And this is the second litter I was talking about, for some reason Facebook won't let me share two videos in one post
I have 2 litters of bunnies that will be available in about two weeks! And two more small litters that were born this week, stay tuned for more updates!
After randomly stating "It's like 80° in there" in my last video, I got curious to know just how warm was it really? Let's see what my turkey thermometer says!
Winter Nest Box
People don't ask me this question personally but it is a question that tends to be quite popular in the various rabbit groups that I am in. Questions such as "How do you keep your rabbits warm in winter?"-"it's going to be 20° this week, should I bring them inside?"-"is it safe to breed during the colder months?" Etc. and the answer is simple, rabbits handle cold temperatures a LOT better than you give them credit for. It's the summer heat that you want to worry about, not the winter cold. Here I have some 3 day old naked little baby bunnies in 8° weather, and they are doing just fine. This video is mainly about how to prepare a nesting area for the momma to have her new babies in. If your adult rabbits are dry and out of the wind, proving them with straw and food/water is really all you need to do. The momma will take care of the babies, I do not need to intervene, I just need to provide her with the necessary materials such as food, water, windbreak, and a dry place to kindle.
4th and final part: Making eczema cream out of deer fat!
I will also type up some written instructions on how to turn the raw fat into tallow so that you don't have to wait a month for me to make it again. Enjoy!
Part 3: Making eczema cream out of deer fat.
I did end up adding a few more drops of essential oil to it as the scent wasn't very strong and that is the droplets you see on the top right there in the beginning of the video.
Part 2: Making eczema cream out of deer fat!
Part 1: Making eczema cream out of deer fat
Homemade wet cat food
Sadly I made this a while ago and didn't have the opportunity to record the instructions, but this wet cat food is some leftover rabbit scraps from my most recent harvest. I do not like to be wasteful and will find a way to utilize every last remaining bit of the animals I butcher.
After harvesting the meat from the carcass for myself (and my dog) the leftover bones go into the crockpot to make bone broth (something I imagine most of you all already know how to do). After straining out the broth I am left with all the soft bits such bone marrow and the flesh between the joints and any other crevices too small for my knife, etc. This gets frozen into small containers and viola, free cans of cat food. No, I do not feed my cats exclusively rabbit meat, they do get other sources of food on top of that, but the rabbits do make up a large chunk of their diet which reduces my grocery bill significantly.
And the purebred Flemish Giants! Only 5 days old and going strong!
F3s are doing great! Will update on the purebreds soon!
Happy Thanksgiving everybunny!