I have noticed a disturbing trend lately: I see a lot of people asking for chiropractors when what they really mean is that they need a bodyworker. This use of the term “chiropractor” as an an all inclusive category for bodyworker leads to miscommunication, as some people use the term correctly and some don’t. It also leads to the perpetuation of the idea that the best or most comprehensive therapy for horses is chiropractic, when in fact many horses would benefit more from massage with myofascial release or from alternating between chiropractic care and massage therapy.
This misconception likely stems from the fact that many people don’t understand the what the different therapies do for the horse. Here is one way that I like to explain the difference between a chiropractor and a massage and myofascial therapist:
Imagine a you have a lovely sturdy box. Now, you use this box for all the things it was made for. You put things on this box, you put things in it, you use it for all the jobs you bought the box for.
Over time this lovely box begins to show a little wear. It stretches out in some places, gets a little squashed in others and the shape of the box becomes distorted and crooked.
A chiropractor can square the box back up. But if you don’t smooth out the kinks and re-tension the straps the support the box it’s not going to stay squared up for long.
This is where massage and myofascial work comes in. Massage re-tensions the straps and smooths out the kinks in the sides of the box. In fact, you’ll find that many times, if you regularly adjust the straps to maintain the correct support, the box will be able maintain its own correct shape indefinitely.
I believe the key to ensuring optimal care for our equine friends is to educate those responsible for their care. How do explain to people the difference between musculoskeletal therapies, and the benefits of each, to the people around you?
Learn why massage might just be the best therapy for your horse - https://koperequine.com/why-hands-on-massage-is-the-best-way-to-for-sore-care-muscles/