, it’s not uncommon for dogs to shift their body away from the handler or shift their focus to their handler. We’ve worked to teach Kaos to be strong and dominant in his guarding during this exercise and continue barking until I command the sit - he did very well this weekend.

Second, the back transport is where the dog must es**rt the helper who is walking out in front of him, while maintaining complete obedience to the handler, but complete focus on the helper. We just showed Kaos this exercise in the past few weeks since his last trial and he completed it without fault. I was very happy with that piece.

Lastly his long bite is always fun, but he has not always wanted to sit calmly and wait to be released. The judge didn’t make him wait long, but he was good boy regardless.

Summer Special! Sign up now to get 2 FREE nights of boarding with the purchase of a Board and Train Package! Enjoy the s...

Summer Special!

Sign up now to get 2 FREE nights of boarding with the purchase of a Board and Train Package!

Enjoy the summer with your dog and their new found manners, as well as a get away for yourself without worrying about who will take care of your pooch!

Click here for more information >>>>


We took a field trip this weekend to a friend’s house and Axel and Gunner would like to know if they can just hang out here forever. They’re having such a great time. I asked what they were doing and they responded with “Exploring, duh!” 😁

Gunner still needs his forever home! He asked me to request plenty of time and space to run, and maybe a friend. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Mr Fluffy (err.. I mean Jedi 😉) worked on down stays tonight to earn his dinner. He had a birthday last week and is read...

Mr Fluffy (err.. I mean Jedi 😉) worked on down stays tonight to earn his dinner. He had a birthday last week and is ready to act like a big dog! 😁 Tonight we focused on laying quietly and stifling the demand/frustration barking that he so enjoys.

I've had a cancellation due to family illness for a 21 Day Board and Train Program beginning June 17th. I am working wit...

I've had a cancellation due to family illness for a 21 Day Board and Train Program beginning June 17th.

I am working with this family to create a new training plan that works for them, but in the meantime I am able to credit their deposit to anyone who would like to fill that spot!

>>>>> That's a $240 discount!

Kaos and I worked on the A-Frame today at training. He likes to launch off the top, which puts him at higher risk for in...

Kaos and I worked on the A-Frame today at training. He likes to launch off the top, which puts him at higher risk for injury, so we’re teaching him to smoothly go all the way to the bottom.

We are almost completely booked until August!  Current Openings:• Essential Skills 4 Week Course - June 2, 9, 23, 30• 21...

We are almost completely booked until August!

Current Openings:
• Essential Skills 4 Week Course - June 2, 9, 23, 30
• 21 Day Board and Train - July 1 (Only one spot!)
• Day Training Level 1 or 2 - MWF June 17 - July 12 (2 spots)
• 21 Day Board and Train - July 28 (2 spots)
• Private Lessons - Flexible Scheduling (2 spots)

I still have a couple of spots left for the Essential Skills 4 Week Course starting June 2! Sign up today and use coupon...

I still have a couple of spots left for the Essential Skills 4 Week Course starting June 2!

Sign up today and use coupon code "INTERPLAY" for 20% off!


Leotie is officially available to an approved home! She will be listed for adoption through Paws 4 the Cause She is a 1....

Leotie is officially available to an approved home! She will be listed for adoption through Paws 4 the Cause

She is a 1.5-2 year old cattle dog mix, and would be best suited toward a home experienced with the breed or similar breeds.

She is a high drive, high energy, happy dog. She gets along well with other dogs, and is perfect in a crate. She's extremely eager to learn and thrives on training, but will push limits and "talk back" along the way. She would be a very fun dog for disk, agility, obedience, trick titles, etc.. She's good for nail trims and grooming. When worked and exercised appropriately she does have an "off switch" and loves to cuddle up with her human on the couch. She is a very affectionate girl. Her single bad habit is mouthing your feet and hands during times of excitement.

I’d like to introduce everyone to Jedi! (I like to call him Fluffy.) He is our newest Board and Train Client and will be...

I’d like to introduce everyone to Jedi! (I like to call him Fluffy.) He is our newest Board and Train Client and will be working on overall basic manners while he’s here, as well as impulse control to leave the cats alone.

He’s only been here a few days, so far he’s settling in well and getting used to a new routine.


Food for thought....

Food for thought....

Stella and Andy are the cutest pair 🥰

Stella and Andy are the cutest pair 🥰

Essential Skills 4 Week Course is LIVE! Class begins Sunday June 2nd. Essential Skills is for anyone and everyone. It is...

Essential Skills 4 Week Course is LIVE!

Class begins Sunday June 2nd.

Essential Skills is for anyone and everyone. It is designed to give both dog and handler the foundation and understanding of basic training concepts needed for a successful relationship. This class is the prerequisite class for other classes offered in the future. Cost is $127.20 including tax.

