The New Order of Saddle Fitting and Riding

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The New Order of Saddle Fitting and Riding The New Order of Saddle Fitting and Riding to protect humans and equines from the dysfunction create


The Science of Pre-habilitation

Human athletes’ performances are constantly analyzed to identify a small dysfunction that repeated over and over could become a lesion. The principle is referred to as Pre-habilitation. The Science of Motion practices Pre-habilitation. We analyze the horse gaits and performances and notice dysfunctions, some important, some minute. We identify the source and advise gymnastics to correct the issue. Pre-habilitation is a lot more efficient than rehabilitation.

Ronda’s horse had a chronic fetlock dorsiflexion that had been previously ignored. The fetlock dysfunction caused pathology in both hind leg fetlocks. We analyzed the gaits and how the horse performed different movements, and we identified the cause. Ronda corrected the thoracic spine dysfunction and recreated sound kinematics of the hind and front legs’ fetlocks. The rehabilitation was done entirely through proper riding and training, correct hoof balance, no therapy, and no drugs. Corrective shoeing was explored by Ronda against the advice of the Science of Motion and then removed as Ronda observed that it complicated and confused the rehabilitation. In retrospect, Ronda realizes why the Science of Motion discourages corrective shoeing as a rehabilitation tool. It is not necessary and on the contrary can get in the way of the process. Upon removal of the shoeing positive changes that had been out of reach began to happen. As pathology had already developed, we can define the horse’s work as a rehabilitation. If the same approach had been done years earlier, before pathology developed, it would have been Pre-habilitation.

Pre-habilitation demands a constant analysis of how the athlete moves and performs having in mind the subtle orchestration of the whole physique. It is senseless and damaging to interpret the horse’s difficulty as disobedience. A minute dysfunction is the first step toward a major injury. The forums of the Science of Motion three courses encourage sending videos for analysis. The Science of Motion Video analysis and Live video lessons programs are Pre-habilitation. I point out the dysfunctions, even the minute ones, and suggest a gymnastic program to recreate proper function.

Often, the gymnastic program Pre-habilitates the rider as well. Riding is an interaction of forces. The interaction of forces is a dynamic therapy when the rider rides with adequate tensegrity and body control.

Jean Luc Cornille (click link for the courses)


I'm an amateur equestrian having recently experienced the discipline change from hunter/jumper to dressage and the difficulties in finding a dressage saddle ...


January 2023 Macel saddle prices are being raised. If you are interested in buying suggest do before Jan!

The riders of the lower line are skilled too. Their physique arrived to the dysfunction adapting to the saddle. Giving s...

The riders of the lower line are skilled too. Their physique arrived to the dysfunction adapting to the saddle. Giving support can be a good idea as riders have different muscles and fascia tones. The rational thought turned into aberration when the saddles pretended to place the riders in the “right posture.” The “right posture” turned into dysfunction because a muscle never works alone. Local muscle response is an antiquated belief. The whole physique adapts to protect existing imbalances or imperfections. This is true for the rider and for the horse.
Macel did not surrender to the aberrant fashion. The Samba is the pure saddle allowing riders to find their neutral balance. The Rumba is a slightly deeper seat providing light support to the riders who need it. The Gala S offers more support, but not one saddle force the rider into a “posture.”

Eight riders; all high-level riders. The riders on the upper line ride their horse. Neutral balance, no nuisance of the ...

Eight riders; all high-level riders. The riders on the upper line ride their horse. Neutral balance, no nuisance of the body weight, subtle nuances in muscle tone.

The riders on the lower line ride their deep seat, high cantle, and large thigh blocks saddle
Two of the riders on the upper line ride in a Macel Samba S Chazot.
Ride your horse. Try a Macel Samba S Chazot, Macel Rumba S, or Macel Gala S
In the US, Contact [email protected] or
Jean Luc at [email protected]

In Canada, Contact Tiffany Nanchin, at [email protected]


Way of Introduction/From the horse's mouth by Tiffany Nanchin

Many falsely claim to teach Science of Motion, memorizing a few key sentences or buzz words without fully understanding the concept or their misinterpretation.

This was exactly what happened when I was first introduced to Science of Motion. I hadn't heard of Jean Luc Cornille or Science of Motion. It was not promoted locally and a trainer who hired me to ride full time told me he was beyond happy with my riding however wanted to teach me Science of Motion. I would consider myself to be open minded. I've always been keen to participate in clinics, listen to new concepts and decide what to incorporate into my horsemanship.

After I accepted the riding position role, I looked up Jean Luc's website and I was blown away and maybe a little overwhelmed. Even though changing would be demanding, I was excited to be learning "SOM" from this local trainer and we set out a program. I rode on average 8 or so horses a day with the trainer teaching me "SOM" during each of my rides. For over a year I believed I was learning Jean Luc's Science of Motion. It wasn't until I returned to freelance where I reached out to Jean Luc directly and began a series of evaluations, video lessons and bought all the books, that I realized some very key components had been falsely explained to me. In fact, they were not according to Jean Luc's beliefs and research at all. Quite the opposite of the truth.

