I know how much you guys love the pictures so here we are. Puppy Lima, puppy Bodaway, puppy Salili and K9 Hotah. We are enjoying the nice weather at Deception Pass , Wa
Blazing Dogs facilitates connections between individuals and their canine companions by acknowledging that people and dogs possess unique characteristics and learning styles. #blazingdogs #puppytraining #obediencetraining #servicedogtraining #dogtrainer
Trucker is commemorating his first birthday today, and it is incredible how swiftly the past year has elapsed. I distinctly recall the training sessions with Trucker when he was a puppy, and now he has attained the age of one. I am truly blessed to be sharing this joyful occasion with him.
Realigning canines on the bottom
In cases where a puppy's mouth is misaligned due to the incorrect eruption of canines, ball therapy may be recommended by a veterinarian. As the puppy still has its primary teeth, this therapeutic approach focuses on realigning the canines to prevent them from causing gum irritation, infections, and sores. Consequently, working closely with a veterinarian is crucial to provide the puppy with appropriate care and treatment. #blazingdogs #malinoispuppy #PuppyTraining #obediencetraining #veterinariancare
Submitting assignment and getting a compliment by your master instructor
After having had the puppy for only 15 hours, and successfully completing the tasks you were taught with the correct hand and body movements, be sure to note the day you receive a compliment from your instructor upon submitting an assignment. Even professional dog trainers continue to learn every day from other trainers from other countries and other states so they could be well-versed in handling the dogs they meet and executing the proper engagement with the puppy and dog.
Learning their names
The process of teaching a puppy their name or a dog their new name can be frustrating and confusing at times. Although we may expect them to instantly recognize their name once it's given, it's actually an ongoing experience that necessitates continued positive interaction. #blazingdogs #obediencetraining #puppytraining #malinoispuppy
This special puppy had no prior training, and we're attempting to find a name that suits her. One name in particular stands out as strong and resilient, much like her ability to overcome obstacles, while also being smooth enough to win over others who perceive her as a sweetheart. She's a remarkably fast learner. Having had her for less than 24 hours, I'm impressed by the significant amount she's already learned. It's truly noteworthy. I'm extremely proud of this puppy.
Gus (Stafford terrier mix), Trudy (Tripod  Chihuahua mix)and Patch (border collie)has been accepted into our customized program designed to help fear-based puppies and dogs. We look forward to guiding this puppy and its owners through a gradual and supportive process as they become more confident in their abilities.
Engaging in enjoyable activities with my service dog helps alleviate distress and fortify our partnership as a team. Additionally, incorporating recreational training elements reduces the risk of Service Dog burnout, allowing us to prioritize fun and non-medically focused training exercises.
Enjoying free time activities with my Service Dog
Statistics of training your potential service dog to getting professional help
#servicedogsupport #blazingdogs #obediencetraining #service dogs #servicedogintrainingpuppy