Taylor pointing a wild covey of bobs on a guided hunt in McLean.
Another successful day of training! We took a total of 16 dogs, all have had multiple finds the past two days. We are seeing coveys with numbers of 25 plus birds getting up. Dog on point Pete, dog backing is Anna.
Zeus, pointing a nice sized covey
Zoy on point and Jet backing, Richie Rogers, and I had an outstanding day. Blessed to be able to work dogs on wild birds Texas quail population is back!!!
Another outstanding morning on wild birds. If you have a young dog that needs started, a dog that needs broke, or just a tuneup and conditioned I have a couple of spots open. Your dog will be worked on wild quail not liberated, Jonny house birds, or pigeons. It’s not every year I can offer training solely on Texas wild bobs. If I can help in anyway let me help you bring out the most in your hunting companion.
We moved 3 really nice size coveys this evening in less than 30 minutes. It was a little warm but absolutely nothing better than great dog work on wild birds!!
Little Cricket, is learning to trust her nose and getting exposed to the starter pistol. Looking forward to seeing what this young females future holds.
Richie Rogers and I had an outstanding morning training young dogs. The frost on the ground made scenting conditions much better!
Jets retrieve in the call back. Branched Oaks
Nice size covey of wild bobs that hang around the house. Texas is looking excellent this year
This is a pretty cool video of wild quail that really should be appreciated. Texas is looking excellent this year!!!
2 month old Cricket, is super proud of her introduction to her first pigeon.