Magz Wagz Wagazine July 2024
BARKING NEWS! Magz Wagz Dog Walking first ever Wagazine is out! We've got some updates and info we need you to know!
Check it out at !
#BarkingNews #MagzWagz #Wagazine #dogwalking #charleston #chssc #dogwalkersofcharleston
It's another cute af week round-up! 🐾💜
#dogwalkersofig #dogwalkersofchs #magzwagzchs #MagzDogz #magzmeows #dog #chs #charleston
Reason No. 256 & 257 why I love my job: pibble kisses 🐾💜
#reason #reasons #pibble #pibblekisses #Tuesday #thankfultuesday #reels #digitalart #dogsofinstagram #dogs #magzwagz #magzwagzchs
Good fences make good neighbors 🐾💜
#weekend #wiggles #goodfences #goodneighbors #dogsofinstagram #MagzWagzChs
Well call me jelly and slap me between two #GreatDanes bc I do believe we have a floofer sammich on our hands! 🐾💜
#sammich #jelly #reels #digital #creator #dogsofinstagram #magzwagzchs
It's #WagWednesday ! Get your wag on! 🐾💜
#Wednesday #wag #MagzWagz #MagzWagzChs #tailwagging #reels #contentcreator #digital
Turns out...hooman legs are not as soft as cushions🐾💜
#move #shake #hooman #bloodhoundsofig #bloodhoundsofchs #MagzWagzChs
Peep this cutie looking both ways before we cross the street 🐾💜
The doggos definitely got excited about treats from @tailswagonchs at the March Muttness kickoff event🐾💜
When the hooman won't LEAVE you alone about making reels...
#dogreel #dogreels #hooman #leave #leaves #fallingleaves #leavemealone #frenchieboston #MagzDogz #MagzWagz #getmorewagzwithmagz #morewagz #lessworries #dogwalkersofinstagram #dogwalkers #dogwalkersofig #dogwalkersofcharleston #dogwalkersofchs #Charleston #CharlestonSC #CHS #ChsSC
Rainy day walkies🐾💜
#rainyday #rainrain #rainraingoaway #dograincoat #dograincoats #puddlehopping #rainydays #MagzDogz #MagzWagz #getmorewagzwithmagz #morewagz #lessworries #dogwalkersofinstagram #dogwalkers #dogwalkersofig #dogwalkersofcharleston #dogwalkersofchs #Charleston #CharlestonSC #CHS #ChsSC