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Bit o Bling Bullies French Bulldogs

Through no fault of her own Eevee is back to looking for the perfect retirement home. This girl is sweet as can be, love...

Through no fault of her own Eevee is back to looking for the perfect retirement home. This girl is sweet as can be, loves everyone. All she asks is for a couch, a chair or a lap to curl up on and be doted on and spoiled. She is 3 years old, has been spayed and is up to date on vaccines. Let us know if you think you might be who she is looking for.

We just couldn't let this little fluffy boy go. At this point he has good structure and nice bone. Will he turn out like...

We just couldn't let this little fluffy boy go. At this point he has good structure and nice bone. Will he turn out like I hope he will ? Time will tell. I just see potential there and I have to give him a chance. So it's wait and see right now. 🩵

*All puppies have found homes*

*All puppies have found homes*

**All puppies have found homes **

**All puppies have found homes **

Dark chocolate 🩵

Dark chocolate 🩵

We have chocolate/tan Frenchie puppies. We are highly motivated to find these babies homes and will be letting them go f...

We have chocolate/tan Frenchie puppies. We are highly motivated to find these babies homes and will be letting them go for a very reasonable price as pets. They have been Vet checked and vaccinated, litter box trained and very sweet. We also offer 2 year genetic health guarantee.


There was a chocolate explosion at Bit o Bling. We have both light and dark coco 👀 for 🏡s. Sweet, happy puppies. Vet checked and vaccinated.

NEW PUPPY OWNERS…….As puppies head to their new homes I wanted to touch base on a common issue that breeders come across...


As puppies head to their new homes I wanted to touch base on a common issue that breeders come across with new owners.

Realistic Expectations

You see the breeders pictures and videos and The pups are all social. They are quiet in the pen. The breeder shows you videos of them being totally relaxed, happy, playful. All looks amazing and you bring your puppy home.

Then reality hits. The puppy may cry in the crate for the first few nights making you tired and agitated. The happy social puppy is refusing to greet the half dozen overly excited friends you invited over to see your new puppy. Or the overly excited playful children you have at home. The puppy refuses to walk on a leash. Many are wondering how did my perfect puppy turn into a nightmare.

So let’s discuss realistic expectations of when a puppy goes home. First of all the puppy has been in the breeders home since birth. They had their mother and often littermates. They had their routine, were taught expectations and were completely in their comfort zone.

Now suddenly they are taken to a totally new environment. Picture yourself being dropped into an unknown country, often in a different part of the world. You know only a few words of their language. Differnt trees, animals, smells, temperature and people. Now in the middle of this we are switching up your routine, decide to have a party with people you dont know, and ask you to do jobs you have no idea about. Overwhelming to say the least.

This is what every puppy goes through when going to their new home. Stress manifests in different forms. From not eating, reluctancy to play and greet people. Being apprehensive at the vet’s office or as strangers reach for them. Diarrhea, vomiting and depression can occur.

So what can you as a new owner do to help your little one acclimate?

- most puppies take 3-4 weeks to acclimate to their new home. Repeat after me THREE to FOUR WEEKS sometimes even Longer! Not a 1-2 days. I can’t stress this enough about how much time is needed for a dog or puppy to feel comfortable in their new home!
- limit guests during the first week. We understand you are excited to show off your new baby but they need time to adjust. Plan on waiting 1-2 weeks before inviting people over
- ask guest to sit on the ground and let the puppy approach them. No squealing and grabbing the puppy
- set up a good routine
- restrict the puppy to a small area of the house. This not only reduces them being overwhelmed but also allows you to watch them
- don’t expect a 8-13 week old puppy to walk on a leash. Instead work at home with a leash where they are comfortable. Let them drag the leash, use treats to encourage them to walk with you
- if your puppy is refusing to walk give them time. My first trips to town with puppies a walk around a small block took 1 1/2 hours. We only move when they initiate the movement as they need time to take in the different environment
- understand your puppy needs time to see you as family. Expecting an immediate bond is unrealistic
- train your puppy. This not only helps you to bond but the puppy to look to you for direction and input
-Potty training! Most all dogs no matter the breed cannot hold their bladder or bowels for very long. It can take at least 6 months of age before they can hold their potties for longer periods of time. So this is detrimental that you take them outside to go often. Like every half hour.
-Children are also big stressors to tiny fragile puppies, please keep an eye on puppy at all times when around children.
- lastly be patient. Don’t declare “omg there’s something wrong with this dog”. Nothing occurs overnight. Outings should be planned at puppy sp*ed. So while you might imagine a fun walk around the lake in reality your puppy might only be able to handle walking a short distance that day.