We will cover:
- focus and engagement
- proper socialization
- proper communication
- sit stay
- down stay
- loose leash walking
- place command
- proper greeting with strangers

Sign up here!

Please click the link to complete this form.

Shameless brag from the weekend! 🥰 Vandal ze Stribrneho kamene (my Kaos) is now IGP 1 only a month after getting his BH....

Shameless brag from the weekend! 🥰

Vandal ze Stribrneho kamene (my Kaos) is now IGP 1 only a month after getting his BH.

He scored 86/100 points in Tracking. He got a little lost on a corner that turned and went uphill, which is understandable for a young dog since the scent would roll downhill. He also walked 1 article which cost him 7 points.

He scored 80/100 in Obedience. 10 of the points he lost were due to him crawling away from the long down spot to find some shade. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I cant really blame him, it was extremely hot. He also sat once when he should have laid down, and he needed two commands for another exercise.

He scored 96/100 in protection. He needed two commands to leave the helper (“bad guy”) and return to me.

Overall I am extremely pleased with him. We’ve fast tracked him through this title and he showed me *almost* everything he should have for where we are in training (he should have nailed the long down - gave away 10 easy points there).

And now it’s back to work! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

No free puppy meals around here! Andy is 3 months old and is staying with us for daycare then starting some training nex...

No free puppy meals around here! Andy is 3 months old and is staying with us for daycare then starting some training next month. I love puzzles for puppies because it entertains them to give you a break, keeps them mentally stimulated, and they also begin to learn about problem solving from a young age.



I love seeing working dogs do you what they were bred to do. This video is super cool.

Next time you’re frustrated about some of the pushy traits in your cattle dog/herding breed pet that’s kept inside all day, think about this video. 😉


Would you love to take your pet for walks or to ball games with your family? Do they often get left home because of the stress of trying to manage their out of control behavior?

Don’t get stuck believing that this is just normal life with a pet. You SHOULD be able to enjoy your dog in these situations, it’s not impossible. I can help.

I just can’t get over how handsome this guy is. 🥰Duke came to me for training as a puppy, but as adolescent male German ...

I just can’t get over how handsome this guy is. 🥰

Duke came to me for training as a puppy, but as adolescent male German Shepherds do, he’s started getting a little pushy and has gotten himself into some trouble. 🙈 So, he came back for a refresher course.

Lucky for me, he has a fantastic family who wants to invest in him and continue to advance his training, so I’ll get to see more of him. He’s a super sweet guy and a joy to work with... not to mention Leotie’s new best friend. We’ll miss him until next time!

The handsome Mr Duke on our evening walk tonight. We look both ways before we cross the street.   🥰

The handsome Mr Duke on our evening walk tonight. We look both ways before we cross the street. 🥰

Miss Quinn rocking a sit stay this afternoon. 😎Huge shoutout to CSS Wellness for opening their doors to us!! If you’re l...

Miss Quinn rocking a sit stay this afternoon. 😎

Huge shoutout to CSS Wellness for opening their doors to us!! If you’re looking for an awesome gym with a fantastic, positive, motivating, environment and personal attention to your individual fitness needs - make sure you check them out!



Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday 08:00 - 20:00
Friday 08:00 - 15:00
Saturday 11:00 - 15:00


(859) 537-1787


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The One Who Changed it All

Years ago I was living a completely different life; young, married, broke, and living in another country when Paika vom Kammberg, a 6-7 mth old lunatic, err... German Shepherd, came over to stay for a couple of weeks while her owner was away. She didn’t sleep for two days, and she peed 10ft lines across my living room floor in the middle of chasing a toy more than once. She was NON.STOP. But, during off leash playtime outside she listened and she stayed close. I was so intrigued by this psycho mess of a puppy... and then she was mine. And I had no idea at the time, but that single moment was the beginning of the rest of my life.

Everything was fine until it wasn’t. She was best friends with my fat black lab, Cleo, and then they went into heat. The fight was on. I still have scars from breaking the two of them up, they would break through crates, jump over couches, knock through baby gates, whatever they had to do to get at each other. I tried everything I knew how to do - separation, pheromone sprays, electric collars (that I had no business using at the time), I even got them both spayed. Cleo ended up with a drain tube in her neck, Paika ended up losing the tip of her ear and ruptured her spleen.

I started researching trainers, I knew that a typical - PetSmart style walk in a circle and say sit while holding a cookie in the air - class was not what I needed. I didn’t know anything about working dogs but I knew that Paika had a pedigree behind her and she wasn’t a “normal” dog. So, I found a trainer who specialized in aggression management and working German Shepherds.

Fast forward, I’ve titled 3 dogs in obedience and own multiple German Shepherds. I spent a year training bed bug detection dogs, and in 2018 I started my own business.