Pawsh: Grooming, Spa, and Care

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Pawsh: Grooming, Spa, and Care Pawsh is a pet care business based in Garfield, AR. Services include grooming, boarding, and daycare.

Some of our fav guests were featured on a Stor Mor post…they love our neighbors and so do we!!! If you’re looking for a ...

Some of our fav guests were featured on a Stor Mor post…they love our neighbors and so do we!!! If you’re looking for a metal building or carport these guys are awesome!!! Come see them…and us!

Big Charlie is still looking for his forever family. Aside from his size there isn’t much about this big dude that doesn...

Big Charlie is still looking for his forever family. Aside from his size there isn’t much about this big dude that doesn’t make for the perfect pup. He’s mischievous, sweet, spunky, walks well on a leash, and loves nothing more than to snuggle up with someone on the couch. Love you some big dog love - come meet Charlie. I promise you won’t be disappointed!!!

𝑭𝑶𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑺𝑷𝑶𝑻𝑳𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻: 𝑭𝒖𝒓𝒚 🩷… A little over a month ago this beautiful girl showed up at a friend’s house. She had a pretty ...

𝑭𝑶𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑺𝑷𝑶𝑻𝑳𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻: 𝑭𝒖𝒓𝒚 🩷… A little over a month ago this beautiful girl showed up at a friend’s house. She had a pretty large hole on her side and was understandably exhausted and hungry. She had clearly been thru it. Because of her high energy she couldn’t stay with them - so she came to hang with us at the shop. She’s been vetted, her wound is completely healed, and she’s gotten a clean bill of health. I have contacted a few different search and rescue organizations and a few of the police departments in the area to inquire if they know of any organizations that could use a highly motivated Malinois mix, but no luck yet. If you or anyone you know has any ideas, I’m putting this out in the think tank to seek some help placing this gorgeous girl. She needs a job and unfortunately there is only so much we can do in our environment to keep her stimulated. I want to get her somewhere more suitable before she goes stir crazy. Any ideas - send us a dm today! And please share her!!

Listen I’m not saying that doggy daycare is good for the dog soul…but this is how most of them end the day on the way ho...

Listen I’m not saying that doggy daycare is good for the dog soul…but this is how most of them end the day on the way home. Not only the physical stimulation but the emotional stimulation of daycare really tuckers them out. And let’s be honest there’s nothing like a tuckered out pup!!! Wait you say you want a tuckered out pup too??? Send us a dm or message us at 479.385.7187 today!

𝑭𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒕𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕: 𝑫𝒆𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒓 (𝑨𝑲𝑨 𝑫𝒆𝒏𝒏𝒚) This sweet boy is Denver. We got Denver from a client when they were going thru som...

𝑭𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒕𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕: 𝑫𝒆𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒓 (𝑨𝑲𝑨 𝑫𝒆𝒏𝒏𝒚)
This sweet boy is Denver. We got Denver from a client when they were going thru some family changes and they could no longer care for him. Denver has always had some fairly severe allergies and skin issues but when they recently got out of control his body started fighting the muscle tissue of his head and jaw. The name for this auto immune issue is masticatory muscle myositis. It causes muscle wasting on the top of the head and jaw causing further pain, difficulty eating, lockjaw and other inflammatory responses. A protocol of consistent intermittent steroid therapy is used to keep the symptoms at bay, but as with most auto immune issues there is no cure. The silver lining is that as long as he is on steroids, his skin issues seem to be in remission as well.

Denver is available for adoption to the right adopter. He is a sweet, sweet dude. He’s not too active and would love nothing more than to nap on your lap all day. Anyone interested in adopting him needs to understand that these medical issues will be a life long struggle for him. Steroids aren’t too expensive but he will need intermittent vet care and testing to make sure his body is handling the therapy well. Especially since he is a medical case, I’d love for him to have a home, couch and family of his own. I will be very choosey as he is our sweet boy and deserves the best home who can handle his health issues. If you or someone you know may be interested in meeting Denver, please dm us here, or email us at [email protected]. And as always - please share him!!!

New York peeps! Please consider opening your home to this boy. It would admittedly be a hospice situation but he deserve...