Most outings for me take a long time, as I am often just standing still as the puppy cautiously explores the new environment. Patience is key!

Remember if the puppy was wonderful at the breeder’s house but now is struggling, you as the owner, need to help the puppy adjust which takes time, patience and training. Have realistic expectations and give the puppy positive experiences. Each puppy is an individual, don’t compare your current puppy to past pets and judge their behavior based on how another dog handled things. Lastly, try to see thing’s from a puppy’s perspective and adjust situations accordingly.

Copied and shared...

Eevee's babies will be ready to leave the nest soon. When that happens she will be looking for the perfect retirement ho...

Eevee's babies will be ready to leave the nest soon. When that happens she will be looking for the perfect retirement home where she can get ALL the love and attention. She is a very sweet girl and has already been spayed. Salem OR

Puppies are growing. Will be ready for new 🏡 mid Sept. Salem OR

Puppies are growing. Will be ready for new 🏡 mid Sept. Salem OR

Eevee had her third and final litter yesterday two 🩷🩷 and 2 🩵🩵

Eevee had her third and final litter yesterday two 🩷🩷 and 2 🩵🩵



Kissmet and Mojo gave us 5 beautiful chocolate and tan babies today. Three boys and two girls 🩵🩵🩵🩷🩷

Kissmet and Mojo gave us 5 beautiful chocolate and tan babies today. Three boys and two girls 🩵🩵🩵🩷🩷


Need BEFORE breed 🙌

Through no fault of her own this sweet girl is  looking for a 🏡 again. She is very sweet and is fully vaccinated and Vet...

Through no fault of her own this sweet girl is looking for a 🏡 again. She is very sweet and is fully vaccinated and Vet checked. She also comes with a two year genetic health guarantee.


French Bulldogs are a favorite dog breed among American dog lovers. The demand for French bulldog puppies is on the rise, but with doggie adoption still low, costs remain high. On average, you should expect to pay anywhere from $1000-3000 for a French bulldog. But, one thing to remember is that thes...

Due to the way things are in the Frenchie world right now I am going to be significantly reducing my numbers. I have som...

Due to the way things are in the Frenchie world right now I am going to be significantly reducing my numbers. I have some older puppies that I will let go as pets only and a few adults that I will place with breeding rights. This has been a very hard decision for me but I feel it is for the best.

Four weeks old tomorrow and we have ears! 💙💙💙🩷🩷

Four weeks old tomorrow and we have ears! 💙💙💙🩷🩷

3 weeks old tomorrow. Time to start litter box training.

3 weeks old tomorrow. Time to start litter box training.

Fat babies

Fat babies

This one year old girl is 👀for a 🏡

This one year old girl is 👀for a 🏡


Before you get mind boggled when you hear the cost of a Bulldog, please take the time to educate yourself on what it takes to create this highly sought out breed. There is no SHORT version of "Why English and French Bulldogs cost so much". But we will try to break it down as painlessly as possible for all of us either breeding or buying.

What it takes to get you a happy healthy Bulldog to add to your family:

PHASE ONE] Its begins with "So you want to raise bulldogs"? You think its easy money? The first thing that needs to happen is that it takes purchasing two amazing healthy Bulldog puppies to some day in the future make those adorable faces. Those two puppies weren’t cheap either. We pay more for puppies with breeding rights than pet buyers do. We searched all over the country to find a reputable breeder with dogs of quality and health history. We will have paid at least $5,000.00, usually more just to get our first two dogs as puppies. But wait, it's not money in the bank yet. Even after the purchase there is NO guarantee that either dog will be able to produce and breed each other successfully. Its always a 100% risk. You will have to raise those puppies for 18 months or longer until around time of the females second heat. You will pay to have the males s***m collected and checked to see if he has enough to produce those babies. (What if he can't?) You start all over again with a new male or pay someone else to use their stud. Until this females 'second' heat happens and everyday before and years after , they require love, attention. You must feed them high quality food everyday, 365 days a year. I know I spend $50 per month per dog. I'll do the math for you and that is a total $1200.00 a year just to feed two dogs. Most breeders have more then two. They will have routine vet care, need a place to sleep, play and p**p. Not to mention someone has to clean up after them and constantly ensure them a good life. You can not half ass care for a bulldog and expect healthy litters in the future. IF your female can even get pregnant. Even then its no guarantee you have have a full healthy litter. She may not take and you spent all this money and no pups coming. No pressure right?

