What a trip! Trailer tire blow out in Stanger, Tx. Changed it myself with the power drill that Audra loaned me for the trip. Bought 2 new tires in Ft Worth. Helped with the AGHA classes at the Appy Worlds. Watched some great runs. Then on to Stanley , NM to visit Rose. Two flat tires on the trailer in Boyd, Tx. Two more new tires. Then the right front tire of the truck explodes off the truck at Bellevue, Tx! Towed back to Bowie, Tx after dark. Stayed in a very sketchy motel next to the Tire store till Saturday morning, happy to have my two Dobermans with me at this point. Good news; Cross Tire found the blown off tire inside a substation and got the power company to open the station and retrieve my tire. Then they had to Find lug nuts. They got me back on the road by 2 pm on Saturday to the cost of $1,400 with another two new tires because they didn’t have a matching tire for the one Blown off. On to Stanley, NM where I had great visit with Rose and her wonderful
Husband Ben. They have a beautiful 166 acres with the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen. Uneventful 17 hour drive home. Thank you God for making the best of a hard trip.