New York peeps! Please consider opening your home to this boy. It would admittedly be a hospice situation but he deserves a chill place to spend his last days.

The 7brewcoffee crew on 2nd and Hudson always hook the pups up with all the love! If you’re near there today stop by and...

The 7brewcoffee crew on 2nd and Hudson always hook the pups up with all the love! If you’re near there today stop by and get you some coffee and a pup cup for your baby! They are all about the pup love 💕

The more you know!

The more you know!


Your weekly bath time selfie brought to you by Pawsh. You may think that short haired pups don’t need baths. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “I have a lab - my dog doesn’t need grooming”. Untrue! Is your dog’s skin flaky? Do they smell like dirt? Are they shedding crazy? That’s because the coat and skin need cleansing and conditioning. Dead undercoat needs to be removed so your pet’s skin can breathe. How do those nails look? Be honest with yourself! Long nails can irreparably change your pet’s posture and gait causing earlier onset of arthritis. It can also restrict their movement - the less they move the less tone in their muscles. Listen I could talk til I’m blue in the face but the bottom line is ALL dogs benefit from grooming. If your pup could use some sprucing, hit us up for an appt today.

Heeeey! Did you know that everyone you refer gets you 50% off your next groom? Yep! Every. Single. One. That means if tw...

Heeeey! Did you know that everyone you refer gets you 50% off your next groom? Yep! Every. Single. One. That means if two people say you referred them - that’s a free groom!!! Wanna know more? Hit us up today!!!



When animals arrive at North Texas Wildlife Center (and rehabbers in general), there is a transfer that occurs.

I call it the transfer of burden. Hear me out, I don't mean it in a negative way. I just don't know how else to word it.

The transfer of burden occurs when you, the finder, hands me the animal. You did a great job saving them- your job is done. Now, we must care for them. We pour our time, energy, love, and resources into the animals brought to us. The weight of survival rests on our shoulders.

We wake up and feed them throughout the night. We rush to the vet, administer fluids, medication, critical care, specialized foods, sometimes hand feeding or tube feeding around the clock. We clean up blood, p**p, throw up, worms, and more. We clean wounds, we patiently work around stressed animals, animals that are hard wired to fear and hate us. We lean against the wall and slide down it, hands in our face, sobbing when we lose the battle. We beat ourselves up, questioning every decision, diagnosis, medication, meal, and so much more.

Your bravery and kindness were not in vain; compassion was felt. Suffering was spared. A chance was given. A reminder of the profound impact of even the smallest and simplest act of kindness, human empathy.

Tonight, I lean against the wall, sliding down with my hands in my face. One battle was lost but there are many more ahead, and many more victories to come.

Rest in peace little guy, thank you so much for the opportunity to love you.

UPDATE: REUNITED!!She was covered in fleas and got a good flea and tick bath. She also ate and drank a TON and is going ...


She was covered in fleas and got a good flea and tick bath. She also ate and drank a TON and is going to a foster to adopt home this evening. If anyone knows anything about this little girl please let us know asap!!!

Avoca, Garfield, and northwest Rogers peeps. Little white, fluffy, poodleX, intact female found at the Dollar General in Avoca. No chip. Super sweet and jumped right in my car. She’s VERY warm and dehydrated. If she’s yours we will be at the shop until 6 today. Please share her so we can get her home.





🇺🇸Happy 5th of July everyone!!🇺🇸 I’d have posted yesterday but let’s be honest, with 20+ dogs here to play with, feed, and clean up after, and fireworks and thunderstorms to drown out, there just wasn’t much time. And because no good deed goes unpunished, please enjoy this video (sound on!) of me taking a 5 minute break while one of the pups howls because he is feeling some sort of way about how he’s being treated (or was displeased about yesterdays movie choice for breakfast) Also in related news, I actually have no idea who the howler is. It’s been 3 days and every time I try to sneak over and catch him or her - the noise stops. So now they are gaslighting me as well. So excuse me while I sit quietly, drink coffee, and think about my life choices 🥹😂 . We are at the shop until 6-ish today if yall need anything. And have a safe and fun weekend!!!