PHASE TWO] You want to have puppies? Are you SURE you know what you are in for? What’s the first step? Well if you don’t have your own male, you will have to pay for a stud to use. This will cost at least $500.00 up to $3,000.00 depending on a males color and pedigree and if he produces great puppies. He will be collected and if he isn’t yours or local a extender is added to keep those s***m alive. That breeder will race off to Fed Ex to get it to you overnight. You will pay the shipping which is average $150.00. You both begin to pray it gets delivered on time and s***m lived. What if it didn't? You might be completely screwed this heat cycle if you don't have a back up male close by. This is one small part of the journey to reproduce. We need to get back to the real matter of what will happen when the female begins her heat cycle long before the semen is even needed.

You will anxiously have to figure out what is the best day to use that expensive chilled tube of creation. Bulldogs do not procreate naturally. Mother Nature doesn’t take its course here. Expensive Progesterone tests are required and you can easily pay for 1-5 tests. You need to try your hardest to know the best day to breed. You need to figure out when this girl ovulated. Those tests can run $40 to $200 depending on the area you live in. Not to mention your time and running back and forth to the vet for blood draws and chewing your nails off waiting to hear results. There are not many vets that have that $5000.00 P4 machine to test her nor are they close by you. A bulldog breeder may have to drive two or more hours to a bulldog specialist vet. Try doing that 5 times!!

Here comes a sigh of relief! The day has arrived and she has hit her perfect number and is ready for the breeding. Grab your male or that box of magic that showed up on and off to the vet you go. She will under go either a AI (artificial insemination) or a SI (surgical insemination) to get that juice to her mature eggs. We will spend usually $250.00 to $1000.00 to surgically inject semen into her tubes. Add that to paying for that stud fee. Have you added this up yet just to get to today? Yes its several thousand dollars.

PHASE 3] Did she take? Did all this time, effort and money get us a litter on the way? What if she didn’t take? Sorry, no refunds and that money we just spent over the last 18 months is GONE! We have to wait six more months and try it again.

Around 30 days after the breeding we will go to the vet and confirm with a ultrasound. Those can run $40 to $200.00

(Have you been adding this up so far) We realize we skipped a lot more of expenses behind the scenes to get to this paragraph or you would be reading a novel. We don’t want you to lose your attention on the point we are trying to make. Moving on......

OK, the 30 day wait if over....SHE IS PREGNANT! We have to watch her close for another 30 days for any signs of problems. Making sure she gets the proper diet and care. We pray she stays pregnant and watch for all the risks of losing this litter.

PHASE 4] She is in LABOR, the excitement begins and off to the vet we go. Sometimes its 3 am in the middle night with a mandatory c-section. Most bulldogs can't give birth naturally and we don't risk her or the puppies trying. We can pay for a c-section anywhere from $350.00 to $4700.00 depending on the area and vet as well. Do you feel rich yet?

Congratulations.... The Babies are here!! Our new mom wakes up from delivery not knowing what the heck those little things are or what to even do with them. We try to get home as quickly as possible and get these babies warm and with a lot of assistance get mom to lay down and let them eat for the first time.