I reflected on the others I had taught in between, telling them it was Science of Motion... When in reality-it was recycled garbage that should have just been thrown out. This led me to the realization of how many false practices were being justified and how dangerous this cycle would be if allowed to continue. The horses would continue to suffer greatly. The riders as well.

This huge breaking point hit me at a time that I already had a successful training and boarding business with my late fiancé. I had to explain to my clients that I would be taking a break from teaching until I could make sense of what was true and what wasn't.

This really frustrated me at first because of the hours I was drilled to have these "bad habits" under the understanding that it was SOM. I had to remain positive for the one good thing that happened from the imposter. Simply that, now, I at least heard of JLC and SOM and now there was no speedbump between myself and Jean Luc himself. I could go straight to the horse's mouth.

The next stage that I had to face was the consuming guilt. Guilt not from anything deliberately cruel in intent, however the way I was trained did not benefit the horse and therefore it damaged the horse. I honestly believed I had been riding all these horses true to SOM principles. It was not at all. I was disheartened to feel like I hadn't done right by the horse and I wasn't even aware how twisted the truth was. Jean Luc was able to encourage me through the deep guilt of not knowing, while I was trying to learn.

Then came the confusion stage. This is where I had to sort out the meanings and associations I had previously paired with the same words used. I remained determined to get to a point to become a benefit to the horse. Although I believe there is always more to learn and we should all try to be better for our horses every time we work with them, I needed to take that step back to get a foundation of understanding for the true SOM concepts as well as the misconceptions.

I continued with my own personal horses and video lessons with Jean Luc directly. I became a member of IHTC and the individual forums available. It took months of studying full time but things finally started to truly make sense and the horses told me right away in how they responded. I had several personal horses with severe lameness issues to address and many at different ages or stages or disciplines and it made a difference for them all. Even though I could see the results on my own horses, I felt it important to be careful now with client horses.

It was important to me, to not fall in the footsteps of the imposter and assume I understood, if I didn't.

As things began to change in my horses and my understanding grew, Jean Luc and I discussed a program where we can work together as a team... Where his critical eye and unparalleled knowledge is a stone foundation and I could add in the frequency needed or help in real time, in between Jean Luc video lessons if the owners couldn't make it out often enough or wanted extra support. We really made progress and each horse provided success and marked improvements. This was a way to have Jean Luc directly involved heavily. There is no room to misinterpret and if it happens, by myself, the horse or the owner - it is caught right away. There is no delay to not get to the source of the individual horse's needs, therefore we are not spending months working on ineffective movements or excersice that will not help each individual horse.

The progress on all these horses was phenomenal. Several with kissing spine, torn suspensories, broken withers, broken pelvis, Grand Prix jumpers and eventers that were no longer sound to compete at that level, torn deep digital flexor tendon, torn check ligament, bowed tendon. All these horses came so much further than what was initially expected. A few of these horses were recommended for surgery and we were able to restore soundness to a level the surgeries no longer became a recommendation. I was fortunate to have an open minded experienced vet and farrier who have been able to work in tandem with Jean Luc's recommendations or provide the xrays and medical support required in some of the severe cases. I think that has been an important part of the process as well. It is a whole team effort but each role is critical.

This type of partnership with Jean Luc directly has changed my life and the lives of so many horses we have worked with already. I know there will be many more to come. The detail in his teachings is beyond compare and his research and teachings will continue to evolve in time, however I am just so humbly grateful to have the privilege to be a part of something so revolutionary.

It is truly an honor to be an SOM member and I feel a sense of duty to bring others to the source to learn from the living legend himself.

I was told long ago that "Passion amongst horse people is contagious" . I believe it is true.
I strive to lead by example and inspire others to do the same.
Visit Dynamic Unity


The Art of Fine Horsemanship

Wisdom 3 is onWisdom 3 studies the dressage movements from the athletic demands perspective, how the horse’s physique ha...

Wisdom 3 is on
Wisdom 3 studies the dressage movements from the athletic demands perspective, how the horse’s physique has to be coordinated to benefit from the gymnastic exercise, and able to perform soundly, effortlessly, and expressing his style.
We start with the Shoulder in as the movement is well known. As we regard dressage movements as gymnastic exercise, there is no chronologic order, Shoulder in, Half pass, and so on. The chronologic order promotes the false belief that one movement prepares the other. Shoulder in executed without coordinating the horse’s physique for the athletic demand does not educate a horse. A bad Shoulder in cripples the horse as surely as a bad Piaffe or a bad Flying change.
The first month we study shoulder in. The second month, flying change, the next month, Half pass, the following month Piaffe, and always from the perspective of the athletic demand and appropriated body coordination. The false belief that one movement prepares the other limits horses and render more sophisticated movements inaccessible for most horses and riders. On the contrary, when the focus is on educating and coordinating the horse’s physique for the athletic demand of the performance, horses can perform as far as their athletic abilities permit.
Wisdom 3 creates a paradox. Dressage movements that cripple the horse when performed with a dysfunctional physique became the most efficient physical therapy when the horse’s physique is developed and coordinated for the effort.
Jean Luc.

