Ruthie tried to give her daddy away (all yours pups dad) away to a family friend for Christmas. She’s tired of his fence-climbing, neighbor-dog harassing shenanigans. This p**n head only likes girls so if he sneaks out he’s a menace to any boy dogs, barking like he has something to prove. Boy, you run and cry and whimper to your mama. You’re not tough you’re a big baby throwing your weight around like you think you got testicles. You don’t, then come home crying like a baby because some chihuahua bit you. That’s what you get for climbing my fence like a damn fool. No wonder your daughter wants to give you away. You’re stupid because you keep doing it. Those chihuahuas are going to eat your dumb ass. Remember how I paid to make you a service dog for my students? DO THAT. Good lord.