I’m going to allow me to give you some small tips for the owners who have their Corso Cane italian puppies for the first time.
The breed of Cane Corso dog is extremely intelligent and very easy to train, given the deep love he feels towards his owner and his immense desires to please him, he is an animal with an active character, its behavior is docile and affectionate with his family.
He has a calm personality when he is at home and with a very stable temperament. This dog knows what his role is and what 0his responsibilities are, so that he does not disperse or entertain himself with anything, never shows a tendency to escape or elope, and always stays close to the house, controlling everything that happens around him.
Selected and bred for hundreds of years a working animal to live with people and other animals, is not a quarrelsome dog or looking for confrontation, but when necessary it becomes a real beast to defend his own properties until the end, without being intimidated by anything and nobody.
Fun, active and dynamic, this dog can be used in a large number of activities, families who like to go out in the field or do some sport find in it a perfect companion, the best breed Cane Corso italiano.
It is clear that this is not the ideal pet to live in an apartment in the center of the city, but it adapts quite well if the necessary exercise is facilitated. On the other hand, it is not noisy at all, since it only barks when considered strictly accurate.
Energy: High level. He has a lot of energy and is very active.
Temperament: Very loyal, docile and obedient, behaves very affectionately and active with his family, is very brave and vigilant. Guardian of property, family and livestock, is very agile and responsible.
Adaptability: Medium / high. It can adapt to life in an urban environment, but its natural habitat is the countryside and open spaces surrounded by nature.
Sociability: Medium / High. He loves his master and gets along very well with children, but he is quite suspicious of strangers.
Health: Good. Due to its dimensions, it shows a tendency to suffer joint problems.
Longevity: Live an average of 10 to 12 years, which is high compared to other races of this size.
Utility: versatile. Basically it is a dog guard and defense, but also company.
Use: guard, protection, company, police dog and tracking dog.
Traditional "True" Cane Corso puppies for sale
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