If you are in the market for a new saddle, you owe it to your horse to demo ride in a Macel and feel the difference of w...

If you are in the market for a new saddle, you owe it to your horse to demo ride in a Macel and feel the difference of what everyone is talking about!!!
I'm scheduling bookings demo/order fittings now!
My new website is relaunching this week but until then - Pm, email, call or text! A few models are here for limited time only, don't miss out on the experience to try one!
Please feel free to repost/cross share.

Macel makes incredible dressage saddles, but they also create an unparalleled jumping saddles!If you want the edge in yo...

Macel makes incredible dressage saddles, but they also create an unparalleled jumping saddles!
If you want the edge in your training and riding, contact me to book a demo! You won't believe the difference in your horse! Some models will only here for limited time so pm, email, call or text me before some get sent back to the states!
Please feel free to share and cross post.

Riders who never think for themselves, are easy to manipulate.  Don't be fooled; invest in knowledge, Science of Motion,...

Riders who never think for themselves, are easy to manipulate. Don't be fooled; invest in knowledge, Science of Motion, and try a really good saddle.

“Knowing how to think empowers you far beyond those who know only what to think.” (Neil deGrasse Tyson) In saddle fittin...

“Knowing how to think empowers you far beyond those who know only what to think.” (Neil deGrasse Tyson)
In saddle fitting, you are told what to think. To choose the right saddle you need to know how to think, how the horse's physique effectively functions, and how the meaning of the same words evolves with knowledge. Jean Luc

Ronda L Hanning
As I reflect on what we are learning and what I have learned over the years from the Science of Motion, it is clear to me that WORDS MATTER. The words we use form images and meanings that lead to actions. Our riding ancestors, many who were brilliant, sensitive, intuitive riders, used words to describe their experiences to others. Others interpreted these words and gave them meanings according to their understanding of horse physiology and psychology. These words and meanings were used to develop teaching and training methods. The teaching and training methods were developed and canonized. I am sure many of the early Masters would be shocked at how their words have been turned into training techniques that are limiting and destroying horses and riders. It is like the game of telephone. Each time words are repeated they change and with them their meaning changes. Eventually, the new words barely relate at all to the original words. By updating our words and the meaning the words have as we gain new knowledge and understanding of horse physiology and psychology, we keep the words meaningful, accurate and relevant. As Jean Luc says, the era of Biomechanics is over. If we stay stuck there, our words relating to Biomechanics will begin to go from words that explain to words that entomb or enslave the horse. This is the era of Biotensegrity. The words related to this era are accurate, relevant and provide solutions and understanding to help horses and riders. At some point, a new era will emerge and we must be ready to step into it or the era of Biotensegrity will begin to degrade and distort our understanding. If we are not moving forward we are moving backward. Nothing ever stays the same.

First, we believe that the horse responds to our aids, the hand, the whip. We have already evolved from the traditional ...

First, we believe that the horse responds to our aids, the hand, the whip. We have already evolved from the traditional paradigm and started understanding how the horse’s physique functions. We are at the age of Biomechanics (Right picture.)
Then science explains that the body functions as a whole, that interactions of forces, storage, and efficient use of elastic energy are the essence of gaits and performances. A significant part of this results from the horse’s willingness, mental processing, and physical intelligence. We are at the age of Biomechanics- Tensegrity (Middle picture).
Science explains in deeper detail, and the whole paradigm shifts. The horse is much more sensitive, subtle, willing, and involved than our predecessors believed. Our value is our knowledge, our understanding of the performances’ athletic demands, and our respectful and refined body language guiding the horse’s mental processing and physical intelligence toward efficient body coordination. We are at the age of biotensegrity. Tissues don’t function as previously believed, and we must rethink what we think we know (Left picture).
PAB is advanced, pertinent, very well explained, and immensely educative. The beauty of the illustrations, numerous videos, and large diversity of the approaches contribute to the uniqueness of the Science of Motion’s new online course.
The course starts July 15 with a weekly discussion. All the studies and videos are recorded, allowing you to join the class anytime.
Join us. Contact [email protected]
Jean Luc at, [email protected]

Jump in style, comfort, and benefit from the legendary stability of the Macel saddles. The two Macel Rafale Contact will...

Jump in style, comfort, and benefit from the legendary stability of the Macel saddles.
The two Macel Rafale Contact will be presented in July in the Upperville area, Virginia. Contact Cherie Turner at, [email protected]

When a saddle is excellent, chimeral talk is no need. Try the new Macel Rumba S and you and your horse can feel the diff...

When a saddle is excellent, chimeral talk is no need. Try the new Macel Rumba S and you and your horse can feel the difference.
Contact Jean Luc at, [email protected]
July 1rst Cherie Turner, >[email protected]< will present the New Macel Rumba S in the Upperville area, VA.

When a saddle is good, you place the saddle on the horse. Seat on it, and the saddle sells itself.In July, contact Cheri...

When a saddle is good, you place the saddle on the horse. Seat on it, and the saddle sells itself.
In July, contact Cherie Turner, [email protected] Upperville, Va
to try one.







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