And what is wrong with people??? Anyone have any ideas???

And what is wrong with people??? Anyone have any ideas???

So, Happy Update 1* for you all on the eve of the holiday all dogs hate. Annie, the tiny puppy some jackwagon** shot in the head, is doing phenomenally well and gets to leave the hospital and go home this afternoon. She has lots of follow up care to go to be sure, but she is going to go on to live a normal and happy life. Thank you all for your help and your well wishes.

*Happy update on Archer the dog whose foot was caught in the steel jaw trap is coming.

** Strongest word I can use and keep it outside the NSFW realm. Also who shoots an Ewok? I pray for gravity to selectively reverse on just that guy and let him get sucked into outer space instantaneously.

This little guy was found roaming around Centerton. He is chipped but she hasn’t been able to get a hold of his family. ...

This little guy was found roaming around Centerton. He is chipped but she hasn’t been able to get a hold of his family. He was in pretty rough shape soooooo he came in for a spa day this weekend. Here’s the before and after ❤️❤️❤️ He felt so much better!! Now I just hope he gets home soon!!!

I went shopping last night and realized that pretty much everything you need to know about me was right there in my cart...

I went shopping last night and realized that pretty much everything you need to know about me was right there in my cart. 1. I eat cake because it’s someone’s birthday somewhere 2. Again - cake 3. Milk is my favorite drink. My mama made us drink milk with every meal to be sure to keep our bones healthy (also its balances out the cake) and 4. The entire right side of that basket is for the dogs. I routinely make my pup, and the foster dogs human grade food to add to the top of their kibble. I also add salmon and sardines and whatever else will help their skin and coat. Gently cooked human grade food is much easier for your pets to digest and gives them good fats and nutrients that help keep them healthy. I’ve been told I spoil them - DAMN RIGHT I DO! Anyway…I’m sure you couldn’t care less about my shopping cart BUT all this to say I spare no expense when I care for my pups and foster pups and I make sure that my team shows the same care, compassion, and concern for your kiddos. We love your pets and want them to feel safe, comfy, and cared for while you’re away. So whether they are staying with us for a few days, hanging for daycare, or getting groomed we promise they will be well cared for. Need some grooming or care for your pet? Give us a shout, send us a dm, or text/call 4793857187 to make a reservation today!


Hey you….yeah YOU! Have you looked at your pets’ nails lately? Are they clicking on the ground? If they are they are probably putting pressure on those adorable little toe beans. Do their ears smell? Are they itching them? They may have ear mites or wax build up or worse - an ear infection. Have you felt your pets’ coat? Is it gritty or waxy? Baths help exfoliate the skin and remove old oil just like they do for us. Baths help keep their skin and coat fresh and healthy and stimulate growth of new coat. Double coated dogs need to blow their old undercoat just to let their skin breathe. An excess of old undercoat can lead to overheating especially in these brutal temps. Listen longer story shorter - there are a lot of things that grooming can do to help keep your pet healthy and happy, but we can’t help unless you make an appointment. If your pet could use some grooming love - send up a dm or give us a call/text today at 4793857187. Or even better - drop in and say hey. Bring your pets along for free belluh rubs - for them not you 😂 💕

Pawsh is a pet care business based in Garfield, AR. Services include grooming, boarding, and daycare.

Pupdate!!! A few of Poppy’s pups - Lady G and Violet are here getting baths today - yes - yes - they are huge. And they ...

A few of Poppy’s pups - Lady G and Violet are here getting baths today - yes - yes - they are huge. And they are only 5.5 MONTHS old. BUT they are sooooooo fluffy when they are all blown out 😍😍😍. Double coated dogs need baths and blow outs more than you’d think to keep their coats in good working order. If your pup needs a good deshed or blow out…hit us up!

Hey Avoca and Garfield peeps. This adorable girl is Dixie. She’s an escape artist and is missing from the Posey Mountain...

Hey Avoca and Garfield peeps. This adorable girl is Dixie. She’s an escape artist and is missing from the Posey Mountain area in Avoca/Rogers. She’s the sweetest and her family is missing her. Please keep an eye out for her!



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00




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