This is the official start of “Let the first two weeks begin” We will sleep right next to mom and babies. Wait, it’s more like NO SLEEP, 2 hr feedings, making sure babies p*e and p**p by wiping their bums. Did they get enough to eat? Are they staying warm on the heating pad? WHY do we have to be there? Bulldog Moms are clumsy and heavy. They will sit on them, accidentally kick them and will not care to make sure these fragile babies are latched and nursing. That is OUR full time job! We have to monitor them 24 hrs a day until their eyes are open, crawling around and can get to moms milk without assistance. We built a whelping box to try to help prevent mom from suffocating them by sitting or laying down. We stay next to them sometimes to three weeks of age. A bulldog puppy can crash fast for many reasons. They need to be kept warm with heating pads, heat lamps, blankets and towels that are changed daily. Babies may need to be in incubators with a oxygen concentrator as they do not regulate heat till 3 weeks of age. We can have tiny babies and they are high risk or water babies that have a high mortality rate. We are literally those babies lifeline and a bulldog with a milk bar! We need to know how to suction noses and throats. How many milk supplements and bottle or tube fee'd if mom struggles with milk supply.

PHASE 5] Let the p**p games begin. Four weeks old and they learn to eat puppy mush and water bowls. Here comes potty training. Toys, blankets, and still a lot of laundry each day keeping their area clean and fresh. Changing potty pads Rinsing out grass pads. Worming and shots, health check at the vet and micro chip them. Are you tired yet? Did you imagine it was this involved just to have a litter of puppies? No one does unless they are living it like we do.

NOW the dreaded time has come. its time to take all those cute photos and start advertising the search for the right approved family to take all of your hard work, effort and sleepless nights home.

How many people do we talk to before one is actually sold? We can't count. Why? Because of the same old question that starts the conversation.......

HOW MUCH??? Followed by WHAT? Why so much? Its a DOG!!!

Okay, take some deep breaths because here we go again with the same story that starts all over again for the 50th time this week. We start trying to explain just a hint of what we go through to even have a 8 wk old puppy for sale. The inquire usually ends with "I can't afford that" and they disappear with a thought of how much money we are making on just raising dogs. Don't forget those trying to buy one from us on their budget. Or the story of how they can't afford one, always wanted one and can we sell them one for the cost of a pair of shoes or even yet, give them one because the puppy would have the best life ever. NO, NO and NO. If you can't purchase a bulldog then you can't afford to properly care for one either. If you can't afford a trip to the vet for proper health care, more or less something serious, you need to get a cat. We don't work our butts off to take a discount and send this baby to a home that can't buy the grain free food it needs to be healthy. Sorry so harsh but its the truth.

Let’s finish things up now. We have made to the end of the road. The puppies have new homes. Once the puppies are sold, more work follows. We have to take each one for a vet health certificate. We spend a lot of time making sure the new family gets everything this baby needs and set up meeting or shipping each puppy. So we drive to the vets, drive to the airport, drive 3 hours to meet someone so they don't have to ship the puppy. More time, more money, more of our life.

So why do we do it? Just look at those faces. We see your faces too. We love to see you light up with excitement and love how much enjoyment our bulldog creation is going to change your family.

Finally!!!!!! We have all the puppies safely delivered to their new homes. Doesn't mean our job is done. We are still grinding away here each and every day taking care of the dogs that created those puppies. There is no break for us.

So what's next? We wait till the next female comes in to heat.....and REPEAT.
We have to be already getting new puppies now so they are old enough when your first female retires in under 5 yrs of age. It’s usually a 4 litter average and she could be done. I have new puppies by the time the female is 2 so I have two years to get the new puppy old enough to repeat the cycle.

(You want the LONG VERSION? We don't have the time, we have Bulldogs to raise and look after. Take care and take your time in finding your first or your next Bulldog) 🤗

Male and female 👀 for 🏡

Male and female 👀 for 🏡

Two males and two females

Two males and two females

Evee's girls.

Evee's girls.

Rosie's girl and two boys.

Rosie's girl and two boys.

Snuggle time 🤎

Snuggle time 🤎

5 new babies

5 new babies

We have some p*epers this morning

We have some p*epers this morning







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About Us

We have loved French Bulldogs for about ten years now. Our puppies are bred for Temperament, Health and Conformation. Our puppies are raised in our living room and are handled and played with daily. You puppy will go home with you Vet checked, vaccinated and micro chipped. Our goal is to provide you with a happy, healthy. well socialized puppy that will bring you many years of joy. The majority of our puppies are placed in pet homes, we very seldom let a puppy go with breeding rights. Puppies placed in pet homes WILL NOT come with AKC registration papers. We are happy to show you the parents registration papers so that you know you are getting a purebred puppy.